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Disney World Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 818 [displaying comments 591 to 601]
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V. D. from Dallas (1/24/2005)
"Will come back to do the half someday but not full" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Disney World Marathon

Most of the comments about the 2005 marathon have been mainly favorably, but that was not my experience. I mainly did this marathon since my parents winter in Ft. Myers, so they could come see me run. And also for the cool medal I heard you get (5 stars for that).

Here is my disappointment:

1. Expensive registration - $100 when you add on the tax.

2. Disney Travel Service offered no discount for staying at one of their properties. Most marathon locations have discounted hotel rooms. I stayed on property, but booked elsewhere and saved $30 per night over what Disney was going to charge me.

3. Unbeknownst to me, I stayed at the same hotel as the Team in Training folks. Not that I have anything against them, but I was made to feel like a second-class citizen at the hotel from the moment I checked in because I was running the marathon on my own.

4. Due to the heat, I finished in 5:33. I've seen better food at my local 5K races. Unless they had more food earlier, all I got was 1 bottle of water, 1 bottle of Powerade, a bag of potato chips, a banana, fruit cup and some kind of snack cake. I just ran 26.2 miles and paid $100 for it. Where were the bagels, yogurt, energy bars, etc? I ran a 5K in Dallas, sponsored by the Four Seasons Hotel, and they had pizza, chili, yogurt, oatmeal and beer. Plus, if you were meeting anyone, the food area was completely cut off from where any spectators could see you. I couldn't stay long and eat since I had to let my parents know I finished. Good thing they didn't have any food.

5. Needed porta-potties in, or near, the corrals. On the walk to the corrals, there were porta-potties, but not in the corrals themselves. Since Disney herded us there at 4:40am, by the time 6:00am came around, I really needed to go. I ended up bypassing the first water stop since there was a huge line for those potties, and went in a restroom inside of Epcot, which a lot of runners did. Would have been nice to have a few porta-potties outside the corral pens.


1. The medal. Worth it just for that to add to your collection.

2. Had no problem getting to the start using their buses. Tons were lined up at my hotel.

3. Volunteers at the water stations were really friendly and cheered you on by name, due to the fact it was written on your bib. Were good at shouting out where water vs Powerade was so you knew before you got there.

The lack of crowd support didn't really bother me, or the early start, especially this year since it was 55 at the start. Oh those hills around 21-23 surprised my legs. One was kind of nasty, especially after being on the course for 5 hours with the sun on your back. If you're trying for the '50 states' bragging rights, then do Disney to cross off FL and get the cool Mickey Mouse medal. Some day I'll come back and do the half to get Donald Duck, but don't think I'll run the full again. I was in the last corral and it took me 7 miles before I could run at a decent clip in both the parks and highways. The park roads are narrow, so everyone has to bunch together, then can spread out more on the highways, only to funnel back together in the next park. Would be hard to get a PR unless you were near the front.


S. B. from New Jersey (1/22/2005)
"Phantasmagorical " (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Disney World Marathon

Great race! Crowd support was fantastic! Extras - good! The two negatives were: 1) transportation back to the Disney hotels (where were the buses?!?! I took the theme park buses - quite a distance from the finish. This problem could be solved by well-placed signs.) And 2) spectator transportation (I'm not sure how Disney solves this problem, although I'm sure they will).


C. D. from Michigan (1/19/2005)
"Thanks for the memories" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Disney World Marathons

This was a great race. After coming off a 2-month break from training due to an ankle injury, this was a great way to get back into marathoning! I loved the whole look and feel. The hosts at the start were right on target. I enjoyed the music, banter, and energy there. The course was great and I always had something to see or hear to motivate. Nice work Disney!


H. P. from Florida (1/18/2005)
"Not as good as years past" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 4-5 Disney World Marathons

The expo was crowded with no organization, no samples, nothing exciting except the shoe company that tested pressure points on your feet. People milling around blocking what little space there was to walk, compounded by the fact that you had to pick up your race number on one floor and then go to another for packet pick-up.

Other years, I ran this race as a marathon & as a 1/2 marathon, and had a great time. This year I walked it, starting in the last corral so as not to 'clog' the roads & interfere with the runners. Walkers as a group are phenomenal and I enjoyed my time with them this year; however, most do not know not to walk 4 or 5 abreast and to keep to the right especially during the early miles when people are trying to get off to a good running start. It would be most helpful, I think, if Disney would post some 'good etiquette' rules in the handbook and on road signs to re-enforce the idea.

By the time the back of the pack (those planning on completing the marathon in a 5.5 to 7 hour timeframe) got through the course there didn't seem to be any characters at all out. I think I saw the mice near Cinderella's castle and that was it.

Then there was absolute chaos trying to get a bus back to the resort. The line snaked around and around and around in the parking lot with people waiting upwards of an hour and new arrivals just walking to the front of the waiting area & hopping on buses because they didn't understand what the line was for since there were no signs or personnel to manage the crowd. After waiting about 45 minutes and making little process, we left the parking lot and walked over to Epcot to try and catch a bus back from the park (which about another 2000 people also did so we ended up having to wait there for close to an hour). The most disorganized I have ever seen Disney.

I know Disney is separating the 1/2 from the full next year but I don't think that is the way to go. I come to Disney for the huge turn-out and the fun! The main problems this year (and might have been other years too) was the lack of support for the back end; and the disorganization for the expo/shuttle back to the resort.


M. P. from Miami, Florida, USA (1/18/2005)
"I would never do the full 26.2, but 1/2 is great!" (about: 2005)

First Marathon

Second time around doing the 1/2 marathon, and I crushed the previous year's time by 13 minutes.

Since I have been to Disney a zillion times, the course is very familiar as it winds its way through the parks and highways. Of course, what takes 5-10 minutes in a car is miles 4-8, and that seems interminable. It gets paid off with a nice run up Main Street and the Castle.

Now, I don't think that I would ever do the full marathon here because of what seems like a VERY empty stretch between MK and AK. IMO, there is only so much that the crowd/adrenaline can carry you when there is nothing out there (and this year, the temp probably made it even worse - it was just fine when I finished the 1/2, but my GF finished in 3 hours and was dying out there).

Great idea to print out the names on the bibs. Some runners would make their own signs/nametags; now everyone can get an encouraging "Looking good" with your name.

I'm very interested to see what they change in the course with a start/finish at EPCOT on a different day than the full marathon. I'll probably do it again as a training run for the Miami Marathon 3 weeks later.


S. M. from Texas (1/17/2005)
"Awesome Marathon" (about: 2005)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and I loved it. Everything was very well organized. The course was flat and easy. I was nervous about running with so many people, but everyone was so spread out that I didn't feel crowded at all. People where also very friendly. So many people cheering you on everywhere you ran.

The weather was a little humid and hot, but I'm from Texas so that was nothing new for me. I ran a 4:07 which is fairly good for a first time marathon.

I stayed on Disney property (Port Orleans Riverside) and loved it. We had wonderful transportation and we were never late for any event. I must have hit everything at the right time because there was no delay with the ride to and from the race.

It's early starting, yes, but that didn't bother me because I was too excited to sleep anyway. The time flies by fast, so the wait is not bad. Lots of water stations, sports gel, bananas & bathroom stops along the way.

The finish is great with loud music and people yelling and cheering you on. They have people helping you out with medical care if you need it, and water, Powerade, Coca-Cola and food when you cross the finish.

The expo was also fun. I went on friday night and was able to pick up my stuff without waiting. I've never been to an expo before so I can't compare much, but what I saw I enjoyed. You get a great t-shirt and medal also.

I had tons of congrats from people after the race too. I think this was a great race and highly recommend anyone to try it. This will be a race I'll do every year.

Thanks, Disney, for a wonderful time!


n. k. from st.louis, missouri (1/17/2005)
"very spectator-unfriendly marathon" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon

I did the Nike 26.2 in San Francisco in October 2004. It was such a great experience that my expectations were very high. My daughter did the half then, and ran the full this time. I did not like the fact that even as a spectator, you had to catch a bus at 4 a.m. or take a chance on not seeing your child do her first marathon. Also, it makes no sense that you are unable to cheer your participant in the second half of the marathon, when they need your support the most. We were told that with the roads being closed to traffic, if we went to the back half of the course, we would be unable to make it in time to see her finish. Also, the second half was mainly roads and overpasses with no shade. It was a very disappointing experience. The only good thing was the gorgeous medal. I have crossed Disney off my list for my next marathon.


J. M. from Niagara Falls NY (1/17/2005)
"Amazing experience " (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Disney World Marathon

This was my first marathon, and I loved it! The expo was smaller than I expected, but that made for an easy race packet pick up. We stayed at Carribean Beach Resort, which made getting to the race very easy. There was a bus worker at our hotel ordering more empty buses to get all the runners and spectators to the start line; we borded a bus at 4:00am - and they just called for 2 more empty buses.

My husband did not run, but accompanied me the entire morning. The volunteers had all the right answers for all our questions, especially where he could watch. I actually saw him at mile 4, because you crossed the same route as the beginning of the run. Disney was so helpful & friendly, especially at 4:30 am which made our experience so much more enjoyable.

The course was flat, and fast. There were music and mile markers at every mile. The characters and crowd support were awesome. There was water & food & port-o-johns everywhere, and to all the volunteers who came out to help, thank you!! Also thank you to all the local school bands and cheerleaders, and thousands of crowd supportors who stood and cheered!

The medal at the finish is something well deserved. My expections were blown away - I can't imagine a better organized event. The awesome support and friendly staff has inspired my husband to train to compete with me next year in Orlando. Thank you Disney & all the volunteers for hosting such an awesome event!


j. m. from Mississippi (1/17/2005)
"What happened this year?" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Disney World Marathons

This was my 5th Disney marathon and I have always been impressed with the logistics that WDW throws at this event. Huge water stops, transportation for thousands and entertainment too! However, this year the transportation for the spectators was a huge mess and 1/2 marathon finishers had to stand in a line that stretched forever to get on a bus (one bus?). Additionally, I only saw a couple of characters out on the course; previous years I burned up a disposable camera with pictures of myself with various characters, while this year I hit the finish line with only 2 pictures taken on the entire course (one of which was the sunrise).

All in all, it's a great marathon, but the missing characters were mentioned by all my friends as a real disappointment. Hopefully, WDW race directors read this board and will take corrective action.


J. H. from North Carolina (1/16/2005)
"Great time -- but the website takes patience" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Disney World Marathon

Disney puts on a fantastic marathon. The flat course takes you through Disney's beautiful parks, there are more aid stations than you'll ever need, and there are plenty of Disney characters to cheer you on. There is a solid expo and adequate transportation. The race workers/volunteers know exactly what they are doing. It's a well-organized, well-executed, fun time.

Disney has addressed the issues raised by past marathoners -- except for the early start. To those who don't want to run at 6 a.m., I can only suggest you take up some daylight hobby like gardening. Marathons and marathon training aren't supposed to involve rolling out of bed at noon for your morning cup of coffee. You get up early for this run, and your rewards include fireworks at the start, Epcot under the lights, a beautiful sunrise, and an early enough finish to leave you time to do other things.

I have only two suggestions: Clean up the website and make it more intuitive. It would help if there was a link to race photos/merchandise on the same page as the runners' results. Why are 2004 results still the most prominent link on the home page after 2005 results are available? Why is there still 2005 registration information, a week after the marathon is over? With a few adjustments, the website could be much better.


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