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Running With The Devil Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.3 
Number of comments: 23 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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D. R. from USA. (7/2/2009)
"Good race - need to be prepared for larger crowds" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

It was a positive experience except that the water stop about six miles from the finish ran out of ice. Not a big deal for most races, but this is not most races. Later, the race director asked runners to deliver supplies to the stops when they drove home. They need a much better plan than that.

The course is as expected - arid, hot, sunny, and challenging. If that is not what you like, do not run it.

Fans are sparse, but supportive.


T. K. from Arizona (7/1/2009)
"Hot, Hilly, Low-Key & Unique" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

I did the half-marathon, and it was my proudest moment to complete this one. I hate the heat, and I'm not a fan of hills, but I had a good time and a definite sense of accomplishment. It was 115 degrees (F) out, with good hills. Definitely bring your own aid supplies to supplement their too-far-apart aid stations. They ran out of event shirts as well. Otherwise, a fun experience. Worth doing just for the uniqueness of the temperatures and noon start. Scenery's nice too.


J. W. from Lake Mead NRA/Bullhead City (6/30/2009)
"Challenging but fun!" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

This was my first half-marathon, and it was so much fun! They really took care of us - the aid stations were a welcome relief and had everything a person needed. The event was well organized, with lots of support from volunteers and competitors.

Challenging? You bet. But as long as one came prepared and took the time to take care of themselves throughout the race, it was not bad. It definitely required more mental focus and self-awareness than a "fair weather" race. I felt well most of the race and can't wait for next year. Well done!


J. F. from Atlanta, Georgia (12/31/2008)
"Gotta do this one again" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

My son, James, and I did everything wrong you could do prior to running this race except for picking up some girls in Vegas and going drinking and dancing. We came in on a wee hours flight Thursday, took the Hoover Dam tour on Friday and went swimming in Lake Mead. But it was the free breakfast at the hotel that did me in. That's why I'm coming back. This race is so cool. I qualified for Boston at the Flying Pig up in Cincinnatti and just wanted to run someplace where time did not matter. Ready to run on the Lunar Landscape? This is it. Panted Desert - nothing green, nothing living except for you, and that's not a guarantee. You're going up, you're going down, your shoes are sticking to the road, you're carrying ice, and there is no sound. In the distance you see giant rock formations pushing up from the desert floor, on the other side beautiful, blue Lake Mead. Bring the family and take the dam tour! Buy the wife or girlfriend some Indian jewelry in Bolder, but absolutely bring the inner tube. Finish the race and jump in the lake. It was 112 last year... but you can do this race if you just run smart... like I intend to do next year....


Edward Lyell from San Diego, California (7/5/2008)
"Great Job Again!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Running With The Devil Marathons

Another hot one. Great support, and cool new medal and shirt. I'll do this again. Do your work and train in the heat and hills before running, and you will do great! Back-of-the-packer friendly; I finished in 7:30, and all aid was present.


David Greene from KC (8/31/2007)
"Hotter than HELL-O" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

Be prepared for high temps and dry climate - similar to running in a giant hairdryer. Staff was nice and very well organized. Aid stations were stocked better than at any other race I've run. Scenery was ok with various rock formations and views of Lake Meade. Very appreciative for the cold ice towels, water, food, and encouragement provided by the awesome staff. Race is very environmentally conscious and limits waste (which is great for us tree-huggers). Course was nontechnical with varying elevations but relatively flat and straightforward... but one had to be ready to deal with the elements. Heat is one thing, but the absence of humidity is horrendous to those of us who love to sweat, so stay well hydrated!! This was the toughest of races I have run based on the weather conditions but well worth the challenge. As a bonus: free suntans when you're done running.


T. R. from Henderson, NV (7/11/2007)
"Very Difficult Challenge" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons

I participated in the Devil 1/2. As stated in the beginning, this course would be very challenging and the extreme heat would add another element to this event. If you did your homework and heat trained, you were much better off. This was definitely the most difficult event I have ever participated in. The aid stations were very well stocked and had everything you could imagine. The volunteers were awesome. I loved the iced towels. This is what kept me going. We also had one of our friends who was going to be a spectator; she ended up being a road crew member for a lot of people - even to people who were complete strangers. Her name is Pam Hall. She had Popsicles and frozen grapes - also a lot of ice. If it weren't for her I don't think I would've finished the race. Thank you, Pam. Joyce, you put on a first-class event and congratulations on pulling it off successfully. I look forward to running in more of your events. I can't say if I will do the Devil next year, but you can bet I will be a volunteer.


A. K. from Decatur, GA (7/5/2007)
"Small and Intimate" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

If you have done the heat training needed, it will be an event you will not soon forget. I feel the key to this entire event was Joyce, the RD, and the volunteers. They were wonderful support the entire time. The volunteers are what kept many of us going.

A few times I wanted to "throw in the towel" but a volunteer would place several ice cold towels on my head, neck, back, legs and I the thoughts soon left me (at least until the next aid station 3+ miles away). Even the people just driving through the national park would pull over and ask if we needed anything - water, etc.

If you have second thoughts about running in the heat then it would not be for you. But if you have done the heat training and take the appropriate heat precautions then this is a good event to test yourself.

Now that I've run with the Devil (marathon), I'm going to run from an angel in January!


Edward Lyell from San Diego, CA (7/3/2007)
"Lots of Fun Running in Hell" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

Calico Racing put on a first-class event. The race director provided a very challenging and safe Course in exterme conditions. The race staff provided outstanding support. With Badwater Experience Aid Station workers were able to bring many runners back to life, to be able to complete the event. With temps. of 116F and a very hilly course with up to 8% grade for miles, it was the aid Station workers that saved the day. All stations were very well stocked; I have never seen so much ice in the desert. If you are looking for lots of fun and a nice departure from the normal mega-marathons, this is the choice.


John Mason from Lafayette, Indiana (7/3/2007)
"Lives up to its Billing" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Running With The Devil Marathon

Spectators - Now who would be crazy enough to stand and cheer in weather that felt like a body-sized hair blower turned on high?

Organization - Joyce and her volunteers did a superb job. The volunteers actually ran up to meet us as we came into view to give us iced towels and cold drinks. (Did we look that desperate?) They were extremely encouraging and also wanted to know where we had our lobotomies done. (Just a sample of the great humor and attitude everyone had.)

This was the first year for this marathon. I was told it was 114 in the shade. On the course, there was no shade. They had tents at the refill stations. You could sit in the shade while they put iced towels on you. The stops were 3 to almost 4 miles apart. I downed about 20 pounds of water in total (actually a bit more than I should have in hindsight). The best part of the stops was the refill of ice for my hat. That felt soooooo good.

The scenery of Lake Mead was great. This was my first high temperature desert running. My 90-degree practice runs in high humidity back in Indiana were not relevant at all. Approach this one with caution. About 1/2 of the people that started DNF'd even though this was by far the most experienced marathon crowd I've ever seen. I came in last. (I came in.)

This race also has a 1/2 marathon and a 50 mile Ultra. I did the marathon. (Oh, and in case you are not getting the point of this marathon, it started at high noon to savor the hottest portion of the day.)

The last aid station was 3 miles from the end. We were told about a 50-miler that had left this station after a long break just before we arrived. We caught up with this 50-miler 2 miles from the end. He was bracing himself on his knees and said he was ok. We offered him water or to spray his back but he said no thanks, he just needed a minute. The ambulance was cruising the course all day and if people had any signs of heat exhaustion, they were picking people up (slurred speech, not able to keep a straight line, etc). We told the driver about the guy behind us about 1/4-mile after we passed him and later we found out he got picked up and was driven off the course. That was very sad for me to hear. That fellow ran 48 miles but could not grunt out the last 2 miles. But that's what this was like. It wasn't the distance but the challenge of finding your own balance of exertion, fluids, and electrolytes vs. getting sick. I ran (and trotted and walked) passed a lot of instant dry vomit on this course (and there was plenty at the finish area - though I was told they were washing it away as it "appeared").

But wasn't that the point of this race? A run with the Devil! A marathon destination like no other. An excuse to test yourself and create some unique memories to look back on (and repeat next year???). If you don't want an extreme personal challenge, then don't do this. On the other hand, depending on the state of your lobotomy, this might just be your perfect cup of marathon.


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