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Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 205 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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G. D. from Temple City, CA (2/21/2006)
"Bring your own gel/fuel for the full marathon" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

I did the half marathon last year and the full marathon this year. The weather this year was cool and mild, and the fans and support crew who managed to get up early on Super Bowl Sunday were very enthusiastic. However, there were some things that could use a little improvement - 1) a part of the course was a meandering adventure through a large local park. Although the course was well marked, all the curves and turns required plenty of attention and were a bit distracting; 2) the water and Amino Vital that were served were both colorless and in the same kind of cups - very difficult to tell what I was actually receiving at some of the aid stations as many of the volunteers were handing out water in one hand and 'electrolytes', i.e., Amino Vital, in the other. Having separate tables for the different fluids would be preferable; 3) as noted also in previous years' comments, the half marathoners received plenty of energy gel/fuel, but there was virtually none left by the time the full marathoners came around. I finished in about 3:30 and all I could see was a sea of empty gel packets on the road and no one handing them out by the time I arrived at the gel area. That said, overall it was a very good event, and I wouldn't mind returning again for a sequel.


Reyana Ewing from Southern California (2/14/2006)
"WOW" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

What a great race. This was my first Pacific Shoreline Marathon and I think it was really well organized and the course was relatively flat. The temps were in the 50s at the start and felt good the whole way. I ran 3:29 and I thought the crowd support was unbelievable for a small marathon.


T. Q. from Pomona, CA (2/14/2006)
"Good Choice for a First, Flat Marathon" (about: 2006)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon. I had been bouncing the idea around for a while, but the freebies they were giving away as part of the 10th anniversary celebration (free Sony MP3 player, long-sleeve technical shirt by Nordic Track, and HUGE gorgeous finisher medal) pushed me over.

The course itself was relatively flat and the weather this year (2006) was beautiful. I felt the course was very manageable for a first time marathon, and found the staff friendly and relatively helpful.

That said, there were a couple of things that could be improved upon (of course). First, the website said that the MP3 players had to be picked up on race day after you completed the marathon within the time allowed (6 hours). However, when I finished (in 5 1/2 hours), I was told that they had given away the MP3 players on Saturday during bib pick-up. Of course, nobody told me that when I picked up my bib and shirt, so I had to put my name down on a list, and I'm still waiting for the MP3 player to be sent to me. Race organizers were very nice and helpful, but it was still a bummer to not get the MP3 player on race-day. I hope they make sure the information on the website is up-to-date and accurate for next year.

Also, while there was plenty of water and "electrolytes," there didn't appear to be any gels, at least when I passed through. I brought a couple just in case, and I'm so glad I did. Of course, I could have used several more.

Overall, however, I very much enjoyed this experience, and would suggest it for people who are thinking of tackling their first marathon.


Sparky Runner from Cleveland, Ohio (2/12/2006)
"Shhh! A Well-Kept Secret!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

The caveats: This was my first marathon, and I won a major prize at the carbo-load raffle, so I'm probably biased.

The shockers: A high percentage of attractive runners (both genders) with exposed navels and interesting tattoos. Nobody seemed to care that many people were running with MP3 players (after all, all marathon participants got a free one at packet pick-up)! A great many volunteers seemed to be high-school age and younger.

The good (includes surprises): This race had a good mix of participants. I was alone at times, but at others I got to run with some great folks who were mostly locals, quite friendly, and positive about the race. There was excellent, loud volunteer support in the park (miles 18-21), but it was quiet enough at times that I saw a hummingbird about an arm's-length away. Volunteers were really good about approaching runners with cups and calling out beverage types. The (technical) t-shirt and medal are great! The hotel was close to the start, seemed to attract a lot of runners, and was a pretty good bargain.

The bad: I'm not that slow (I ran sub-four hours and was 11th in my age group) and I really longed for more spectators in the final four miles. Maybe it was just a bit anti-climactic after all the kids screaming in the park. One of the mile markers (number 8, I think) was off by more than just a few feet.

The ugly (some not the RD's fault!): The section of the course in the park WAS well-marked, but so curvy it could get confusing for anyone with late-race brain fog (like me). Other than the tight curves in the park and the static on the course (see following comment), I would give the course five stars, but.... There were quite a few people on the course (besides a few vigilantes and surfers, who were to be expected) who were in the way, such as cyclists and dog-walkers on the Pacific Coast Highway portions of the course. I mean, I really had to dodge some of them. Oh, and I look TERRIBLE in the race photos.

The nitty-gritty: The weather was optimal with light wind, about 53 degrees, and fog at the start. There was a bit more of a breeze at the halfway point, and by 11:00, hazy sun and temps in the mid-60s. The course has only a couple of hills, which are doable and break up the overall flatness of the course (another bonus). PSM had plenty of potties along the course and cold water/electrolyte, although I wasn't crazy about the flavor. Post-race supplies included fruit, bagels, beer, etc. and seemed abundant even for 6-hour finishers. The town was an interesting spectacle for this Midwesterner.

The bottom line: I definitely plan to run this one again, but I sure hope it stays small (for the marathon at least). Considering it? Hurry to register for the full, as it's limited to about 1000, which makes it a fairly nurturing experience. I highly recommend the carbo dinner, as prizes were numerous and appealing. Raffle sales benefited Run for Mobility, providing wheelchairs to disabled folks in developing countries.


Rose Robertson from Toronto, Canada (2/10/2006)
"Nice smaller race with cool medals" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

My first marathon had perfect weather, and a pretty location to boot! The course is relatively flat, with a short - but steep - hill at mile 21.

With 1,000 full marathoners, it's a smaller race that allows you the freedom to have a bit of elbow space. Aid stations were well stocked.

The expo where I picked up my packet had very friendly volunteers and registration was quick and easy.

Things to improve on:

1. Food - there were only oranges, bagels and bananas at the end. A little more variety please. Also, please don't gouge racers and ask $1 for a small bag of chips.

2. No spectator support at all, save for family and friends.

3. All the volunteers along the course were teenagers. The majority were friendly and encouraging, but there were some that had negative comments if you were walking. C'mon, walking some during 26.2 miles isn't ok?


Desert Tortoise from The Desert (2/10/2006)
"Well Done Again" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

Pacific Shoreline is an excellent marathon. The parking is an issue and anyone who runs either the half or the full must get there before 6:00 a.m. if he or she wants to make it to the start on time.

The course runs along PCH and gives runners an excellent view of the ocean. Large waves were crashing while I cruised along miles 7 to 13 or so.

It's one of two races I've run over the past two years, and it will probably remain on my short list for years to come.


L. S. from Brea,Ca (2/9/2006)
"NO BEER!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

The 2006 PSM was my 7th, the true OC Marathon along the beach. For me the course gets tough around 17 when going towards the park but I remind my friends that we have the beer garden at the finish. Because of a bum hamstring, it took 10 Motrins to get to mile 20, and I struggled to finish in 4:22, but at least I could enjoy the finish line party. Not! Stale bagels and empty kegs awaited me! Positive side: MP3 players and great shirts.


A. F. from California (2/8/2006)
"Great course, but beer garden vanished" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 3 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

I love this race. I was sad to find the beer garden was "closed long ago" upon finishing the marathon. I ran 4:01. Maybe the half-ers drank it all?

The volunteers were all great on the course.


Don Pattison from Chicago, IL (2/8/2006)
"$35.00 bucks for a pasta dinner?????" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

I liked most everything about the race but the pasta dinner price was truly out of touch with reality. We were informed that $5.00 went to charity, but that still made it $30.00. My group from Illinois all went to one of the local Italian restaurants and had a truly outstanding dinner for just over $24.00 per person and that included a drink for everyone. The race owner may want to rethink the pasta dinner pricing in 2007.

The course was great; I didn't enjoy the big hill at mile 22 but you take the good with the bad. Lots of surfer dudes giving us thumbs up as we ran down the beach path.

The MP3 player was a nice gift and the shirt is very nice also. The medal was very colorful and different to mark the 10-year anniversary of the race.


Randi Levine from Western Slope, Colorado (2/8/2006)
"The course is gorgeous!" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

This is my second marathon, and to be honest, I was a little disappointed with the support stops along the way. The course was great, the fans were great and running this marathon with my brother, Barry was the icing on the cake, but why wasn't there Gatorade/electrolyte or more sports drink stops along the way? Where were the orange slices and bananas along the way? A runner needs more than water when going 26 miles. I would run this marathon again if they get the support stops along the way more stocked. I want to thank Naomi for the first ten miles of the race, you were great company and I'd like to thank Colette who ran with me for the next 10 miles and kept me going. I met up with my brother, Barry at the 21st mile and I have to say running with you, Barry was the highlight of my running feats so far! Thank you all!!!!


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