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Marathon News - Gebrselassie Announces Abrupt Retirement


Gebrselassie Announces Abrupt Retirement

(c) Race Results Weekly, all rights reserved

NEW YORK (07-Nov) -- In a shocking development here, Haile Gebrselassie announced his retirement from professional road racing today. In a news conference following the 41st ING New York City Marathon, Gebrselassie said that he will be ending his amazing career which includes two Olympic gold medals and 27 world records, including the current marathon world record of 2:03:59:03:59.

After running in the lead pack for the first 25 kilometers of the race, Gebrselassie drifted to the side of the road on the Queensboro Bridge just before reaching 16 miles. After grabbing his water bottle at an aid station, Gebrselassie grabbed his right knee, and slowed to a complete stop.

Coming in to today's race, Gebrselassie had pain and swelling in that knee. On Saturday, race officials assisted him in getting an MRI, and he was examined by a doctor. Following the MRI, he had fluid in his knee drained, and told reporters that he was good to go on Sunday.

On race morning, Gebrselassie tweeted, "Starting and finishing NY marathon today will be tough. I trained well, and I am ready and eager to run.
However... I have some inflammation in my right knee, because of the long travel to NY city. No big problem, just some fluids. Hopefully the knee holds!"

When the announcement came around 1:00 p.m., the press in attendance were stunned into silence.

"Well, I'm a little bit disappointed," he started. "Disappointed to myself."

After that opening sentence, Gebrselassie took a deep breath and said, "Okay, well, whatever it is, things happened I cannot change."

"When I announce this, everybody becomes a little bit shocked. I myself don't want to complain anymore after this, which means it's better to stop here."

"I did really very hard training to win this race. It didn't work... After this, I know I have no discussion with my manager, with anybody, but I discuss with myself. That's why it's better to stop here."

Gebrselassie teared up.

"But for the first time, this is the day. Let me stop and do other work after this. Let me do other job. Let me give a chance for the youngsters."

Wanting to leave the podium, a shocked reporter quickly asked, "Haile, you're not running anymore, you're retiring right now?"

His response: a one word "Yes".

Asked if he had any idea coming into the race that he would retire, or if it was a decision based on his pulling out at mile 16. "I knew this problem. I mean what happened yesterday when the doctor came to me to bring me to the MRI. They said there is a kind of fluid inside. Why this happen. Thank you."

His final comment: "No complaints, really. It's better not to complain anymore."

Fellow competitors view Gebrselassie as a positive man who helped build the sport.

"Haile is special," said 2010 champion Gebre Gebremariam, a fellow Ethiopian who won in his marathon debut in 2:08:14. "We have to learn things from Haile. I am disappointed to hear this.

"Haile has been a role model," said 2009 champion Meb Keflezighi. "He's an amazing individual."

NOTE: Before today's race in New York, the organizers of the Tokyo Marathon next February had announced Gebrselassie's participation --Ed.


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