calendar icon Oct 22, 2024

Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 205 [displaying comments 91 to 101]
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Kyle EricSon from Riverside, CA (2/5/2008)
"It Never Rains In SoCal..." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

...but it certainly did this year! Yes, it was cold, windy, raining and very un-SoCal like, but you can't really blame the organizers for that. The bad weather was really unfortunate as the modifications to the course this year were excellent (we ran it backwards from previous years and only merged with the half-marathoners towards the end) and would have allowed for much faster times had the weather cooperated. Due to the weather, I also think a lot of the volunteers stayed away, as did some of the bands and entertainment, turning what is usually my favorite marathon of the year into something more akin to the Bataan Death March (I just wanted to survive and get back to my car). However, as usual Huntington Beach (i.e., now Surf City) did not disappoint with either their medals (cool surfboard designs) or their shirts (technical running shirts). The expo was the same as previous years and did not provide "goodie bags," which is fine by me since I usually throw-out all that garbage. Anyway, I'm already looking forward to next year's race and praying for better weather.

P.S. HB should also be congratulated for its parking policy - on Friday evening when I went to pick-up my bib and chip, they were not charging for parking at the expo (other marathons in the area typically charge $10 even though you're just going to be in there for 5 minutes). Then on race day, they did not require that you pay as you entered the lot (which sped things up immeasurably), but upon leaving after the race (and even then it was only $5). Thanks for not trying to squeeze every single cent out of the runners.


A. S. from Roberts, WI (2/5/2008)
"Awesome course despite the weather" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

It pretty much poured the first 3 hours of the race, but that didn't stop the kids from cheering us on in the park. The course was beautiful and fairly flat. There were plenty of water stops and Clif Block stations. There were also plenty of porta-potties. Everyone running seemed in high spirits even with the bad weather. It was a great race, and I would definitely recommend it to others. If there wouldn't have been rain and wind, it would have been a perfect marathon. My only complaint is I didn't see very many mile markers after mile 10. I think the wind may have blown them away, in which case it wasn't the race director's fault because the weather was crappy!!!


h. c. from Los Angles, ca (2/5/2008)
"I loved it... minus the rain" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

This was my 1st half, and when I woke up to run and saw that it was windy and raining, I was SO bummed. I didn't train much and was expecting to run it in 2:30; much to my surprise, I finished at 1:57. The crowd was great, and the course was really easy.


p. w. from moraga, ca (2/5/2008)
"very nice tech shirt" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

This was my first marathon, having run the half marathon last year in San Francisco. The course was nice and flat, with plenty of drink stations. The enthusiastic kids in the park kept my spirits up running through puddles. I didn't mind the rain or the wind, having weathered worse while training in Northern California. The last hairpin loop was a killer. It was devastating psychologically and physically, especially since I thought I was home free after a very long stretch along the beach. There wasn't even a mat at the end of it to make sure no one skipped it. The best part was the super soft tech shirt.


Scott Browar from Yosemite, Ca. (2/4/2008)
"The Volunteers..." (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

...are absolutely amazing. Thank you all so much!!!! I'd write more, but my fingers have yet to thaw!


d. b. from seattle washington (2/4/2008)
"Who says it never rains in California?" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

Wow! Having registered for this particular half marathon to escape Seattle weather in the middle of winter, I was rather surprised to be running in monsoon-like conditions, complete with gale force winds. Perhaps the weather can explain the lack of surf bands along the route (I counted two, including the start) and spectators in general. Amazing volunteers, who braved cold, wet conditions to pass out water at ample stations. (More Gatorade please.) Beer garden was a nice idea, but I was too cold and wet to participate. Course was ok, but one too many "up and back" portions. Expo was great. Kudos to the organizers and volunteers who did the best they could given the conditions.


A. Z. from Pasadena, CA (2/4/2008)
"Great event - unusually bad weather" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

First of all - many thanks to all the staff and volunteers out there on the course. You are very brave to be out there on a day like that! Without you, no race is possible.

I really enjoyed this event, despite the storm, which is of course outside anyone's control. The course is fast and almost entirely flat, and there were plenty of well stocked water stations. I am certain that a nicer day would bring more spectators also. I look forward to return in 2009. The size of the field (1000) was right for me: never too crowded but I was never alone either.

The only aspect I did not enjoy was the overlap with the half marathon in the final half mile or so. Finishing at about 3:30, I had to fight my way through scores of 2:00-2:30 half marathoners, and this is not easy at that point in the race. I think it would help to save the right hand side of the road for marathon only, as runners approach the finish.

Once again - a great event, highly recommended! Many thanks to all.


M. C. from Southern California (2/4/2008)
"Worst marathon that my son and I have run" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

Weather was bad but the whole thing was catered for half marathons. No Gu, no drinks, no PowerAde. No signs from 16 to 23. Lot of confusion. The weather could not be helped, but we felt unsupported.


R. A. from Pasadena,ca (2/4/2008)
"Bad Weather" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

Picture this... "a start wreathed in numbing wind blown drizzle..."

I guess it makes up for 2007's beautiful day. Course route modification in '08 made the race much less congested. (They ran the half and full in reverse.)
Some arrogant marathon walkers who started before the gun were still walking in the middle of the road when the half marathoners came running through. They mostly fixed this with the course modification, but it didn't help when people illegally started early. They should do a better job policing these guys. Overall, a great race; I just hope for better weather in '09.


Amir Barzin from Los Altos, CA (8/20/2007)
"Great Marathon in a Great Setting" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

This was my second marathon, having previously run Napa Valley in 2006. I was very surprised by how scenic the course was and how well the event was organized. Most of the early miles were along the Pacific Shoreline (hence the name), which made them go by faster. Once we got into the park and the trails there were lots of spectators and kids that cheered us on.

The only part of the run I did not enjoy was the section that the marathon and the half marathon courses merges. It became very hard to weave through half walkers that at times were walking 4 or five a breast, taking up most of the road. I suggest putting up signs or separating the roads for faster runners.

I really enjoyed this event end plan to run in again in 2008.


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