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Marathon News - Weather Continues to Dominate News at Boston Marathon


Weather Continues to Dominate News at Boston Marathon

(c) Race Results Weekly, all rights reserved

The Nor'easter which is currently battering Boston continues to be the talk of tomorrow's 111th Boston Marathon, a sharp contrast to the hot weather which athletes endured in Rotterdam and Paris today.

The winds and rain which are whipping through Back Bay this evening will continue through the race tommorrow, according to the forecast posted at At the 9:35 a.m. start time for the elite women, the temperature is forecast to be 8°C (46°F) accompanied by heavy rains and winds from the east (against the runners) at 48 KPH (30 MPH).

"This is going to be the worst by far, not even close," said veteran photographer, Victor Sailer for, who has covered every Boston Marathon since 1983. He added: "I can't remember any one which has been this cold and rainy."


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