calendar icon Jan 17, 2025

Baltimore Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 443 [displaying comments 371 to 381]
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A Runner from Ocean City, New jersey (10/27/2001)
"A marathon that has potential" (about: 2001)


This marathon is tougher than advertised and is definately not a PR course. There are a lot of hills to contend with from about mile 5 through mile 16. The hill at mile 20 reminded me of 'Heartbreak Hill' in the Boston Marathon. One thing that organizers can do to make this a better marathon is to have more time clocks at various mile markers. I only remember a time clock at mile 1 and at mile 26. Although there was a chip timing mat at the half (13.1 miles) I did not see a time clock. Also, I think it would be beneficial if organizers could develop a better course elevation chart that cleary shows all of the hills. On the other hand, I think race organizers did a pretty good job considering this was the inaugural marathon. It is my understanding that this is a future showcase marathon for possibly obtaining the summer olympics in Baltimore for 2012. This marathon has potential to be a good one and I'm sure it will be better next year.


A Runner from Bel Air MD (10/27/2001)
"CHALLENGING" (about: 2001)


This was my first marathon so I really do not have anything to compare it to except my expectations!! The course was definitely hilly but those hills never broke us and only slowed us down. While our time might have been off I assume everyone else's time did the same. If every marathon course was the same what would be the point in running them? Loved the crowds, the police were great! The only thing that could be improved upon was the lack of gatorade from mile 4 to mile 18. In that type of heat, and it could have been worse, I felt physically affected. Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make the Baltimore Marathon 2001 a reality.


A Runner from Washington DC (10/26/2001)
"Terrific Inaugural Event!" (about: 2001)


Great job all around! I thought the post-race area was particularly well done and really appreciated the beer afterwards. The spectators were terrific and the aid stations were plentiful. The course was quite hilly, but nice. I would like to see the last few miles of the course go right through downtown to get that Baltimore feel at the end--like down Charles Street and maybe through Federal Hill to the finish at PSInet Stadium. Overall a terrific job by the race organizers!


A Runner from Bel Air, MD (10/25/2001)
"fun day, nice setting." (about: 2001)


This was my first marathon. Hills were fine. I trained for them and, with the exception of the last one at mile 20, they were not too bad. Gatorade was available at mile 4 and then not again until mile 18. All stations were out - water was availale but we needed electrolytes. I had to stop at a gas station around mile 13 and buy some! Fans were great. Wonderful support.


A Runner from Baltimore, MD (10/25/2001)
"Hilly, disorganized, poor 1st marathon choice!" (about: 2001)


Unfortunately Baltimore's inaugural marathon was poorly thought out and poorly organized. The course was hilly (not rolling hills) throughout. This was unfortunate because many of the runners were from the Baltimore/DC area and many were first time marathoners. I have one piece of advice for the first-timers: don't worry, it doesn't get much worse. The expo was poorly organized. Instead of picking up a packet, one had to get the number, chip, scan the chip, and get the shirt separately. There weren't enough spot-a-pots along the course (severe shortage). At the finish line no one announced the finishers. Also at the finish line the only food given out was small bags of chips and pretzels - that's right - no bagels, bananas, oranges, NOTHING! I was disgusted with this. Baltimore has much more scenic routes and it is unfortunate that this route was chosen. In particular, the last several miles when traffic is hostile and people are driving aggressively right in the next lane on Martin Luther King Blvd. needs to be rethought. One thing that was wonderful was the water stations and the people at those stations. That was the best organized part of the race. Hopefully Baltimore will seriously consider some major changes for next year in both the organization and the course. As a Baltimore resident, I would love to see this city develop a first-rate marathon. The potential is there.


A Runner from Baltimore, Maryland (10/24/2001)
"Tremendously challenging, but friendly crowds" (about: 2001)


This marathon was tough in 2001 in part due to the unseasonably warm temperatures. The hills started at mile 4 and didn't quit until mile 23, and even though there were some downhill stretches in between, the numerous waves of hills just beat my legs to death. I trained on the very hills in which the race was run, but the combination of hills and heat did me in on race day. The course weaved through some beautiful neighborhoods and parks in many places. Only miles 11-14 and 23-26 could be considered plain. Unfortunately, most runners were too beat to notice or enjoy the nice neighborhoods on most of the course. The good part was the strong support of the crowds, from mile one to mile twenty-six. The only real negatives were the heat (unavoidable), the traffic (some runners were even halted for crossing car traffic at some intersections, but that can be fixed) and the ceaseless hills. Perhaps the organizers could rethink the route and send people around Federal Hill, Fort McHenry, along the waterfront and through the city, instead of a big loop of hills around the city. For an inaugural event, it was run extremely well.


A Runner from Alexandria, VA (10/24/2001)
"Hilly, nice parks, finish needs an overhaul" (General Comments)


Being my first marathon, I don't have others to compare it to... but the course was very challenging hill-wise & there wasn't enough to eat. The finish was very chaotic & ran out of healthy food!!! I couldn't find a banana or bagel anywhere, but i was offered many bags of potato chips... not my idea of post-race refueling. Also, my husband couldn't get to the finish b/c there was a bottle neck of foot traffic- runners & spectators were confined to one small entrance. I was disappointed that he couldn't get there to see it.


A Runner from Hagerstown, MD (10/24/2001)
"Good event for first year" (about: 2001)


I thought the race went well for the first time event. Organization was good, but needed more free food available to the runners after they finish (especially needed bread products). The course was nice and challenging with a great tour of the city. Fans were awesome, cheering all the runners on. Water stops were well staffed and there were plenty of smiling faces. The finish area was great, with the lap around PSI Net stadium and the fans ligned along the last 1/2 mile screaming their heads off. Looking forward to running this again next year and will be prepared for the 13 miles of uphill climbs.


A Runner from Washington DC (10/24/2001)
"Hilly but well run" (General Comments)


The hills were extremely difficult. I train in Washington where it is generally flat and was just not prepared for the hills through mile 16. By mile 18, i was beat and the downhills didn't help much at that point. But all that being said, crowd support was great, a very scenic course, and very well organized. Just do a lot of hill training if you plan on running this race.


A Runner from Crofton, MD USA (10/24/2001)
"You want hills, this race HAS your hills!!" (about: 2001)


The organizers and volunteers for this inaugural marathon did a splendid job. It seemed obvious to me that a lot of careful planning went into every phase of the race, from the pre-race packet pickup and check-in to the post-race awards party. Energetic fan support was everywhere along this beautiful and scenic course. Now, about those hills! Flat for the first three miles or so, then it seemed I was running uphill until mile 24. There were many ups and downs, but after a while those ups (however minor) seemed like mountains! Oh well, part of the fun (and geography) of Baltimore. I'd run it again.

Thanks to all involved!!


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