calendar icon Jan 17, 2025

Baltimore Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.1 
Number of comments: 443 [displaying comments 411 to 421]
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A Runner from Oakton, VA (10/22/2001)
"Outstanding, hilly, challenging marathon" (about: 2001)


Well done, Baltimore! This is a hilly course that will challenge runners for 16 miles, but then the course mercifully heads downhill for 10 miles to the finish. The course is a loop, starting and finishing at the Baltimore Ravens? stadium. The course was spotlessly clean, the landscaping was fresh, all the intersections were staffed with police, and the water-stations were almost every mile. The residents of each neighborhood were out in mass, cheering on the runners and seeming to have great fun showing off their city. The best fan, to me, was the attractive lady who stood in her yard and sang ?America the Beautiful? loudly and beautifully. Parking, facilities, T-shirt, registration, chutes, etc. were excellent.


A Runner from New York (10/22/2001)
"This new race has it all" (General Comments)


The pasta party the night before-top shelf. Race about 8,000 strong-support all the way. Course..challenging-hills, beautiful views. 5K for those who want to run short race then come out and cheer for marathoners. We had the best time. Course open for eigth full hours. Mylar blanket and medal available to slow runner/ walkers. Clean pair of white socks given to each at the finish line. Mayor O'Malley your wife did a great job. Thank You


A Runner from Baltimore, MD (10/21/2001)
"Way too many hills!" (about: 2001)


Support staff, medical, and traffic control was great, but the course itself was very challenging due to the hills starting at mile 9 through mile 16, mile 20, and then some smaller rollers near the end. The finish is net downhill, but if you've worked the hills hard, you have no quads left by mile 24 and every incline from then on adds insult to injury. The final insult was being able to see the finish line, but having to run 3/4ths of the way around PSINet stadium to get there. Fan support was good in many places, but sparse on Northern Parkway.


A Runner from Baltimore, Md (10/21/2001)
"This marathon needs some work!" (about: 2001)


Obviously a first time effort with many areas in need of improvement. Food, provided by Outback Steak House was closed down at the 5 hour mark. Many runners did not get any food at the end of the race. The course is hard, it'll make you work! It was published that there would be many local high school marching bands along the route to provide music and support. This runner, 4:15:00 pace, did not hear a single one! As this was the marathon's return to charm city I expected much more!! I hope those that organize it will work on this and improve it for next year.


A Runner from Valatie, NY (10/21/2001)
"Good first try, but course is too tough!" (about: 2001)


Great turnout for a first time event, especially so close to NYC, Marine Corps, and Philadelphia. Interesting city course --starting at the waterfront and looping out through the city neighborhoods and back -- with lots of supporters along the route. But the rolling hills are relentless from mile 3 through 24 -- (although 'mostly' downhill for final 5). No big killer hills, but one right after another (200 meters to 800 meters). Definitely not a PR course. Need to improve the organization a bit, especially at the finish -- much too congested and confused -- but that may have been a factor of its inaugural status and big turnout (at least 7,000, I'd guess). Plus, the runners were forced a little too close to the traffic in the final 3-4 miles. Lots of fumes and honking. Hot weather would turn this into a real killer. But this could become a good city race and a nice alternative to NYC and Marine Corps. It had an excellent field of runners this year.


A Runner from Pennsylvania (10/21/2001)
"Very misrepresented" (about: 2001)


Course was much more difficult than advertised. In addition, there were other problems: traffic into the city led to delays; there were not enough porti-pots; there were no lost runner tents; even getting to the expo was challenging. Perhaps it will be more organized next year, afterall, it is Baltimore's first.


A Runner from Baltimore MD (10/21/2001)
"many rough ends to tie up" (about: 2001)


The course was too hilly, worse than expected, (was there any hill in Ba. we missed?) with many rutty road surfaces, not nearly enough spot a pots leaving runners to go in trees, bushes and behind cars, and there needs to be water every mile on a tough course like that. Putting a few spot a pots and some water at every mile cuts down on the crowding at any one station. After running those hills and losing time there, no one wants to stand in line for 10 min. to use the bathroom and in temps like Saturday, with the hills, dehydration is a significant risk. (see Austin Motorolla for the best race day ammenities I 've seen.) A course this challenging will be hard pressed to bring back any but the most hardy runners who are interested in a real challenge and not a fast time. The course was more scenic than I expected but I never realized how sloping Baltimore really is. After the 15th mile it was just discouraging to keep climbing hills. I've never seen so many people in cramping calf agony, possibly due to not enough water stations as well as the hills.


A Runner from Huntington, New York (10/21/2001)
"Difficult course" (about: 2001)


This was a well run marathon, but a difficult course with hills that never end! After having run Boston, Marine Corps, and New York City, I found this to be very challenging.
I'm glad I did not know ahead of time (except for reading the article in the program guide by Falls Road Running Store at 11:30pm the night before the race) how difficult the 'rolling' hills were because I may not have registered for the race and had the opportunity to finish - and also be #18 in my age group.
I recommend the race to anyone that is prepared to do the hill work as part of their training.
Spectators were enthusiastic, but scarce during parts of the course, and it would help if runners were released in a location where they can reunite with friends and family right after the finish.
Plan on staying an extra day to enjoy Baltimore Inner Harbor!


Ashley Hawkins from Charleston, South Carolina (10/21/2001)
"Great fan support!" (about: 2001)


The fans really kept me going the entire way. The water and gatorade stations were plentiful and overall I felt the marathon ran very smoothly, especially for a first annual run.


A Runner from vienna, va (10/21/2001)
"Course too hilly, difficult to see some mile marke" (about: 2001)


Way too hilly a course for a marathon. There were no timers at each mile like other marathons and it was difficult to see some mile markers (on the ground).
Car traffic was stopped and backed up throughout most of the course. Disorganized finish area, difficult to find where to get medals. 1st buses (for relay members) should have been in front of the start line so they could leave later than 8:00 so people caught in traffic wouldn't have missed the bus. On the positive side there were plenty of volunteers and fluids throughout the race.


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