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Press Release - ING Miami Marathon - 7/26/07

                                         Contact: Danny Elfenbein
                                                  (305) 278-8668

 Post-event study of 12,000 local and Visiting runners shows impact on 
              tourism, business and community wellness

MIAMI (July 26, 2007)- Sport Tourism Event Research Network (STERN) was 
selected by PR Racing Inc. to perform a detailed study regarding visitor 
spending in Miami as a result of the ING Miami Marathon and Half Marathon® 
events held the weekend of January 26-28, 2007. Weekend events included a 
5K, marathon, half marathon and health and fitness expo that drew a 
combined 30,000 visitors over the weekend to Miami and Miami Beach. 
Research concluded that indirect benefit to Miami-Dade County generated as 
a result of both participant and spectator spending generated an estimated 
$15.8 million impact on the county in 2007. Research was conducted on the 
field of 11,656 marathon and half marathon runners, 57% of which came from 
outside of Miami-Dade County.

Survey results showed that the direct benefit of participants to Miami-Dade 
County was $4.27 million while spectators accounted for a direct benefit of 
an additional $6.29 million. The indirect benefit of spending attributed to 
both of these groups resulted in an estimated benefit of $15.84 million to 
Miami-Dade County including expenditures in the lodging, food and beverage, 
retail, transportation, entertainment and other sectors. Of the total 
economic impact, 32 percent was spent on lodging, 23 percent on food and 
beverage and 20 percent on retail. Additional research indicated that 59% 
of non-locals, or "visitors" went sight seeing and 72% of visitors reported 
they were likely or very likely to return to Miami for a vacation due to 
satisfaction with their experience during the event.

Of the 11,656 participants in the marathon and half marathon, STERN 
conducted a post-event e-mail survey to 9,500 runners. A total of 36 
percent responded giving information on actual money spent on the different 
sectors as well as what they did while in the area and sentiments towards 
Miami, the race, and running. In contrast to previous research, this 
post-event approach offers more pragmatic figures.

Some of the pertinent results of the research identified these important 
factors related to tourism and local business:

  • 57% of the 11,656 participants are not from Miami-Dade County.
  • 68% of non-local participants came in a group of 2-4 people.
  • 72% of non-local participants stayed in hotels for an average of 2.5 nights.
  • 63% of non-local participants came to Miami primarily for the event.
  • 72% of non-local participants are likely to return to Miami for a vacation.
  • U.S. visitors on average spent $540 in lodging, $380 in food and beverages and $200 in retail sectors during their stay.
  • International visitors on average spent $805 in lodging, $570 in food and beverages and $945 in retail sectors during their stay.
  • Additional details regarding the economic impact of the ING Miami Marathon and Half Marathon Event are available. STERN intends to return for the 2008 race event to gather additional details regarding impact on economy, tourism and runner habits. ###


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