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Disney World Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 818 [displaying comments 411 to 421]
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K. O. from Colorado (1/16/2007)
"all about the $$$" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Disney World Marathons

I'm a third-time Disney runner, and this was my 16th marathon overall.

A common theme regarding Disney races always seems to be the large amount of cash spent vs. the value received, and I finally have to give my opinion here....

To charge Goofy runners almost $200 to run both races (with NO discount) was bad enough, but to not throw a Goofy finisher's shirt into our packets was worse. To top it all off, Goofy shirts conveniently being offered for sale at the expo (for $34) almost screams "rip off"....

So Disney reads all these complaints/suggestions, and what do they do? They raise next year's Goofy entry fee to $225 and throw in a "free" Goofy finishers shirt.

Good grief....

I'll come back next time after I win the lottery....


M. I. from Tyler, Texas (1/16/2007)

2 previous marathons

No water; no ice; no food. Finished the race... got my medal... but I'm not in the standings? What happened? All my split times show, but not my finishing time! Very upset. Even though I'm not world-class and came in at the bottom of the barrel, I'd like to have my name in the rankings. Not happy with this marathon at all.


G. H. from East Haddam, CT (1/16/2007)
"I'll Be Back" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

First off, congratulations to all the runners. I had fun meeting and talking with many of you during the race weekend. This was my first Disney World marathon, and I'll likely be back next year. Many of you have already submitted great reviews, so I thought I'd try to share my thoughts on some of the more common topics.

Support: The volunteers were phenomenal - I think everyone would agree on that. Water was available about every mile, along with PowerAde (at full strength too - not that 10:1 watered-down stuff you get at most races). Based on comments from other runners, it sounds like some of the stations ran out of liquids towards the end of the race. There's no excuse for that, especially given Disney's resources. And it was doubly irresponsible in light of the high temperatures. However, I didn't have any of the bad experiences that others have described. I'm a back-of-the-pack Clydesdale, so I'm used to aid stations running out of water. Heck, I'm even accustomed to having to dodge traffic past mile 20 because all the volunteers and safety folks have already packed up and left. I finished the race in a little under 5:30, and my friend finished just inside of 6 hours. For both of us, as slow runners, this race was by far our best experience in terms of support. Every water station that we hit was still well-stocked with water and PowerAde. The gel station not only still had gels, but we were able to choose from among multiple flavors. The same thing happened at the chocolate station, and since both candy and gels weren't available until late in the race, we were happily surprised by the treats. Fruit was also available when we hit that station, and thank God the Tylenol lady was also still handing out her magic pills as we went by her near mile 18. Even after my friend limped over the finish line nearly six hours after he'd started running, we were still able to grab entire armloads of treats from a tent near the exit without waiting in line.

The Cost: It's expensive, there's no doubt about that. Everything associated with Disney is expensive - the minute you step onto Disney property Mickey and Minnie grab you by the ankles, flip you upside down, and then shake you until all the money falls out. I expected that going in, but since it's off-season, I was able to find plenty of ways to cut costs. For example, my wife and I went with another couple, and we were able to rent an entire four bedroom house with a pool and a spa ten minutes from Disney World for less than what it would have cost us to stay at one of the Disney resorts. Our two small kids loved having their own pool to splash around in, and since we had a full kitchen, we were able to prepare a lot of our own meals.

Staying On-Site: Despite the early start, I don't agree that you need to stay on Disney property. In fact, to help keep costs down, I'd advise against it. My wife had no trouble driving right into the Epcot lot at 4:45 a.m. and dropping us off about an hour before the start (although I can't say that she enjoyed getting up that early on her vacation).

The Expo: I couldn't judge the expo as either good or bad compared to the other races I've done. I would say it was average, but honestly, the expos all seem the same to me. Frankly, I could do without the expos at these races altogether. They always put the packet or t-shirt pickup near the back, the same way a grocer puts the milk and eggs as far from the front door of his store as possible. You have to wind your way through the same booths with the same folks selling the same stuff. I'd rather Disney made it easier to just grab your stuff and get the heck out of there.

The bottom line is that if you're a serious or semi-serious marathoner and you're looking for a race where you're the focus of attention by an entire city or town for an entire weekend, or if you'd like to be inspired by scenery and fans along the course the entire way, or if you prefer to run primarily in the company of other well-trained racers, then there are many, many better choices for you out there. Perhaps you might consider running Disney once to check it off your list, but I wouldn't recommend it for you otherwise.

If, on the other hand, you'd like to take a trip to Disney World and you're looking for a good time of year to go, scheduling your trip around this race is a great choice. Knowing that you've got 26.2 or 13.1 on the horizon will help motivate you to stick with your exercise plan during the weeks leading up to your vacation. This event is also a good choice if you're on the slower side and you're tired of being treated like a doormat in other races. You'll have lots and lots of company with the rest of us 5-hour-plus folks chugging along the course at Disney, and there should be plenty of support (water, gels, etc.) along the way.

Finally, I have to put in a little plug for the kids' races. You need to go to the sports complex to pick up your packet anyway, so if you have young kids, a fun idea is to schedule your packet pickup around the kids' races on either Friday or Saturday. My wife and I took our toddler, and even though it was all pretty silly and he only "ran" about 200 meters, it was really inspiring to see so many other parents out there trying to get their kids excited about running and about exercise in general.


B. G. from Fairfield County, CT (1/15/2007)
"Both the best and worst of Disney" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons

The event shows off the best and worst of Disney. Running through the parks is a hoot. You feel like a featured performer in a park parade. BUT, you have to run six miles on a dull, lifeless highway and overpasses to get there. The staff and characters show up to cheer you on - again a hoot, but in the end, it is all about Disney and not the runners. They want us out of their parks before the tourist swarms, so they "demand" that you be there and ready to run by 4 a.m. Your are rewarded with no food or drink but a patch of pavement intended for an SUV. Agree, the expo was lame and small. There were times I wondered why Disney went through the trouble of organizing this thing until I remember the classic Disney motivation: money, money, money. They got lots of mine.

Did the Goofie and can now cross that one off the "life list." Frankly, I though the half was dull, dull, dull.

Might try the full again in a few years but think I'll pass on Goofie and the half.

The most unusal thing is that is was NOT well organized. That was the one thing I thought Disney had perfected. But, even the chaos of New York is better thought out than this event. Early call, long bus rides, long walk to a long wait to get to start area a long way from the holding "lot."

All this does not prevent a sell-out and running under the ball at Epcot and castle at Magic Kingdom explain its popularity. But its charm stops there.


S. L. from TX (1/15/2007)
"Went Goofy in 2007" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 2 Disney World Marathons

Ran 2005 marathon and just finished the 2007 Goofy Challenge.

We stayed on Disney property, and went to the expo on Friday around 1 p.m. No problems; got our "did it" t-shirts, as we knew from experience if we didn't get them at the expo we probably weren't going to get them.

Transportation to the half marathon was fine; we had to wait about 30 minutes for a bus from our resort to the start on Sunday morning for the full marathon (arrived at the bus stop at 345 a.m. on both days). There were 2 busloads of people waiting at the Beach Club with us to get over to the start. I don't really complain about the early start/wake up because it is just part of the "experience." I don't really appreciate all the walking once the bus dumps you off in the parking lot and also when you finish the race!

The half marathon was just a lot more fun to me - they pack the entertainment in those 13 miles. The first 10 miles of the marathon were awfully boring... except running through Epcot around mile 3. Someone posted on this board that they had heard to run on the grassy area on the sloped part of the roads; I wish I had known that before Saturday - those slopes killed my knee. I ended up walking most of them after the first couple on Saturday.

As for the spectators, if you do a little bit of research, you can find ways to get around the property and see your runners without paying to get in the parks. We saw the same people in 5 locations on marathon morning. The spectator support was actually great and the volunteers at this event were awesome. I did not experience lack of fluids but my husband did say that he came across 2 water stops that were empty and also one medical tent had run out of the Biofreeze. I believe that the race should have been adequately prepared with the forecast predicting warm temps all week. I do not ever carry fluids on me when I run an organized race and believe that is the single most important job of the race, especially with the temps so hot.... They were preaching to the crowd before the start about proper hydration and then to run out of fluids? (My husband actually went into a shop in Animal Kingdom to purchase a bottled water and the clerk just gave it to him.)

I reiterate the remarks I have read on this board about people (a lot of them in purple) walking/running 5-6 across. The race promoters did send out a letter via e-mail to all participants about race etiquette so I feel like they are trying to address this problem. Anything more than 2 people together is just a problem on this course with so many people.

Another hint if you run this race: the bathrooms inside the parks are open, so use them. I used the bathrooom in Magic Kingdom on Saturday (across from the race track) and the bathroom in Epcot on Sunday (right after you enter the park on the right). Much nicer than the port-o-potties (or the other option that many people use - the trees), and fresh water to wash off my face felt fantastic in that heat!

The VIP tent is not worth it. :)

I am not a hardcore runner. I am a lover of all things Disney, so I had a great time and will probably do at least part of this race again, maybe even the Goofy Challenge.


M. R. from Kansas City (1/15/2007)
"Great for a big marathon" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

Everyone considering this race needs to realize that it's a big race. Always will be. I like small races for what they provide - easy parking, no crowds or lines, lower entry fees, and more personalized attention. But things can get lonely and boring out on the course. I also like big races for what they provide - a bigger stage, more entertainment, and bigger crowds. But someone will inevitably get stuck in traffic, wait in long lines, take 10+ minutes to get the start after the gun, get bottle-necked, not get what he/she wants at a crowded aid station, not find his/her souvenir of choice, and perhaps even have to wait to receive a medal in the mail. It sucks, but it happens to one or more at every big race. What separates big races, IMO, is the level of organization. And Disney is a master at moving and entertaining thousands of people. The expo was so-so (but that means nothing to me), the transportation to the start was early, but easy and efficient. The pre-race staging area was great, with lots of water and tons of porto-johns. Made lots of acquaintances. The walk to the start was easy. The start was very well-designed. Only at a big race do you get helicopters, jumbo-trons, and fireworks at the start. The first half of the course was perfect. Miles 12-16 were a little boring, but the aid stations were always fun. The last 6 miles are always the hardest, and the crowds and parks made these 6 better than most. Sure it was hot, but all in all, a great, unique experience and a great race. For a big one.


S. H. from Illinois (1/15/2007)
"Good Experience" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

Course: Most of it is in parking lots, deserted roads, or superhighway type roads, but, how many other marathons give you the opportunity to run through 4 theme parks? Unique course, though because it is boring most of the time, I deduct 1 star.

Organization: I didn't experience any of the problems other posters describe. My experience was that water and PowerAde were plentiful, the packet pick up was very fast and smooth, and Disney seems to be expert at moving a lot of people. I deduct 1 star because of the hurry up and wait philosophy in herding us into corrals before the race. An hour sitting on a road waiting for the race is a bit too much.

Spectators: Not a lot of opportunity here for spectators as much of the course is closed off to outsiders, but the places that spectators could cheer, such as at the Ticket and Transportation Center, Magic Kingdom, and the finish line, were excellent.

I would do the race again; in fact, I signed up for the Goofy already for 2008. It's a good experience not only for the runners, but for the non-running members of your party as well.


C. V. from Houston (1/15/2007)
"Did it before; will do it again." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Disney World Marathons

People, especially people who claim to be experienced marathoners, should take responsibility for themselves. I came from Texas and I packed my required number of my preferred gels in my carry-on, as well as my checked luggage, just in case one was lost. I brought an extra water bottle just in case in was going to be hot. I brought different running clothes to be prepared for any weather. I did not depend on Disney to provide those for me.

The weather took its toll on me and I had my worst-ever performance in a marathon, but that is not Disney's fault.

I am not complaining about the course because I saw map after map that showed the course (and that most of it was not in the parks).

I read the information that said Clif was only handing out products at the 19-mile mark.

Overall, it is a good experience. It's not great, as there are definitely more "runner-oriented" marathons, but it's not bad.


R. W. from Delaware (1/15/2007)
"A mediocre marathon" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

This was my 10th marathon. The expo was a disappointment. None of the vendors sold gels. Luckily I brought my own. On the plus side: later in the course, around mile 16, the volunteers were generous in giving out gels. The were very few giveawys at the expo, no marathon posters and no vendors offering photo ops - not at all like the New York or Chicago expos.

The race starts while it is dark and although there are portable lights set up, there are also areas where it is difficult to see where you are running. The course is not a fast course. The course is very curvey. Much of it is run in service areas of the parks and at times it is difficult to figure out which park you are entering. There were an adequate number of water and PowerAde stations on the course, and numerous volunteers. I did not experience a lack of water, but my girfriend, who also ran the marathon, but at a slower pace than me, said water ran out near the end of the race.

The finisher's medal was impressive. A gold-colored outline of Mickey's head and ears with an inscription of Mickey running in the head portion. Hanging below the head outline was a separately attached rectangular piece with "2007" on it.

The post-race refreshments included bottled water, PowerAde, regular and Diet Cokes, oranges, cut or full, cut bananas, bagels and banana or blueberry cakes.

The most disappointing and confusing part was the "post-race party." Along the race course, each mile marker included a sign advertising 6 bands at the post-race part which was held at Disney's Pleasure Island. We went to Pleasure Island and displayed our race number and were given a complementary ticket, which normally costs about $22 per person. Pleasure Island has numerous bars and restaurants and your ticket entitles you to enter them without paying a cover charge. So we tried to find out at which restaurant or bar the after-race party was. Well it was in all of them. No free food or drinks. The party was not limited to marathon runners, their families and guests, but was also open to the general public. Some people weren't wearing their marathon shirt or medal or were not walking stiffly, so one could not tell who was with the marathon and who wasn't. Oh, yes, drinks started at about $4.00 for a beer. This was the worst post-marathon party I have ever attended.


Brandon Carius from Connecticut (1/15/2007)
"Disney first, a marathon second" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

People going in to this marathon need to realize the basic fact: Disney as a resort came first, and the Disney Marathon came second. With that in mind a lot of other comments make more sense. The course is awesome, going through the parks, underneath Cinderella's Castle, and along Main Street. All the characters along the way were wonderful as well (I high-fived as many as I could while I was racing). To the people complaining about the distance between parks, you have to realize the parks were placed before the race, and you can't expect that they would make laps around parks or something.

Biggest negative is definitely the sleep you WON'T get the night before. With a 3 a.m. wake-up, no way you're running what you think you will. I came into it hoping to get a 3:10 for Boston. Still came out with a PR though. As for everything else, it's like I said. This is the only marathon I know of to have a SEVEN-hour time limit, not to mention the huge costs. But hey, what at Disney ISN'T overpriced?

All in all though, the race was still decently organized, and the t-shirt and medal definitely are one of the top I ever got. Suggestions for the next one: better racer control/organization throughout the course, more people in-between parks, and more sleep on race-day. For what it is, though, it definitely was one of the most memorable marathons I have ever run. Not many people can boast about running through the parks and alongside the characters. If I had to do it again, though, I would run it slower, enjoy it more, and definitely bring a camera. If you're going to do it, shelve the PR and go for the fun.


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