calendar icon Oct 1, 2024

Mayor's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 127 [displaying comments 111 to 121]
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A Runner from Bend, Oregon (8/26/2001)
"An extraordinary destination and event." (about: 2001)


This was my first marathon, so while I have no comparable experience, I cannot imagine one more spectacular. The course is primarily on the gravel roads and dirt paths of a military base (through a heavily wooded section) or along greenway trails (paved and unpaved) through the city of Anchorage itself. The first four or so miles were on a paved bike/snowmobile path adjacent to a rather busy highway, and approximately two miles between miles 17 and 20 were along a busy thoroughfare - otherwise vehicular traffic was virtually nonexistent. It is a beautiful course. The aid stations offered oranges, water, Ultima, etc. every two miles and the spectators were very enthusiastic and supportive. Though I am not part of Team in Training, their presence lent a great spirit to the event. The only drawback is that there is so much to do and see in south-central Alaska (white water rafting, glacier trekking, and sea kayaking are highly recommended) that one risks wearing him/herself out in the days before. Who wants to sleep when it's light for 20+ hours (and twilight the rest of the time) anyway? This is a fabulous destination marathon.


TNT race walker from usa,San Diego (7/30/2001)
"The most beautiful course I've seen!" (about: 2001)


This was my 3rd marathon (I did Rock N Roll & Honolulu) and was by far the most beautiful course I have ever seen! It made the miles go by unnoticed! I didn't even notice the hills people were talking about! I welcomed the hill at mile 25 because I knew I was done! The aid stations were great and the people of Anchorage very friendly! I encourage you to bring cameras because you can see moose and bear on the trails (I missed them but others saw them)! There are only about 4000 participants so it takes a minute to get to the starting line, unlike the bigger marathons!
Enjoy this one over again! Go TNT!!!


A Runner from Sterling Heights, MI (7/20/2001)
"Not a first timers marathon? Why not!" (about: 2001)


A lot of people told me this was not the marathon for first timers, and others have said 'first timers should not be allowed to run this marathon'. After running Mayor's Midnight Sun as my first marathon I ask, 'Why not?' The hills in the middle are real killers, but worth every ounce of effort required. It definetly is not one to run for a PB time, but it is too beautiful to put off. I ran with TNT and had no expectations for a time, I just wanted to finish, and now I would not trade the experience for anything in this world. I will do another marathon, and another after that, and save the PB for a flat and fast course.


A Runner from Denver, CO (7/20/2001)
"My first marathon - whoa! Difficult but loved it" (about: 2001)


This was my first marathon which I did with TNT. It definitely will not be my last. The course was more difficult than I expected. Luckily I did not know about the hills - especially the one at the end. I think I would've been psyched out. Towards the end I hit the wall and felt horrible. Luckily it was a nice day and the fine people of Anchorage were out cheering us on (it really helps if you have your name on your jersey or shirt). I definitely will run a marathon again. Plenty of room for improvement. My only BIG gripe is that my 'official' time is 5 hours. My goal was to be under 5 and I was by my watch. Why? Because there was only a chip sensor at the end and it took at least 2 minutes to get to the starting line. This seems a little picky, I know. But that was a big goal of mine! Overall though, a great run and town.


A Runner from Lindstrom, Minnesota (6/28/2001)
"Difficult first marathon, crowd makes it worth it!" (about: 2001)


There are a lot of hills that make this course a difficult one for a first time runner, but the spectators are great throughout the race. The presence of Team in Training kept everyone's spirits up. The local crowd was very enthusiastic as well. I had a great time. This race makes me look forward to my second marathon.


A Runner from Los Angeles, CA (6/25/2001)
"Tough course; great course support." (about: 2001)


This is the toughest of the 16 marathons I've run. However, the scenery was lovely and the air wonderful for this LA runner. And the volunteers were the very best I've ever encountered. Thank you for those sponges!


A Runner from Maryland (6/21/2001)
"INCREDIBLE SCENERY" (about: 2000)


This was my first marathon and I couldn't have picked a better one. The course was absolutely beautiful. I was so caught up in the scenery and chatting with the many TNT participants along the way, I almost forgot I was running. The crowd was fantastic - supplying us with much needed support, not to mention the snacks along the way (I'll never forget the lady with the M&M's)!! I'm now working toward my third marathon - the experience in Anchorage hooked me!


A Runner from Washington, DC (4/13/2001)
"Great Marathon if you're with TNT" (about: 1999)


The course is challenging, but fantastic. Overcast, but no rain in 1999. Rain could make some of the trail portions muddy.

The organization was *very* poor. The director(s) are able to sneak along by hosting an event with an enormous TNT presence, which essentially provides their own organization for their own TNT runners. There were champion chip rugs at the start, but not at the finish (i.e., there was no way to determine your actual 'chip' time). I was not a TNT participant. TNT seemed to provide wonderful support for their own runners.

Spectators were mostly for TNT'ers.


A Runner from Ogden, Utah (10/23/2000)
"Muddy & bloody shoes worth every step!!" (about: 2000)


I was another proud member of the TNT 'sea of purple'. I was ever so humbled by the 'Tank Trail' and amazed by the beauty of the course - so much scenery to take in. When you emerge out of the tank trail to the many supporters who were so encouraging, it felt like you had just come out of the woods (because you had!) What a great marathon in the perfect setting!


A Runner from IL (7/4/2000)
"ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!" (about: 2000)


My 60th marathon and will definitley rank as on of my favorites because of beauty! I only wish I had carried a camera. I knew it was a lot of trail running but had no idea so much. I would say 80-85%! Some of it was rather muddy but we all managed. Just watch your footing as some older gentleman fell and had a gash in his head. The views are fantastic, the weather was perfect and it wasn't too hilly. (Of course, compared to Chicago, anything seems hilly!)

TNT seems to have taken over this race with over 2000 and just 600+ that weren't. The spectators were mostly TNT supporters. Those of us not TNT runners felt like outcasts...but that would never stop me from recommending this beauiful race. I am so grateful to have participated!


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