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Marathon News - Exciting Distance Running Documentary Coming Out on DVD


Exciting Distance Running Documentary Coming Out on DVD

(c) Race Results Weekly, all rights reserved

The long-awaited distance running documentary, "Showdown," will be released soon on DVD, according to Peter Han who wrote and directed the hi-res video with Andrew Ernst.

The documentary focuses on the clash which was building between Abdi Abdirahman, Alan Culpepper, Meb Keflezighi, Dathan Ritzenhein, and Jorge Torres at the 2007 U.S. Cross Country Championships (Keflezighi ultimately did not take part). Much of the video was shot in Boulder, and includes interviews with many athletes, coaches and journalists shot in a punchy style, according to the clips your editor has watched.

The website for the documentary is located at this link:, and you can watch several generous *.mpg clips by going to these links:

Movie trailer / high-res video:

Opening scene of the movie / high-res video:

Sample scene - resurgence of American distance running / high-res video:

Sample scene - Dathan Ritzenhein running 16 miles in snow / high-res video:

Viewers will need a high-speed internet connection to watch or download the clips. If you have trouble watching them within a web browser, just download them to your computer and open them in QuickTime.

According to Han, the video can be ordered directly from his website, above.


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