calendar icon Oct 1, 2024

Shiprock Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 49 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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J. S. from Denver, CO (5/7/2012)
"Great marathon event" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

This was a great event. The course is very scenic and well supported. I would definitely recommend this event. Only downside is that there are no hotels in Shiprock(had to stay in Farmington which is 30 miles away).


gilles clavaud from L'Isle Jourdain, France (6/2/2011)
"Beautiful marathon in a wonderful land" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

It was not an easy marathon for me, it was too hot very early, the elevation was a big problem for me and I ran too fast at the beginning, so I did my worst performance in a marathon.
BUT... Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this day in a wonderful land, with very nice people along the road, and it was a surprise for me at first ....and as a unique French man on this marathon, I came back with wonderful Navajo pottery (Thank you once more).
For me, there is nothing to change, everything is OK (I ran 28 marathons- and very big ones- before this one).
No doubt for me I will go again in Shiprock to run this wonderful marathon in 'Dinetah'.


Tyson Poskochil from Lincoln, NE (5/15/2011)
"Scenic, well-organized, and rewarding" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

I ran this race unfamiliar with the landscape and scenery, and expected it to be generally desolate. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find the first 14 miles or so to be very scenic and was wishing I'd brought a camera.

There are few fans in this very rural area, yet they are gathered heavily at the finish line to welcome you in. The organization of the race was the most impressive feature. This included keeping a long line of porta-potties at the start. These were moved continuously throughout the race to accommodate all runners as the race progressed. The start line was again set up at the half marathon start following the marathon/relay gun, and the buses transported relay participants every five miles promptly. Good eats at the finish, and the Navajo Nation provides a warm, wonderful welcome as you cross.

Volunteers are set up for aid stations every two miles, and once every mile after the 20th. It did warm up after the third hour, but was by no means unbearable. I would recommend this race to 50-States members or anyone wishing to experience first-class treatment on a point-to-point course.


L. S. from Kansas City, Missouri (5/10/2011)
"More air, please." (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

At the start of the race the staff announced that they encouraged people to let them know what could be improved. My suggestion is to regrade the course to lower the whole thing by several thousand feet, down to where there might be a little more oxygen for lowlanders like me. Then again, maybe I was the only person that had any difficulty in that department.

Other than that I wouldn't change anything about it - not the uphills, not the downhills, not the scenery, not the people (either the fellow runners or the volunteers). Shiprock seems to be one of those rare places where the residents understand that a race can be a community event, with a lot of local participation in the events. One highway completely closed, another with a lane closed, and still not a single irate driver - only honks and waves of support. The aid stations were better than advertised; the patient volunteers were happy to repeatedly fill my water bottle on what turned out to be a hot day, at least by the time I got done.

My thanks to the people of the Shiprock area for hosting a wonderful small race. And to the lady I walked with for a portion of the home stretch, I know your grandmother is very proud of you.


H. K. from Farmington, NM (5/8/2011)
"Beautiful Race!" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Shiprock Marathons

I have done the Shiprock Marathon for the past five years (the half in 2007 and 2008, and the full from 2009-2011). I am a local so I may be biased but this marathon is one of my favorites. I do several marathons a year and the majority of them have thousands of runners in urban areas. This marathon is low-key, laid-back, majestic, and breathtaking. The support staff is excellent, and since it is not a huge race, you don't have a lot of runner traffic to contend with. I would highly recommend this race to anyone who enjoys a scenic race! Also awards (Navajo pots or plates) are given to the top 3 male and females in the different age categories for the full half and relay.


Shane McMahon from El Paso, TX (5/2/2010)
"Lonely & Beautiful" (about: 2010)

First Marathon

This was my first ever full marathon; I have run a few half marathons before. First the positives: Beautiful course. The volunteers were great and there was plenty of water/Gatorade/oranges/bananas along the way. I loved the big rocks in the desert. Negatives: First, there are large cracks in the road that you really have to watch out for. I hurt my toe in one canyon-like crack at about mile 7. Also, the last 6.2 miles along the highway weren't my favorite. But, again, the first 20 miles were great. It was a lonely marathon after about mile 5 when the small crowd had spread out. I didn't mind, but for those who need bells and whistles for a marathon, this one isn't for you. Overall, I had a good time, but I probably wouldn't do it again.


J. H. from Salt Lake, UT (5/5/2009)
"Wonderful organization and very small race" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

This marathon was one of the best organized marathons I have run, especially for its small size. The aid areas were every two miles as advertised and the volunteers were great supporters. Most of the stops not only offered Gatorade and water, but also bananas and oranges, as well as gel at one or two stops. The first 20 miles were on a desert highway that was closed to traffic, so it was understandable that there was not a lot of fan support. But the relay runners and support crews were great. I thought the medal was very nice. The shirt was a nice, long-sleeve shirt. It was not a tech shirt, but that was ok considering the low entry fee. The low number of runners was nice for a change, because you did not need to weave in and out of slower-paced runners for the first few miles (as you need to do in most races). I would really recommend this race.


B. B. from Scottsdale, AZ (5/5/2009)
"Scenic, small, surprisingly fast" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

I really enjoyed this race. I was worried about the altitude but it never really was a factor.

The course has a lot of downhill, which I like. The course map makes the uphills appear harder than they are - which is a big plus. I must disagree that the last 10K is all downhill. It is mostly downhill with some sneaky inclines.

I don't recall seeing a single spectator on this course. The aid station personnel were uniformly great and the course was very well patrolled by police and EMTs.

In short, this race is worth doing.


Cynthia Haug-West from Sacramento, California (5/4/2009)
"Navajo Nation is beautiful!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

I chose this marathon to check New Mexico off of my list (state #5), and I'm so glad that I did. Although we got cold/drizzly/windy weather, the place was absolutely gorgeous nonetheless. All of the Navajo volunteers were terrific - kudos to them for standing at the numerous aid stations for hours in the cold and rain. I don't choose marathons for their expos (this race doesn't have one), spectators (hardly any here), etc.; and my 5-star ratings reflect my preferences - I love beautiful, interesting places and small races. The Four Corners area and the high desert in general are just spectacular. Go to Shiprock for the place, the people, and the experience. If you want a big expo and hundreds of cheering spectators, go somewhere else. I loved this race and this place.


a. p. from Georgia (5/4/2009)
"An amazing experience!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Shiprock Marathon

The organization was great, there were wonderful fluid stops with cut fruit at each one (or almost each one), care was taken for the runners, the road was blocked, and the runners protected. EMT folks were always around and checking (much better than large races), and there were porta-potties all along the way! Although it was a lonely race for me, running on the Navajo Nation land was impressive.


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