calendar icon Jan 22, 2025

Valley Harvest Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 23 [displaying comments 21 to 23]
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R. H. from Washington DC (10/14/2003)
"Bad surface, no medals" (about: 2003)


This potentially great course (autumn leaves and gentle grades) was/is spoiled by two features - the course is not closed to traffic forcing you to run on a steeply-sloped shoulder that will cause big problems to anyone prone to IT band or other slope-aggravated problems, and despite sponsorship by Tim Horton and a relatively large field, they give no finisher's medal. Instead they substitute an uninspiring zipper tab (no distinctive design) that probably cost about a dime each.


A Runner from Dartmouth, NS (12/23/2001)
"1st Half and fun with Friends" (about: 2001)


Training for a full, it seemed only logical to give a try on a half. I did this with a few of my training friends and we had a good time. An out and back course which is mostly on country highway which wreaked havoc on my right hip due to the slope of the road. However there aren't many hills, all the runners are extremely friendly (including the leaders on the way back who cheered us on!), and some people even came out of their houses to cheer us on. I even passed an impromptu water station set up by some kids.

The finish was a little confusing but everyone was very encouraging. Hopefully I'll get a chance to do it again next year.


A Runner from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (10/31/2000)
"Beautiful course, excellent support, very friendly" (General Comments)


This was my first marathon. It is a beautiful course through rural fall setting just when the leaves are turning. The course is a fairly flat rural highway which passes farms and orchards in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley. Excellent support and organization, friendly and supportive spectators and enough participants to let you know you're in something but not enough to overwhelm.


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