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Steamtown Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.7 
Number of comments: 612 [displaying comments 561 to 571]
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g. h. from Washington, DC (10/17/2003)
"Excellent marathon" (about: 2003)


Did this marathon last weekend and the organization was excellent. Thoroughly recommended.

My quads were about done in by mile 18 - I guess I didn't run the downhills appropriately and the uphills in the last 3 miles are tougher than the elevation chart makes them appear. So make sure you are prepared for hills... a great experience though..


A. B. from Newark, DE (10/16/2003)
"Great race! Watch the downhills" (about: 2003)


I prepared for this race with a couple of months of squats and lunges to strengthen my quads as well as weekly downhill sprints. It worked pretty well, but I guess I should have worked the calves as well because they were screaming from mile 18 on while my quads held up pretty well.

The first 8 miles are VERY fast, so be careful to pace yourself or it will be bad in the last 3 miles where the hills are going up instead of down. The course is not as fast as may be expected due to the pounding of the downs and then the ups near the end, but you should still run a PR here. I planned to shoot for 2:45 and was on pace at halfway, but the combination of the uphills and early abuse my legs took cost me almost 12 minutes in the second half dropping me to the high 2:50's! Be careful and conservative!

The organization and fan support is second-to-none here. Every little town the race passes through is out in force to cheer and support everyone. All of the organization went smoothly, the directors could not have done a better job!

The fall foliage is beautiful in the mountains in early October and there is a great train museum for the kids (and adults).

I will recommend this marathon to everybody!


J. L. from Downingtown, PA (10/15/2003)
"Great Boston-qualifier!!" (about: 2003)


A great race that I highly recommend - this was only my second marathon, but I took 11 minutes off my time, and qualified for Boston. I really like the point-to-point course - a lot of different scenery which makes it enjoyable. It is a fast race, and is downhill primarily for the first half, but I didn't think they were as bad as many had made them out to be. In fact, I managed negative splits by relaxing and taking it easy at the beginning. The run was very well-organized with plenty of volunteers. The fans were great, and the only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is that there are stretches without fans, which was fine for me, but may be harder for others. The only improvements I would recommend would be some type of energy gel on the course, and a wider corral at the finish. It was very cramped, and hard to get any food or water because of that. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable run!!!


a. f. from New York, New York (10/14/2003)
"Outstanding Experience!!!" (about: 2003)


This was my first marathon. I had entered the lottery for NYC, but did not get in initially, so I read reviews on this website and went for Steamtown. The downhills in the first 8 miles were not overwhelming, but should be respected as my quads began feeling like jello at mile 24. The course was scenic - the foliage was beautiful! Organization was marvelous. My super supportive family dropped me off at the start - no problems whatsoever with crowds/traffic. The start was at a high school which opened their gymn up to keep runners warm. Plenty of port-o-lets at the start. Crossed the start in about a minute lining up at the 9 min/mi point. Plenty of Gatorade/water stops (both at every one, although there were no gels or bars). The locals in the towns we ran through were great!

I was light on the training side going in and I knew it (only one 18-miler, two 16's, one 15...). I followed a program for the first-timer that called for two 18's and three 16's, but illness and a calf pull set me back a bit. Then I got sick five days before the race, but made a speedy recovery such that I was able to pull it out. The last five miles had some uphills, which were a killer for me due to my light training and illness. I fell off my pace a lot during this stretch but pulled out a 4:25 finish, which I can't complain about. I would highly recommend this race to any runner, especially a first-timer like myself. I was admitted to NYC as a late entry a few weeks ago and expect I will appreciate many aspects of Steamtown even more if I feel well enough to run NY. Great personal experience in a great race!!!


Paul Donati from Pennsylvania (10/13/2003)
"Best Mid-Sized Marathon" (about: 2003)


This marathon is organized for marathoners by marathoners. The attention to detail for what's best for the runners is excellent. The level of community involvement with race volunteers and fans at each small town the course runs through surpassed any I've seen before. My advice to runners is to experience this race... it's terrific! The course is mainly downhill and fast so train on similar terrain. There are some small hills very near the end so be ready. Also, the race organizers will warn you not to start out too fast just because the first half is downhill, but many runners do not heed the advice and suffer the consequences. I saw more runners crashing or continually stopping to stretch in the last 5-6 miles than any other race I've been in. This course is fast but there is no easy 26.2 mile race... respect the distance and you have an excellent chance of a PR here.


D. H. from Pittsburgh (10/13/2003)
"Top-Notch- Nearly Perfect" (about: 2003)


A great race got even better in 2003. How? Frequent email updates in the week or so before the race from the race director; a nice presentation at the expo by experienced runners; and nearly ideal weather. Everything about this race operates smoothly, and it has perhaps the best starting area amenities of any marathon (warm gym to hang out, massage available, adequate number of johns). The pasta dinner is above-average, for only $8.50. The course is truly beautiful, with pockets of spectators every few miles. My only complaint is minor- the race did not start at 8AM sharp, as promised, but was delayed due to a plethora of speakers.


Al Storie from Bowmanville, Ontario (10/13/2003)
"THIS EVENT...IS FRST CLASS" (about: 2003)


Running Pals:

The STEAMTOWN Marathon was AMAZING!!! When I read the comments from others I thought: "what will I think...NO ONE CAN SAY until I run it..." This event has EVERYTHING...Can you imagine MORE VOLUNTEERS THAN PARTICPANTS - 2500...The scenery was breathtaking...The BEST ROUTE...We ran through towns and they got right into it. One town had a sign: "Marathoners, Welcome to the WILD WILD WEST" The townspeople were dressed up in a western theme...I can`t say enough about my day running the Scranton Marathon...

ONE COMMENT...RESPECT THOSE DOWNHILLS...I am coming back to Scranton next year and I will train on DOWNHILLS... The 7 hours drive is well worth it... There were 35 Canadians...COME ON CANADA...COME TO SCRANTON...You will have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE

Many people who have run Chicago, Marine Corps, Boston, New York prefer this marathon I thought HOW??..I can see why now...I CAN`T SEE HOW THEY COULD IMPROVE ON THIS EVENT!!! I ran Marine Corps in 2001...THANK YOU SCRANTON...I shall return!

Running Pal AL


T. E. from Dunmore, PA (9/25/2003)
"Outstanding Event" (about: 2002)


This event is a joy. Steamtown is the only marathon that I hated to see come to an end.


G. M. from Short Hills, New Jersey (9/8/2003)
"Great small-town warmth - fast course" (about: 2002)


If you read the other runner's comments you will have heard about the downhill sections. In the early miles it can be 'foot slappingly' steep. I read the same comments myself and held back a bit too much in the early miles. Fearing destroying my quads, I held back instead of releasing. Cost me at least 5 or 6 minutes. Train on long downhill sections then finish with a series of uphills to mimic race conditions. Also remember the course uses a few miles of trails, so get used to running on looser surfaces and wood chips (argh!).

The race is carefully organized and it seems like everyone wants to participate. In addition to the 13 water/Gatorade stops, there is an abundance of informal water stops, bananas, oranges... you name it. I never lacked food or drink on the course.

Don't be deceived by the course map; the late miles include some nasty hills, and the road surfaces are a little tougher as you go through the industrial sections.

Watch the mile markers. One seemed to be out of place and it threw off some peoples' pacing. The first few hundred yards are very steep leading into a narrow street. If you are interested in shaving time, don't get caught with the pack or you will have difficulty making ground here, and it can easily cost you a minute.

Good Luck


A Runner from dover de (12/13/2002)
"Good small city marathon!!" (General Comments)


This was my first marathon back in my home state of PA. I've been living outside the state for 20 years and have run marathons in 4-5 other states. It was a great homecoming. The course is very fast, and the first 1-2 miles is very steep. Consciously I held myself back and still ran a 6:45 first mile. As mentioned through out the crowds are very supportive and it's a great community participative event. The two hills, the first being the shorter and steeper of the two with the second being longer and gradual are deceptive. Ran a pr (3:10) but not as fast as I hoped. Can't blame the race, need to train on those down hills to get your quads used to the abuse. I hope to come back again


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