calendar icon Oct 18, 2024

Melbourne Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 29 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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A. W. from Japan (10/15/2007)
"Great but needs improved organization" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Melbourne Marathon

This was my second marathon and first in my home town. Course was great (although I'm obviously a bit biased) but I thought the organization was very poor. Drink stations are not stocked and set at weird intervals; and starting the half at the same time as the full distance just meant more people got in the way. Still, very enjoyable experience and heartily recommended.


N. P. from Australia, Melbourne (10/11/2007)
"Not as good as last year" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 Melbourne Marathons

I was very disappointed when I found out that they had run out of water at the 10KM drink station. Many people missed out on drinks at the station, and since hydration is very important it was not a good thing for the second drink station to be out of water.


B. C. from Melbourne (10/8/2007)
"Awesome first marathon experience!!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Melbourne Marathon

This out and back course was relatively flat and well marked. The sun was shining which made for a pleasant morning but a little warm. The ocean and city views were magnificent and the finale of the MCG, a melbourne icon, was fantastic. Closest I'll ever get to being on the grounds! The spectators cheered us on and even supplied lollies, marshmallows and even icy poles. Fantastic atmosphere and very well supported by volunteers and organisers. Opening remarks by olympic marathon champions helped tremendously!


J. m. from London (7/1/2006)
"good race but no toilets at the start!!!!!!!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Melbourne Marathon

Nice cool day in 2005. Slight headwinds but picturesque course for most of the race and a nice finish down St Kilda Rd. NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TOILETS AT THE START. Good atmosphere with cheering spectators most of the way.


J. C. from Australia (4/28/2006)
"First-hand experience" (about: 2003)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Melbourne Marathons

Melbourne was my first marathon in 1989. This race in 2003, at age 43 was designed to see if I had a decent marathon left in me. My best, also at Melbourne, was 2:41 in 1993, so 10 years on, running with my brain, I sort of proved that I had something left.

It is now 2006. I am focusing on a 2:40 Great Ocean Road, Australia, Marathon. I have come off a fund raising 100 KM (Oxfam TrailWalker) in 12 hours 3 weeks ago, have been resting up, and have 3 weeks to put in some up tempo efforts. The body is willing, but its durability is marginal.

I'll get back to you after May 21, 2006


Bernie Edwards from Melbourne (10/11/2005)
"Inspired by the spectators" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Melbourne Marathon

I was running my first marathon, having been talked into competing by friends. I entered a Herald Sun competition through their Health and Lifestyle section and was selected to be the male runner. I had two VO2 max tests at Monash with a training program designed for me through a company called ERA. I then trained hard with the program supplying variety to the running involved. I was told about G.I. and training supplements, proper running socks and food and drink intake. I had two dedicated training partners who would run with me at all hours in varying weather conditions.

The race weather conditions were kind. Coolish with moderate to gusty winds. I know the views as I live bayside but the thing which will always stick in my mind is the support recieved along the way. The volunteers performed a magnificent job with drinks. The St. John staff supplied everything, including vaseline. I, like many others, hit the wall at times and heard many people clapping and giving encouragement. These Melbournians ranged in ages from children to elderly people. They made comments about how well people were running and for people to keep going and not give up. This encouragement and community attitude will stay with me for a long time. There were people handing out lollies and sweets. I remember running past the legendary Shirley Young and others with t-shirts stating they'd run every marathon. There were Spartans who had t-shirts stating they'd run 10 or 20 marathons, a guy running in thongs and another with bare feet. This marathon had the lot. My highlight was having my photo taken with my two running friends after the race.


C. L. from Melbourne, Australia (1/5/2005)
"What a course!!!" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 4-5 Melbourne Marathons

I have now run 5 marathons, completing the Melbourne 4 times. It truly is a fantastic and thoroughly enjoyable experience. The course offers magnificant views of Port Phillip Bay from about 12kms through to about 40kms and offers a sense of serenity about it. Being pretty much a flat course for almost all of the way, there aren't the hills to deal with that take so much out of you.

The fans along the course are amazing. Dressing up in all sorts of costumes and there to cheer all on. Without them, it would so much tougher.

If I had one complaint though, it would be the lack of toilets both at the start and along the course. This surely is an inconvenience for many.

Other than that, I would recommend this race to any interested in making Melbourne a part of their marathon accomplishments.


L. H. from Melbourne (10/23/2004)
"A VERY average though enjoyable experience." (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Melbourne Marathon

This was my first Melbourne Marathon though I've run 17 others (mostly Los Angeles, also Athens, Paphos, Amman-Dead Sea). The first 15 km along the Nepean Hwy were uninspiring, though the rest was pleasant. Although I didn't suffer from the heat, many did. There weren't enough water stations: they should've been every 2 km. This is the first marathon I've run where I had to pay extra for a T-shirt (other than Athens which did not have an entry fee). Registration at around $90 is expensive, a rip off actually, considering not enough toilets or water, and no shirt. You would think the race has no sponsorship although it does. The spectators were few, but nice.


N. P. from Ballarat, Australia (10/14/2004)
"Fantastic Experience for my first marathon" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

MM was my first marathon and I have already declared I will return next year. Although unusually hot for this time of year, it was a great atmosphere. Seemed very organized - vounteers on every corner, clapping and encouraging - as well as the spectators dotted along the entire course.


L. T. from melbourne (10/13/2004)
"toilet facilities were a joke" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

Toilet facilities were a joke. This was my first time at the race and I nearly missed the start because I was waiting to use one of the very few toilets provided ? this was appalling planning. At the race end, the toilets were in two unmarked trucks which I walked straight past even though I had been pointed in the right direction. A big disappointment and I hope you improve on this next year.


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