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Bayshore Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 247 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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J. G. from Zeeland, MI (5/30/2012)
"Awesome course....avg everything else." (about: 2012)

3 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

First off, if your looking for a visually beautiful course go no further than Bayshore.
The packet pick up was easy and effective, so no worries there. Race morning you need to be sure to use the restroom before you get there. The school has all (except a couple single stall) bathrooms closed. The porta potties have lines that are rediculous. All in all, you'll have that at races...
The course has spectator view points but some people had a hard time getting out or were turned away. My wife was able to get out and about (via our car and a shuttle the race set up) and enjoyed watching. Spectators as a whole were limited to the 4 (or so) spectator points, so it got pretty quite out on the course at times.

My biggest beef with the race was the mash up of half marathon runners and the marathon runners colliding. I finished in the top 15 and it was hell trying to get through all the half marathoners. It seemed they divided the two events in the last half mile, but the problem started about 4-5 miles back. I'm sure there were some frustration on both the half and full marathon runners alike.


S. B. from Columbus, Ohio (5/29/2012)
"Beautiful course, great weather, flat and fast" (about: 2012)

2 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

Can't get much more scenic than this. Course runs along shore of Lake Michigan. Nice, flat, fast course. Weather was 55-60 degrees and sunny. I wish they had a better organized pre-race bag and pickup program. Also, the packet pickup was a nightmare in the parking lot. We were stuck there for over an hour. But other than that it was well organized. Lots of water and GU support during the race, at practically every mile. I'd definitely do this one again.


A. S. from San Diego, CA (5/29/2012)
"Marathon Perfection" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

My first Bayshore and I'll be back. This gets it all right from the big things - great course, awesome logistics, nice size (good energy but not crowded) - to the details of the great swag (love the socks), dedicated organization and volunteers. Of course, helped this year with perfect weather but in any weather this is among that top tier of marathons that are worth travelling for.


D. T. from Phoenix, Arizona (5/29/2012)
"Greatest Corps of Volunteers" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

Others can comment about the great course, fantastic weather, beautiful scenery, and friendly fans, but I want to say that I've never seen a more enthusiastic, supportive group of volunteers. From the check-in to the numerous water stations along the course to the people at the finish line, this race had plenty of volunteers who were absolutely fabulous. You guys showed Traverse City at its friendliest best and you should be really proud of what you have put together. My hat is off to you. Thanks so much for making the Bayshore Marathon an A+ experience.


M. B. from Highland, MI (5/29/2012)
"Great Race, Great Location" (about: 2012)

2 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

Bayshore 2012 was my second marathon, and I will definitely be coming back. If you are from Michigan, you already know that nothing beats that 'up north' feeling on a holiday weekend. TC Track Club hosts a great race, and running up and down Old Mission peninsula was a thrill. Everything about the race seemed well thought out and well executed. Support on the course was enthusiatic. Packet pickup was efficient, but I was a little dissappointed that there was no Expo to speak of. I came prepared to spend money. The course was wonderful - great scenery and mostly flat. The out and back format really works, especially if you are running with a team as I was. It's really nice to be able to give out high fives to teammates before and after the turn-around. The only negative comment I have is that the half-marathon walkers in the race (and there are many) seem to generally be either unaware or unconcerned that walking 3 abreast across a narrow road was poor etiquette. Having to expend energy in miles 20-26 passing the groups of walkers carrying on a conversation in the middle of the road was a bit disconcerting to me. The race organizers were definitely aware of the problem, because it was always mentioned in the newsletters leading up to the race. Maybe get some marshalls out on the course moving the walkers to the side of the road? Other than that, great race! Well done TCTC!


Bill Khan from Grand Blanc, Mich. (5/28/2012)
"Chip times disregarded" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Bayshore Marathons

This is my favorite race of the year. I did the full in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and did the half this year. I will come back as long as I am healthy enough and can afford to. The course is awesome and I love Traverse City.

I came here to register a complaint about the awards procedure. A friend of mine ran a chip time that placed him third in one of the older age groups and fourth by gun time. He was denied the third-place age group award. The race organizers said that it's USATF rules to issue age group awards by gun time. The USATF, in fact, says nothing about how to issue age group awards. The USATF does have rules for gun time to be used for overall winners and prize money, for qualifying for the Olympic Trials and for national records - except in masters age groups, when chip times are acceptable, as fast 60-year-olds are unlikely to line up in the front row.

There was nothing listed on the race's web site that awards are based on gun time. Every other race I've done - including Boston - uses the chip for gun times. Race organizers quickly posted something on the web site saying that gun time is used for awards, as per USATF rules, then took some USATF rules out of context. They quoted this line: 'Chip/net times cannot be used for qualifying.' It was a policy about qualifying for the OLYMPIC TRIALS, not for winning age group awards. That policy actually adds that 'special consideration' may be given for chip times in some cases. They are covering their butts and not doing a good job of it. The person denied the age group award is very well-connected and was able to get volumes of evidence to the contrary from respected people in the industry.

Bayshore's stance on chip times is that it's basically an 'FYI' for runners. I actually was able to use chip times for Bayshore to qualify for Boston - though my gun time would also have worked, I was seeded according to the chip. The BAA is fine with chip times.

Bayshore actually has signs at the start for people to line up according to their pace. However, if competitive age groupers have to worry about gun vs. chip times, you could see 50-, 60- and 70-year-old competitive men and women crowding their way to the start line with the young speedsters, making a congested start an even worse disaster.

None of this will ever affect me, as I'm not likely to ever place in my age group here. This is a very competitive race, which is awesome.


J. E. from Indiana (5/27/2012)
"Fantastic SceneryFun Race" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

This course is all it is cracked up to be. The 2012 race gave us sun at the start and cloud cover on the run back and was nearly perfect.

Others have written about the camber in the road. I didn't have trouble with it and it wasn't a big deal.

I found the spectators (who were clustered at certain points) and residents (who were out plentifully, with tunes and cheering) to be a wonderful addition.

The miles simply rolled by for me. The friendliness of the locals, the volunteers and fellow runners was terrific.

I would advise you to register the day it opens...this race fills up very quickly, for good reason.

If I had any suggestion for the organizers it would be to re-think packet pick up. It was a crush of people, gridlock of traffic to get to the high school the night before. The small city of Traverse City just isn't built for such a crunch. Finding a different site, nearer the mall, for example, would really improve that.

I enjoyed my time at this race a lot. It's reputation is well deserved.


C. B. from Rolling Meadows, IL (5/27/2012)
"Great spring marathon" (about: 2012)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

Ran my fifth marathon and first Bayshore. Organization was top notch, and everything from packet pickup to the race start was hassle free.

The course was very pretty (being from the Chicagoland area, I was amazed at how fresh everything smelled!), but was hilly indeed. I read past reviews, but could have done more hill training. My legs ended up cramping up a lot in the second half, and I walked a ton.

The crowd support was very good, where it existed. Do not go into this race thinking there will be a ton of spectators, and you will have a fun time. There were plenty of aide stations, with plenty of Gu if you needed it. The energy drink was kind of gross, though. I am used to Gatorade, but they had something else that tasted like soap (but I drank it anyway). There was Coke along the course...yum! There was also 'not water' for the brave of stomach.

I had an overall positive experience and would recommend this race to anyone looking to run a spring race and get away for the Memorial Day weekend. Keep it up, TC!


J. S. from Washington, DC (6/19/2011)
"What it lacks in crowds, it excels in location" (about: 2011)

2 previous marathons | 1 Bayshore Marathon

It's hard to get a better race location than on a bay in northern Michigan. When the weather's nice (and it wasn't in 2011), it can be gorgeous.

That said, this course is about 23 miles of rolling slanted pavement; I was well trained, but it took a toll on my calves. Support is solid at the official aid stations, and spectators sit out on their porches and watch us poor souls run past. Orange wedges were offered, as was 'not water.' Families throughout the course set out stereos and were jamming. That's authentic.

Aside from the typical problems all marathons face (e.g. too few toliets, clusterfu$# at the starting line, and areas of sparse cheering), the only gripe I have with the race is the timing of the 1/2marathon walkers and their etiquette.

Yes, I'm faster than most on the course, but somehow race organizers should schedule the 1/2 marathon walkers earlier or later as to not clog the course for everyone. Walkers tend to be social and walk 3-5 wide, and that causes congestion on the road. Combined with the glossy eyed fatigue one feels at miles 20-24, it becomes really annoying to have to weave or run around walkers. Those going much slower could be told to stay to the right of the road, and that would solve the problem.

Would I run again? Maybe. The gear is great, and the hotels are all close.


B. R. from Indiana (6/9/2011)
"Great Marathon Experience" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons

This was my First Bayshore Marathon, third marathon of the year and 20th overall. I set a PR by 6 minutes and BQ'd by close to 10 Minutes. The course did have a few rolling hills in my opinion. Most times I ran the crown of the road to avoid the steep cross slope in some areas. I thought the spectator support was great. The volunteers at the aid station were top notch. I had one volunteer make an effort to run down the road to give me water after we missed each other at the aid station. Overall this was a great experience. The City made for a great long weekend with nice restaurants and shops for my wife and I to enjoy.


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