calendar icon Jan 17, 2025

Toronto Waterfront Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.1 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 228 [displaying comments 141 to 151]
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Pauline Haste from Ajax ont (originally Epsom, England) (9/27/2004)

First Marathon

I will be 51 years young this September 29th 2004. 2 years ago I was diagnosed as having non-hodgkins lymphoma (thankfully dormant at the moment). I took up karate at this time, and due to the fitness level needed, I also took up some light running. With my running partner we soon progressed to 5k and then some local 10k events which I found challenging (and which also helped me realize that you can attain new interests in life even if you are given a bit of a jolt that reminds you how precious our time can be).

We both followed the book with regard to long distance running (that's running, not racing), followed the diet, took our vitamins and before we knew it, there we were on the start line yesterday for our initial half-marathons, milling around with what seemed like the whole population of Toronto. I found the experience totally exhilarating and the camaraderie between the various competitors from all parts of the globe wonderful. I think we both did fairly well for a first go. I will definitely be back next year - who knows maybe run a full marathon; that would be something to tell my grandkids one day.

Thank you to everyone, organisers, competitors, my running partner Robin Zacharias, and also our personal supporters, who seemed to pop up everywhere on the course to shout us on. I was also impressed by the attitude of spectators along the course who applauded everyone and made us feel like royalty. In these type of events everyone wins and that is surely the only way it should be.

For us amateurs and enthusiasts long distance running is not about winning; it's more about a chance for an individual to put him or herself to the test. If you push yourself as hard as you can, do your very best and at the same time enjoy it, when you hit that finishing line, you have the same feeling as any Olympic gold medalist could have. See you next year...


I. B. from TORONTO, Ontario, Canada (9/27/2004)
"Long stretch without any spectators - " (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Toronto Waterfront Marathons

At some locations bands were great. Cadets did a great job. Canada Fit Water station was the best - only one that was cheering on the walkers and runners.

Very disappointed half marathon got COTTON T-shirts compared to how the full got a dry fit one. THEN the medals for Half Marathon were finished.


c. c. from Oakville, Ontario, Canada (9/27/2004)
"Not as well organized as 2003." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Toronto Waterfront Marathons

This year's race was very disappointing. However even your questions here are obviously biased towards running. I did a PB in power walking, improved my score over six minutes yet didn't even benefit from a medal at the end. The early start to the half was useless; once the runners start you may as well get out of the way. I was tripped, spit on and yelled at.

Until the Toronto Marathon recognizes the value of power walking as the Cleveland, Mississauga, Big Sur and other marathons do, it really is a second class event. In the questions below, please note - I power walked all - I didn't run. But I beat a lot of the runners, including the one who told me to get out of her way.


B. M. from Toronto (9/27/2004)
"Great volunteers" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

The volunteers were great -- their positive comments and hard work were very much appreciated.


S. K. from Toronto, Ontario Canada (9/27/2004)
"Boston Qualifiers & Runners Should've Departed 1st" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

It was a great opportunity to share in a common goal. The volunteers were awesome, organizers were friendly & all participants were kind & positive.

One suggestion would be to have those 'real runners' & Boston Qualifiers run first. It wasn't fair to them to have us amateurs in their way. I am sure it frustrated them to lose crucial seconds in attempting to pass us. The police escort was helpful, but they should have left first.


Michael Drescher from Guelph, Ontario (9/27/2004)
"This was so much fun!!!" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

This was one of the most positive and fun experiences in my whole life. I was smiling all the time.


S. C. from Toronto, Ontario (9/27/2004)
"Breathtaking!" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

It was incredible. I did the early start so it was dark when I started @ 6:15. There were so many beautiful things to see: I saw the sun come up over the lake, a solitary swan in the harbour, the Leslie Spit and amazing choreography where the marathoners coming north and turning east at Lakeshore under the Gardiner met thousands of 5K?ers were running south and turning west at the Lakeshore ? separated only by the low guardrail and egged on by very loud drum music. It was breathtaking (except that there was a severe shortage of breath on my part by that time!)


Vida Collis from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (9/27/2004)
"A brilliant life-altering experience: Many thanks" (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Thank you to the organizers and volunteers who made it possible for me to fulfill my goal of running a marathon. I ran the half a few years ago and knew my first full would be with you. I was blown away at how much bigger the event has grown since 2000. It was great then and it was even better now.

I enjoyed every moment of my first marathon. I finished a 'strong' 5:02 with the early-birds. (Thank you for the early start! It was a friendly, relaxing and fun way to start. I'll always recommend this option to my fellow plodders).

I truly appreciate not only my efforts but the collective efforts of such a dedicated group of people. Stellor organization + enthusiastic volunteers + terrific crowd support + the happy spirits of the 'early birds' = a wonderful experience. Standouts include the passionate music encouraging my legs to keep going; the crowds of specators by the Leslie Spit, the Beaches and during the final 8 km to the end; and, most of all, the kids manning the water stations who were so eager to help and support the runners. Shout out to the kids between Tommy Thomspon and the Beaches - they rocked!). Thanks for keeping us safe, protected and motivated: I'll definitely be back again!

Vida Collis


F. P. from Woodstock, Ontario (9/27/2004)
"A perfect day!!" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

From start to finish, I was so pleased about this race! The weather, the course, the organization! Everything was super! Thank you Toronto for my personal best time!!


Larsen John from Markham, Ontario (9/27/2004)
"Double the runners but no lines" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Toronto Waterfront Marathon

I couldn't believe that this marathon had nearly twice the participation of last year. There was no queuing for anything. I have never experienced that before. Well done!


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