calendar icon Oct 1, 2024

Casper Wyoming Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 133 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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E. F. from Los Altos Hills, CA (6/9/2015)
"Challenging, Well-Produced Race" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This race is a solid small town production.

I loved the ease of staying at the Ramada, being transported by shuttle to the start (just 5 minutes away) and finishing in the hotel parking lot. (The cleanliness of my room, however, was sub-par.) The Events Center was a very comfortable place to await the gun. Lots of restrooms were available and they supplied pre-race coffee, food, bug spray and sun block.

The course seemed a bit hilly and the higher elevation made the hills feel more difficult. I struggled at the end when the sun came out in full force. Still, the entire time I was thanking the weather gods for not producing the predicted thunderstorms. (Apparently, weather in WY can turn on a dime. Don't obsess over the extended forecast like I did!) I took the advice to run by 'feel' rather than for time, and I'm glad I did. The course was well marked and volunteers were great.

The finish line amenities were very generous: beer, pizza, sandwiches, etc. I loved the blue tech shirt and the medal was just fine. I especially appreciated race organizers thanking me for coming out.

If traveling by plane, give yourself extra time. I had multiple plane cancellations on both ends of my trip due to severe weather, which I am told is common for the region in June.


N. S. from Arvada, CO (10/25/2014)
"My favorite marathon thus far" (about: 2014)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This is my tenth marathon and I've done both big city and small town. Casper was amazing. Even though we live in Colorado, we've never been to Casper. It was such an enjoyable town and the race was great. All the comments are spot on. The course was beautiful - along a river with large cottonwoods. The volunteers were top notch and friendly. The finish line was in the parking lot of the hotel we stayed at and the food and beverage were plentiful (and I'm a slower runner, so this is rarely the case!) My only complaint was the 4 miles around the golf course. It was boring and hot with no shade, but 4 miles out of 26 isn't bad at all. I recommend this race to anybody wanting to experience the state of Wyoming and anyone wanting to experience a well-run race. Kudos!


E. G. from Murray, UT (6/8/2014)
"Super well organized and fun race" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This race was incredibly well organized and I enjoyed a lot about it.

The pros:

1) Accurate course. With the exception of one mile marker, the mile markers were spot on
2) Post race food / beverages were phenomenal: beer, sodas, fruits, sandwiches, pizza, cookies, and plenty of it. You could always go back for more.
3) Easy transport to the race start and ample area to wait until the start. Clean bathrooms.
4) Scenic course. I enjoyed the bike trail and the Platte River. Course is mostly flat with a couple of hills sprinkled in (some fairly tough).
5) Plenty of support at the aid stations. Gatorade, water, gels, fruit, etc
6) No problems with traffic, understanding where to go or not being able to run my own pace throughout.

1) Not a lot of crowd support on this one. It is there but if you need the entire city to come out and cheer for you, you are in the wrong marathon
2) Miles 21-25 were drudgery around the golf course. Not much shade and not a lot of people. It was the only bummer part of the race for me.
3) Not a certified marathon. Would love to see this one become certified.

I wasn't expecting much out of this marathon but I was completely blown away. It exceeded all my expectations and I would consider running it again. Also a great race for knocking Wyoming off your 50 states list. Also stay at the host hotel. The finish line is in their backyard and makes it easy to clean up and enjoy the post race festivities.


C. L. from Maryland (6/7/2014)
"Great race" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

I ran this as a way to check off WY in my quest for the 50 states and ended up very pleasantly surprised by it all. The course was very flat, only a few minor inclines. The start was near a event center, so we go to wait inside where they had people giving massages and a full spread of bagels, coffee, muffins and clif bars for the runners while we waited. We ran through parks and trail areas, nice scenery. I dont' think I have ever run a marathon with such great course support. Well stocked aid stations with friendly and helpful volunteers at every mile.

The shirt and medal are great....the water bottle is nice too. We stayed at the Ramada, the host hotel. The price was right and the finish line is right outside the door. Plenty of food and drinks at the end....this race is one of the best kept secrets. Many rave about Fargo, but I ran Fargo a few weeks ago and let me tell you, the people in Casper are much friendlier and the course is much more intersting. If it wasn't so hard to get to WY, I would run this one again.


S. C. from Westchester, NY (6/3/2014)
"Not to be missed!!!" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This little marathon is BIG on beauty, support, fun and great food!!! The packet pic up was easy and friendly. The pasta dinner was excellent and a wonderful way to catch up with many friends. Organization at the start was terrific, with a full breakfast spread for all runners. We waited indoors (nice on a chilly morning) and had bathroom facilities available. The course is an interesting mix of road and paved trails and though there are quite a few ups, they are do-able and not too bad. Given the elevation, us sea-level dwellers were a little anxious but I honestly did not feel it. There were many magnificent views. Spectators were sparse but not surprising since a lot of the race was on trails. Aid support was awesome and here's the best...if you can't find anything to eat at the finish, you are way too picky. They had a unbelievable spread that just kept getting filled by the lovely volunteers....Awesome post-race food and beverages!!! Its a small but well-organized race...Kudos to the race directors and their terrific team of volunteers!!! So worth the trip....


A. T. from Chicago (6/1/2014)
"Loved this race!!!!" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

I love small, scenic, friendly races  and this one's great. Stay at the host hotel; the finish is at the hotel!! Airport shuttle. Packet pickup is there. Super easy logistically. Race day morning shuttle to the start where breakfast is served inside with indoor restrooms. Country roads, mountain vistas, bike trail along the river and through the trees. PLENTY of food left for the slowpokes! Age group winners get a backpack and blanket. SUPER wonderful volunteers. Oranges, watermelon, bananas, GU at most/some of the aid stations.


T. T. from Alabama (6/1/2014)
"Best ever race amenities" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

The course is not that exciting but the overall experience was excellent and helps make up for a not too exciting course. One plus about the course was because most of it is on a walking/biking trail - traffic was never an issue. Fabulous volunteers at the packet pickup and on race day. The venue for the pre-race was wonderful - warm; regular toilets and a spread of food like I've never seen pre-race. The aid stations along the route were ~every 2 miles and very well stocked. More port-a-potties on the route than usual so that was greatly appreciated. And the food at the finish - wow!! Amazing fruit, pizza, subs - and for all finishers - not just the fast ones! Casper, WY itself was a really nice town. This is a great one to do for 50 state folks. Props to the organizers for a job well done.


J. S. from Columbus, Ohio (2/24/2014)
"Great Race, Awesome Organization" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

The Casper marathon is one of the most friendly, well organized marathons in the country. I've run 46 marathons and this one had the most friendly people supporting it. Two points show this most vividly. At mile 14 I asked the volunteers at the water station for vaseline, they didn't have any so they went out and purchased some and when I came through at mile 18 it was there for me. The second gesture was at the finish line. My family was travelling with me and my 3 year old son was waiting patiently for me to finish. He ran out and joined me across the finish line. To top it off, one of the volunteers took pictures of us holding hands running across the finish line. He sent them to us for free. This marathon is awesome. Their pride and hospitality is unmatched. It is also a beautiful race and course. The altitude is tough but the scenery is amazing so I strongly recommend it.


J. K. from Wisconsin (2/2/2014)
"Very nice marathon" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

I have run over 35 marathons, and this one twice. It is very well organized, with the host hotel right next to the finish line. The foood/beveages at the finish was outstanding! About half is run along a river (flat) with some small rises around a golf course. Overall, I would recommend this run!


B. S. from Glencoe, Il (7/16/2013)
"Don't miss this race." (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This race was my 37th state and quite simply one of my favorites. The RD, support people and volunteers all rate a 10, they didn't miss a thing. Much of the course runs through parks and follows along the Platte River. It offers nice views of the river, greenbelt, fishing and campsites. The asphalt trails and route were well marked. There's enough rolling hills to keep your legs loose without being abusive. The technical long sleeve shirt looks great. There was way too much food along the course and even more at the end. Another great feature was the low rates of the race hotel whose parking lot conveniently serves as the finish line. Directors of other much larger races should visit Casper to learn how to make every runner feel special. Don't miss this race.


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