calendar icon Sep 18, 2024

Disney World Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 818 [displaying comments 761 to 771]
More Comments: [ < 1 .. 75 76 77 78 79 .. 82 > ]


A Runner from New Orleans (1/11/2002)
"Run only if you can afford it." (about: 2002)


This was my first marathon, and my entire family flew in from out of state to watch. Unfortunately, this is a spectator unfriendly race with very few spots a non-disney employee can watch. The organizers could learn a lot from the New Orleans Track Club who provide FREE red beans and rice, bananas, beer, and water to runners and spectators at all races. My family would have been happy with just a discounted rate for beverages. All in all, the race starts too early and will drain the wallet.


A Runner from ct. (1/11/2002)
"not what I expected!" (about: 2002)


This was my first Disney marathon. I ran the Dublin Marathon in Oct. and obviously was spoiled with my accomidations and the concern for the runners comfort. I ran this race with Team In Training, raising money for research for Leukemia...that alone was worth the run. I was terribly disappointed in race as a whole. We were up at 2am...bus at 3:15am and dropped off in a parking lot at 3:30am...not to mention being about 35 degrees, there was very little in the way of hospitality. You could get a small cup of coffee or a bagel if you had the money on keeping with the Disney motto..charge triple for everything! The course was not well lit in some areas making it dangerous...tripping on the discarded clothes along the way. There was little to no entertainment..unless you consider a speaker playing disney toons every few miles entertainment! The mile or so in the magic kingdom was great...but couldn't they have allowed the race to be longer in the parks? The course along the highways was very lonely and boring, with very few spectators. I would not recommend this race to others.


A Runner from Wisconsin (1/11/2002)
"well organized..." (about: 2002)


This race is well organized--but for the price I paid I EXPECT that much. I have to agree with the comments about the big money machine...running us through the stinky parts of Animal Kingdom...thanks so much!!! SeaWorld of TX used to have a 5k that let runners stay in the park afterwards and the entry fee is a lot less....Disney doesn't even let us really run through it. Also, the awards ceremony on Monday---sure stay another day and spend some more money at our resort. I highly doubt if mine will get mailed...fees out of their pockets???? The sound system was annoying blaring right into the elite corral--thanks for the headache. And like previously mentioned the negative signs along the highway were NOT funny. Certainly anyone that has actually run a marathon didn't come up with that idea.

The positives: the volunteers were the best that I've come across yet in a marathon---everything ran quite smooth. The course wasn't too bad (I would have give 4 stars, but the sign thing cost them 1).

I had fun, but it wasn't worth the price.


A Runner from Clearwater, Florida (1/10/2002)
"Disney does it again" (about: 2002)


I found that once again Disney proved up to the challenge of running a large race. This year I stayed at a Disney resort which made the experience that much more fun. From Expo to finish line all went smoothly and the enthusiasm of the volunteers even during the rain was very welcome. This was my fourth Disney and I plan to return next year. Each race has had a unique flavor all its own.


A Runner from North Carolina (1/10/2002)
"I enjoyed this a lot more than I had expected" (about: 2002)


Well, other than the hassles that come with a large race (e.g., had to be there by 4 AM for a 6 AM start time), it was a very nice experience. I thought they might have 'cheated' us a little bit by having us spend very little time actually in each of the theme parks & a lot of time of the roads between the parks. However, the time we did spend in each of those parks was pretty cool (& the scenery on the roads wasn't all that bad, either). I particularly liked running through Cinderella's castle in the Magic Kingdom!

For some reason, there were a lot of things that made me emotional during the race - from singing 'Amazing Grace' & 'God Bless America' at a 4:45 AM pre-race worship service, to the fireworks at the start of the race, to seeing a couple running in honor of their child who had a life threatening illness (which is tough to think of when you are a parent) and a man running in memory of his brother who was a fireman at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th (made me think of my brother who died 7 years ago), to the spectator holding the sign that read 'I can do all things through Him who gives me strength' - there were just a lot of times that I got 'choked up'.

I'll admit that shoveling 12' inches of snow the day before driving down and having an infant who developed an ear infection during our trip only compounded the exhaustion I felt when my alarm went off at 3 AM on race day. The weather was good at the start (56 degrees, though it was quite humid) & I felt surprisingly well - since it WAS an early morning! But I really had a hard time when the downpour started at about mile 20, but it felt great to come back into Epcot & cross that finish line!

There was one thing they did during the race that I thought was in bad taste. At each park, there would be a series of signs (perhaps 10 - 12) set up along the course that said things like 'Give up', 'Wouldn't you rather be in bed?', 'What's the point to this madness', etc., with the final sign 'signed' by a Disney villain (e.g., Captain Hook). Passing these type of signs once was surprising; passing them 5 separate times during the race was terrible.

The race support was phenomenal & the spectator turnout was pretty darn good! And,let's not forget that really cool finisher's medal!

Oh, speaking of stress, when I went to check in on Saturday & they couldn't find my name in the system...!


A Runner from Florida (1/10/2002)
"Experience this one at least once" (about: 2002)


Is it too much for Disney to allow marathon participants into their theme parks following the race? Or at least a discounted ticket? Otherwise, outstanding volunteers and support groups, a litter-free course, a walk-to-your-car finish line, plenty of aid stations, the best medals in the country and a great starting time -- since you're finished by mid-morning. I'll be back. But when I do I hope they change the course to allow for more time inside the theme parks. Have doubts about this marathon after reading comments? Just do it and enjoy the time in Florida.


Scott Covey from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (1/10/2002)
"Overall amazing race----Well Done" (about: 2002)


This was my first marathon as it was for many of the runners on the January 6th morning. I was running on behalf of the Arthritis Society and the Joints in Motion program from Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. Not knowing what to expect I was very nervous but everyone from the runners to spectators and of course the many volunteers were great. The course was awesome, very flat and could be very fast. I personally ran a 3:04:12 and could have done betteer had I ran a smarter race. This palced me 5th in my age category and 73 overall. I could not believe how great the race was organized and I have already started to plan a return trip. The water stops were well manned and except for a strong wind for about 8 miles after the half finish. I don't think anything could have been better. Well done to everyone involved and hope to enjoy your race again.


A Runner from Indiana (1/10/2002)
"Not a race I'll do again" (about: 2002)


Our family has been to Disney World 5 times in the past 12 years. I thought running the Disney Marathon would involve excitement and entertainment. I found the very short time running in the parks entertaining, but the repetition on the highways was horrible. I don't need bands at every mile, but some entertainment along the course highways would have been nice. The volunteers were excellent and the transportation was very good. I think it's crazy to arrive at the start 2 1/2 hours early. I ran a much larger marathon in San Diego and was able to arrive at the start 35 minutes before the gun with NO problem. I'll leave my space open for someone else.


A Runner from Baltimore, MD (1/10/2002)
"Disappointing" (about: 2002)


It was as though they read a book on how to put on a Marathon, without actually understanding how a Marathon works.

Most is run outside the parks, in desolate areas, with no spectator access. The worst part were the signs they had approaching each park... Trying to be 'cute' and in Disney theme, they had signs like:
'Abandon Hope', 'Stop your quest', 'Give up', 'You could be home sleeping', 'Pain ahead'... As if the wicked witch were speaking. Lovely.

Not to be totally negative:
1st aid was first-rate; water and replenisher were plentiful; The medal is awesome.

Until they get a race director that has run a marathon, I would not recommend running this.


A Runner from MO, USA (1/9/2002)
"Once is more than enough!" (General Comments)


Let's start with the good.
* Medical tent at the end: The weather wasn't good and my race management matched the weather so I got some first hand experience. Top notch.
* The finishers medal: Of the four major marathons I've run, this medal easily tops them all.
* Volunteers: Cups were gone as soon as they hit the ground. Plenty of liquids/gels/gu. They also had double-duty as spectators since it was difficult for any non-Disney person to watch this event.

Now the bad and there's plenty
* Course: Absolutly stunk. Nuff said by others here.
* Early start: Unbearable if you aren't from the East Coast. No sleep the night before. The fireworks were nice at the start though.
* Unpredictable Weather: Obviously not Disney's fault, but it was hot, humid, windy, and horizontal in-your-face rain is not conducive to a PR. I'll go somewhere with more predictable weather.
* Expo: Pretty lame. I'm not too into Expos so it didn't really bother me, but others live for them. Don't get your hopes up.
* Expensive: Remember, Disney is a money machine. This isn't a charity event.
* Intangibles: There was just no emotion or energy or excitement that I've felt at other marathons. Can't describe it other than it felt plastic and artificial.

Summary: The only people I would recommend this race to will already be there for a vacation and need a running diversion from the kids for a day.


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