calendar icon Jul 1, 2024

Skagit Flats Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.7 
Number of comments: 51 [displaying comments 51 to 51]
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A Runner from washington (9/12/2000)
"nice course but little support for 'back of packer" (General Comments)


I am a fifty year old female who finished near the back of the pack in 4:49... This was an out and back course with a turn around at 13 miles. There were aid stations approximately every three miles which were supposed to be offering both water and gatorade. Unfortunately they ran out of gatorade and those of us at the back of the pack had to do with water only the last 13 miles. Trust me, that is a long way to go with no calorie replacement. Thankfully, it was a rainy day and at least we didn't get dehydrated. I had carried a powerbar with me 'just in case' but there were several others that looked like they needed something besides water. There were only 100 participants in the full marathon with almost no day of race entrants so there was really no excuse for them to have run out. I do have to say that even in the horrible windy and rainy conditions that the course is really a beautiful course and I plan to do it again.

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