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Newport Marathon (RI) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 138 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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J. W. from Chattanooga, TN (11/16/2009)
"Great course, bad weather, mediocre organization" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This was my first half marathon and I did it in preparation for a full. The course was unbelievably beautiful - what I could see of it anyway. It was super foggy and rainy. I was absolutely frozen and soaked, but I was still able to appreciate the course. The organization was OKAY. My husband wanted a map to find me along the way and one of the organizers told him that they had no maps - and the registration took place in the Visitor's Center. The organizer wouldn't let him in even to check... but he ended up sneaking in through the back and immediately saw a huge wall of maps. Thanks a lot for your help on that one Mr. Organizer-with-an-overly-heightened-sense-of-authority.

THEN, we had to wait after the race in the FREEZING rain forEVER to get some bus to pick us up at an undisclosed location. A mob of us ended up flagging a bus down and basically bombarding the driver and forcing our way onto the bus before he could say "No." It was almost do or die at that point! We were all shivering uncontrollably. If it hadn't have been for the awesome hot soup at the finish, it would've been WAY worse. A+ on the soup.

Also, we couldn't find any information at registration concerning bag drop-off and only found out after the race that there was one when we stumbled across a massive pile of bags in our search for the non-existent bus shuttle. My husband was the one flabbergasted about that since he carried my bag while he sprinted from viewpoint to viewpoint in the freezing rain!


M. A. from Niskayuna, NY (10/22/2009)
"Hopefully you'll have better weather" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

A spectacular course for the first half of the race, particularly the part of the course that goes along Ocean Avenue. I believe the second half of the course must have been revised from previous years because, while there some steady uphills, there were no "killer" hills. Pretty flat between miles 15-18, as you run to the wildlife sanctuary; then it was rolling between miles 18-25 in more rural Middletown, with a long gradual uphill at mile 20, and one tough uphill at mile 24. The weather for the race was god-awful: a driving rain the entire race, and 20+ mph wind gusts, even worse near the ocean. I guess it was good there was no heat to tire us out.

Race organizers did a solid job, given the conditions. My only recommendation would be to have more race volunteers at the end of half-marathon race. Because the half-way point of the race overlapped with the end of the half-marathon, we had to avert the half-marathoners and their supporters who were walking on the course as we were beginning our second half (forcing some of us to step in puddles to avoid them). Some race volunteers to clear the race course would be helpful.

Again, back to my original point: this is a beautiful course. I hope future runners of this race will have more accommodating weather.


Chris Justice from Boulder, CO (10/22/2009)
"Nor'Easter!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

A quick summary:

I live in Boulder, Colorado and my mother-in-law lives near Newport, RI. "Hey, why not come out and run the marathon? It's in October and it's beautiful that time of year!" Great idea. Right up until we landed on the Wednesday prior. Not one, but two nor'easters rolled through town that week. Of course, the second one came in around midnight before the race.
(Note: Weather in Denver for the marathon on same day: perfect.)

Anyway, the race must go on.

I've been on the coastal parts of the course in great weather and can attest that it is very beautiful. On marathon day? Not so much.

I have read comments from years back and concur pretty much across the board. The first half is excellent. The second half features two out-and-backs, which are not fun. And there are hills. Especially not fun is Purgatory Hill at mile 25. This is not a PR course. Add the fact that we ran into a wall of wind, and the experience was less than desirable.

The T-shirt was absolutely the worst I've ever received. You could BUY better shirts, but the included shirt was crap.

Passing the finish line at the halfway mark isn't fun. The half marathon finishes there and the marathoners are sent out towards out-and-back fun and excitement.

I won't lie; we had the worst possible running conditions you could ever imagine, but that is no fault of anyone but Mother Nature. It was a highly unpleasant experience, but I am proud of finishing. I was going for 3:20 to get to Boston, but the wind, rain, lake-sized puddle and cold took it out of me. I couldn't feel my hands or feet by the time I finished.

The expo was typical for a small marathon and the medal was OK.

Great job by the volunteers who braved the elements. Plenty of water, Gatorade and gel available.


Bill Theis from Southgate, KY near Cincinnati, OH (10/21/2009)
"Great support for the lousy weather we had." (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

I ran this marathon this past Sunday and I would like to give a great big thanks to all of the workers who braved the horrible weather to support us. At least we were running. The workers had to stay in one place.

I would especially like to thank you for letting me finish. I am in the 50 State Club and needed Rhode Island for my 45th state. I may have been able to make the six-hour time limit on a good day, but that wind slowed me up quite a bit. I also owe a great big thanks to the two ambulance drivers who let me in the back of the ambulance after I finished to warm up. Yes, and I also need to thank the doctor who drove me back to my car.

All of your efforts are really appreciated.

- Bill Theis from KY (Wild Willy)


F. M. from Walpole, MA (10/20/2009)
"beautiful and challenging course" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Newport Marathon (RI)s

We ran in a very cold and windy nor'easter this year. This was my second year in a row, and the changes to the course were appreciated, especially not having the big hill at mile 25. There are definitely more hills on the second half. A couple out-and-back sections, which I enjoy because I like to see where I am in the pack during the race and get a chance to look for friends. Organizers and volunteers were amazing. It was pouring rain, windy and freezing cold, yet every volunteer had a big, encouraging smile on their face. The best is the Mile 24 area (you pass by a couple of times going out and back), and the Halloween-themed water/aid station. Lots of fun. There weren't a lot of spectators due to the weather, but the crazy ones that were out there were fantastic.

The food at the finish was great; plenty of pizza and WARM soup hit the spot since I was freezing. Pasta dinner the night before was great and I really enjoyed listening to the comments from the race organizers and guest speaker Geoff Smith. Very nice finisher's medal and a change to a tech shirt (from cotton in 2008) - also a nice change. The race directors really seem to listen to feedback from past participants and make changes when necessary. Would highly recommend this race.


Bryan Lockett from Mystic CT (10/20/2009)
"First marathon, typical New England terrain" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

This was my first marathon. The mansions and ocean make for beautiful scenery, though the nor'easter the entire race was somewhat of a drag. There were many hills, especially in the second half, but this is New England and par for the course (pardon the pun). Spectatorship was dismal, but I can't blame them; the weather was miserable. Unless I missed it, there was no massage tent or food at the finish line, which I really could have used a hot burger at the time. Overall, no major complaints. If I was to run another marathon (which I won't!), I would definitely run Newport again. Thanks to the organizers!


Stephanie Sposato from Nashua, NH (10/19/2009)
"Hard going with the weather" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

Thought it was very disorganized. Cars almost hit several runners. Why were they allowed to drive that fast on the course? Also, aid stations breaking down before the end of the race. What motivation is that to finish in those miserable weather conditions? Where were all the volunteers? If we were still out there running, they should be there handing out water!!! The course was supposed to stay open for six hours. Should have stayed open longer instead of breaking down early in those conditions. And my results for finishing are not even posted. Did I run for nothing??? Well at least I know I finished. And the medal is pretty. :) Also, I did not like having to run through the half-marathon finish line to continue on with the full marathon. That was very de-motivational. I didn't even know where to continue on with the full marathon. Made the next seven miles brutal. Luckily I got my second wind for the last six.


Carol Young from Houston (10/18/2009)
"Awesome race - miserable weather" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons

The weather for this race was rainy all day - mixed with wind (and a little hail and sleet I think). Of course, that was not the fault of the race officials and they managed to make it a great race. There were no-charge shuttles from off-site parking to the start and finish lines. Non-participants were welcome on the bus, which made it easy for my husband to see me off at the start and be there at the 13.1 point and finish line without worry. The course took us through downtown, past the water, by some fabulous mansions, inland and back to the beach, so we saw a lot of the local area. It was a little hillier than I expected (but coming from Houston, all races seem hilly)
Spectators cheered us on with yells, cow bells, etc. I think the weather might have prevented some from coming out. I don't think I would have come out today. Friendly volunteers stayed at their stations until the end although they were very wet and must have been cold.

Charles Bregny, Race Director, and a couple of other people drove around during the second half to make sure all runners were OK in spite of the weather. Jessica, an enthusiastic volunteer at the finish line was a wonderful sight as she covered me with the reflective cover and gave me my medal. Mr. Bregny, Jessica and the other people at the finish showed concern for our comfort and helped me, my husband and other runners warm up and get back to our cars. Trust me, I earned this medal for persevering through the weather. I would do it again and hope for weather that would allow me to see this beautiful region of the country.


J. K. from NYC (10/18/2009)
"Poor organization at the finish" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons

The course was spectacular and breathtaking, however the organization was sub par.

The torrential downpour was bad enough to run through, but at least while you are running, you keep warm; however, after you stop running, to stand around in the freezing rain, with your clothes soaked, with no shelter of any kind for over an hour, waiting on the bus to come to take you to the start (where the cars were allowed to park) is inexcusable. Runners waited in the freezing rain, shivering and possibly suffering from hypothermia, with no guidance as to when the buses would get there. I think the race organizers should have added extra buses given the brutal weather conditions, or at least marshaled the hoards of runners waiting well over an hour, letting people know where to go for shelter and how long it would be until the buses arrived!


R. M. from MA (10/18/2009)
"A good marathon" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Newport Marathon (RI)

I'll start with the course. In a word: spectacular. The ocean (OK... technically the bay) views were stunning. The second half of the course had very limited ocean views, so it pales in comparison to the first half. It was pleasant enough, though.

I take exception to the comments below that complain about the hills on the second half. They're fairly described in the course description, and they're best described as rolling. This is Rhode Island for heaven's sake. There are NO big or steep hills on the course. If you want to run a perfectly flat marathon, sign up for one. I, for one, do not.

The race organization was very good. I never experienced the race in the past, but judging from the comments below it seems like they've made significant improvements. There's ample free parking at a casino about two miles away and an constant stream of shuttle buses to take you to the start. The shuttles are easy to find at the finish. The start line was on the same street as registration/number pickup, and there was ample shelter from the rain (more on that next...).

The weather today was abysmal: 40s, with high winds and rain the whole way. We had the unfortunate luck of running during a fall nor'easter. I give credit to any spectators who showed up at all. I have no idea how it would be on a normal day. The food at the finish was good: pizza and soup, to go with the normal fruit, etc.


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