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Newport Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 108 [displaying comments 61 to 71]
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M. S. from Salt Lake City, UT (6/3/2007)
"Great, small town; beautiful, fast course" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Newport Marathons

This is my second time running the Newport Marathon. It's a nearly flat course. It runs along a beautiful ocean bay and the views are wonderful. It helped keep your mind off of the fact that it's an out and back. The view is so different coming back that it doesn't feel like an out-and-back course. In years past, runners had to run out on one side and back on the other side of the road. This made it hard because the same leg was always running on the lower side. This year you ran out and back on the same side, giving a chance for your legs to switch. I didn't like the fact that cars were on the one side of the road. They went by slowly and runners had to deal with vehicle exhaust. Wasn't that bad, but for a few hours it would be nice to have the road closed.

The volunteers were wonderful, full of spirit. There were plenty of fluids along the way. I loved the small-town feel to this course - though if you need a lot of cheering along the way it may not be your course.

I would recommend this course and hope to run it again next year.


J. M. from Chicago, IL (6/2/2007)
"Top-notch, first-class operation." (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon

This was my 7th marathon, and it is a little gem of a race. "Little" because they limit the race to 750 runners, but everything else is big-time, probably because they're smart enough to keep the size of the race manageable. Numerous nice little touches (runner-only recovery area, no-gouging-on-the-souvenirs policy). It is also big-time because it attracts very competitive runners. The course is gorgeous, with the first few miles through an incredibly enchanting little town, and the balance of the run alongside a waterway, complete with working ocean fishing boats. Coming from the Midwest, I would not call the course flat, but perhaps mostly flat. There are a few long, gentle changes in grade (including a gentle climb about two miles long near the end). I also avoid running on roads during training, so I caught myself drifting due to the camber of the road. These are not complaints, only observations. I loved the course because it did present some challenges to a flat-lander. I did a PR (by quite a bit) because, in part, the course does not have a lot of turns, and with 750 runners, I could almost always run at my own pace, and did not get jammed up on the crowded courses I have been on in Chicago, Marine Corps, and the New Las Vegas Marathons. The spectators get five stars for enthusiasm, but overall I gave spectators 4 stars because of the number. If you're used to the cheering throngs of Chicago, this one is a bit quiet, which I liked.


T. D. from Danville, California (6/13/2006)
"Wonderful small marathon experience" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon

This was a first-class operation. The organizers were of course very friendly and helpful, but even the town seemed happy to see everyone. No complaints about road closures, etc.

I applaud the organizers for keeping this race small. Let's face it; this is a money maker, and it would be very tempting to let more in and make more money, but they seem to have found the number they can handle WELL and have kept it at that.

The course has quite a few turns in the beginning, but it only serves to keep your mind off the fact that you've got another 20-something miles to go. Down through the fishing village and out past the Embarcadero Hotel is nice and flat with even a good downhill as you head down to town. The out and back portion is absolutely gorgeous. I loved the fact that it wasn't truly an out and back. When you get to the turnaround you can't help but mentally think that you're half way done. In this case, though, you're over 15 miles! Love, love, love the downhill finish! Normally you see the 26-mile marker and think you're done and then you realize that that stupid .2 is a lot longer than you realized. In this case it's on a fast downhill and you get through it and to the chutes so quickly that you don't even mind.

Also, very good finish area with only runners allowed so that there are plenty of seats and no problem getting to water, food, shirts, etc.

You have to be all right with the 'small' marathon mentality - meaning no crowds and not a lot of hoopla, but if you really just want to run a fast, friendly, beautiful marathon, this could be your race!


Robert Lopez from Seattle (6/11/2006)
"great race... not what I'd consider flat" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon

I won't repeat everyone's very positive comments about this race other than to say 'me too'. It's very cool. But, keep in mind that 'flat race' and 'hilly race' are relative. One person's long incline isn't a hill to that person, and another person's short, steep hill is like Pikes Peak.

So what is Newport? It is not pancake flat... in fact, there are few sections that I'd call level. There's a mercifully short steep drop at 3ish, and then the rest of the course rolls... but it is a gentle roll, nothing evil.

In fact, this is probably why Newport is such a fast course for many people (well, that and the nice weather). Pancake flat pounds the legs the same way for 26.2. Roly poly spreads the usage around.

Also, M4.2 through M26.2 is an out-and-back (11 miles each way). Now I didn't measure it carefully, but I suspect that there's a gradual net elevation gain (add up all the ups and subtract out the downs) on the way out... which obviously reverses on the way back. So there's a gradual downhill as you steam back to homebase. Though, mind you, it's still rolling so there are some uphill sections on the way back.

But 'uphill' is never steep in this race.

It's pretty cool. Not that easy to get to for folks travelling from afar, but not bad either.


K. F. from Vancouver, British Columbia (6/10/2006)
"Fantastic!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons

This was a wonderful personal experience and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to feel the thrill of finishing a race knowing that it was done with little crowd support and glitzy extras. The heart behind the race was evident everywhere and the kindness and attention offered were appreciated and truly valued. Just a note of slight warning: my results disappeared from the face of the earth because I was honest enough to admit that I was running under someone else's name and, as requested, declared myself disqualified. Overall, I'm proud of my personal best and appreciative of the way I was treated and respected, but it would still be nice to have it on record that I did what I did.


T. L. from Tigard, Oregon (6/8/2006)
"This Marathon's Heart is in the Right Place" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon

As others have commented, this marathon is well organized and run on a flat, fast course. I'd like to add that I saw a couple of nice touches that I haven't seen at other marathons. At packet pick-up there was a booth selling marathon merchandise. Above the booth was a small sign saying that marathons should be fun and affordable. Accordingly, all the merchandise was priced remarkably low, with the most expensive item being the official jacket at $32. Another nice touch was having a course photo that was taken around mile 11 available for purchase (only $10) at the finish. My experience running the Newport Marathon was very positive and I felt that they really had the runner's interest at heart.

Oh, and where else can you get oyster shooters on a marathon course (remember to have some fun out there).


B. R. from Albany, Oregon (6/7/2006)
"One to make a multiple repeat" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Newport Marathons

This marathon is very well managed for its size. It doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is; it is a small and unique marathon experience. The course does have its road camber issues in spots, there is a gravel road for about a block, there is a steep down hill for a few blocks at mile 3, but if you check out the course ahead of time, these little hiccups in the course are very managable. The long out and back section (which starts and ends with a small hill) is nice because you see every runner in the race and get to cheer them on. The oyster shooters are definitely worth stopping for. The awards banquet is crowded, but is quick and fun. Beer and clam chowder is better than any of the trinkets that you get at many other marathons.
If you are thinking about doing this one, register by the end of February. This one sells out the first couples weeks of March. At $45, this marathon is a bargain.


S. S. from Madison, WI (6/7/2006)
"Great Marathon Introduction" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Newport Marathon

Just started running in '05, and picked this based on previous posts to this site. The positive comments are spot on! Outstanding scenery, well-organized, mild weather - Rogue Beer at the finish line. Life is good!


E. F. from Portland, OR (6/6/2006)
"What's Not To Like About Newport?" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Newport Marathons

You must run this race. The small number of entrants makes for a very congenial group without crowding or jostling. Volunteers along the course are numerous and enthusiastic. Family members have easy access to a lot of the course, and cheer for everyone. The shuttle bus to the starting line was efficient and easy to use. We stayed directly across from the finish line and enjoyed being in the heart of the action. Weather was perfect. I ran this race 3 years ago and qualified for Boston (it is a fast course!), and hadn't been back until this year. I'd forgotten just how nice a race it really is. You do not want to miss the awards ceremony, either--lots of really great (and funky) door prizes, and a chance to see the fast runners up close and in person. Do not miss this race next year (register early).


D. W. from Walla Walla, Washington (6/5/2006)
"Unfriendly to end-of-the-pack runners." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Newport Marathon

My knee went out at mile 16 but I managed to finish by walking and made it in under the time limit of 7 hours. Although I finished 595 out of 600, I expected to find the advertised post-race refreshments at the finish line. The was nothing left to drink or eat. The clam chowder was gone. I did get my medal and shirt but I felt that the slowest participants were not treated equally. I will probably run Newport again.


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