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Press Release - Road Race Management - 10/19/05

                                         Contact: Jeff Darman
                                                  (610) 925-1976

       Tracey Russell Named 2005 MarathonFoto / Road Race Management 
                          Race Director of the Year

Road Race Management has named Tracey Russell, Director of the Monument 
Avenue 10K in Richmond, Virginia, as its 2005 MarathonFoto / Road Race 
Management Race Director of the Year. Russell accepted the award at the 
Road Race Management Race Director's Meeting and Trade Show in Ft. 
Lauderdale, Florida, Thursday, October 20. The award is presented by 
Running Times magazine.

Described by Bill Rodgers as "the Gold Medal of race directing," the award 
is determined by a vote of a diverse ten-member committee comprised of race 
directors, media, sponsors and elite athletes.

"Tracey Russell is one of a new breed of race directors, coming into the 
sport on the wave of the less competitive, more participatory running boom. 
Under her leadership the Monument Avenue 10K has performed like Google 
after its initial public offering. The participation level of the event 
grew from about 2,400 at the inaugural event in 2000 to over 16,000 in just 
five short years. Clearly Russell knows how to cater to the runners of 
today as well as how to integrate the city of Richmond, VA into a 
successful partnership," said Phil Stewart, editor and publisher of Road 
Race Management, in making the presentation.

The other finalists for the award, in addition to Tracey Russell, were Alan 
Sunio (Great Aloha Run, Honolulu, HI) and Rick Nealis (Marine Corps 
Marathon, Washington, DC).

The MarathonFoto / Road Race Management Race Director of the Year award is 
made annually to recognize and promote excellence in race directing. 
Nominees were judged on several factors, including overall ability, 
reputation of race, creativity and organizational ability.

Previous recipients have been: Rafael Acosta (World Best 10K), Steve Bosley 
(Bolder Boulder), Julia Emmons (Peachtree Road Race), Ed Froehlich 
(Quad-City Times Bix 7), Chuck Galford (Cascade Run Off), Susan Harmeling 
(Bank of America Gasparilla Distance Classic), Jon Hughes (Disney 
Marathon), Scott Keenan (Grandma's Marathon), Fred Lebow (New York City 
Marathon), Dave McGillivray (Boston Marathon), Jeanette Park (Gasparilla 
Distance Classic), Carey Pinkowski (LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon), Earle 
Reed (Utica Boilermaker), Bill Reef (Bolder Boulder), Steve Shostrom 
(Steamboat Classic), George Regan (Freihofer's Run for Women), Allan 
Steinfeld (New York City Marathon) and Harold and Louise Tinsley (Rocket 
City Marathon).

Road Race Management publishes a newsletter and comprehensive Directory for 
race and industry professionals and conducts an annual race director 
meeting and trade show in Ft. Lauderdale. MarathonFoto is the world's 
largest race photography company. Running Times is a national magazine 
known as the runner's best source.



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