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Press Release - London Marathon - 4/25/16



With deep sadness, we confirm the death of a participant in the 2016 Virgin 
Money London Marathon.

David Seath,aged 31, from Cowdenbeath in Fife and a serving officer in the 
British Army, collapsed at the 23 mile mark and, although he received 
immediate medical treatment, he died later in hospital.

David's parents Libby and Pete, his brother Gary,his girlfriend Gabby 
Judd,and his aunt Morag paid tribute to David and welcomed donations in 
David's memory to his Help for Heroes fundraising page here:

Libby Seath said: "David has achieved more in 31 years than most people do 
in 70. He lived his life on the edge and to the full. He was running to 
raise money for Help the Heroes, a cause which was very important to him."

Lieutenant Colonel Jon Cresswell,Commanding Officer of 29 Commando 
Regiment Royal Artillery, paid tribute. He said:

"The Regiment was devastated to learn of the tragic loss of Captain Dave 
Seath during 2016's London Marathon. Dave was an outstanding commando 
officer, a natural leader and a true gentleman. He was my Assistant 
Adjutant and so I knew him very well. He served on operations in Helmand 
with 19th Regiment Royal Artillery before joining the Commando Gunners and 
earning his green beret.

"Witty, charming and polished,Dave was a fabulous host and stylish 
performer. As such he was the obvious choice to lead the Blue Peter Ten 
Tors team last year. Selected to train the future officers of the Afghan 
National Army later this year in the rank of major, Dave had a great career 
ahead of him. The thoughts of the Regiment are with Gabby and Dave's family 
and friends at this tragic time. We have lost one of the great characters 
of our Regiment and take strength from the memory of his example and 

Everyone involved in the organisation of the London Marathon would like to 
express sincere condolences to David's family and friends.

No further details will be released and the family has asked for privacy. 
The exact cause of death will be established by later medical examination.



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