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Steamtown Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.7 
Number of comments: 616 [displaying comments 461 to 471]
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T. S. from Dallas, GA (1/4/2008)
"A favorite for sure!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Overall I really enjoyed this race! The course is tougher than I expected.... The hills at the end are killer! But the support was awesome! It was hot but the aid stations were excellent and the spectators were amazing! People were in the streets handing out lollipops and treats for the last few miles. All along the course, people were amazingly supportive. I missed BQ by 6 minutes - thanks to the heat - but I still PR'd. I would do it again!


J. M. from Phildelphia (12/30/2007)
"Great people; hills at the end are murder" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

A fantastic event with all the townspeople coming out along the course making it very nice, and they actually cared, with people helping out runners on the hot run day that reduced many to a walk. DON'T STAY AT THE RADISSON!! They played loud music late into the night, which kept me up and they demanded a 12:00 checkout, which was impossible. I had to clean up in a public restroom. After paying $200 to stay, a late checkout is the least they could do, so don't stay there.


Ben Wiley from Longmont, Colorado (10/25/2007)
"Pure joy for a first-timer." (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

What better way to celebrate the human spirit?! I carefully selected this marathon from all those listed across America for my first time experience and I don't think I could have made a better selection. The organization was first class, the course was accommodating for someone with a singular goal of finishing (with a bit of challenge thrown in with the hills near the end). Reading the comments of the others confirms there were a few 'glass half empty' runners out there because this overall experience ranged from an A- to a B+ at worst. With only a couple of exceptions this was the Goldie Locks race with everything being just right: The comfort of the school at the start (cheers to the Forest City cheer leading squad), the charm of the small towns and their heart warming spectators, the beauty of the trees and trails. What more to ask except a few more strategically located porta- potties along the way! Yes, do this one.


t. r. from Northeast PA (10/18/2007)
"Parts of course depressing..." (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

On a crisp day maybe it would be better, however, it was a humid overcast gloomy kind of day and a good deal of the scenery included what looked like abandoned strip mines, etc. Just downright ugly in comparison to the general beauty of the area other than those towns. There was plenty to drink, but no nourishment of any kind until well into the race, when families were kindly out there with candy, etc. (wasn't prepared for lack of fruit or gu or something, which was my own fault). Back to the physical aspects of the course - noticed what smelled like sewage many times along the way in neighborhoods! I just didn't see the delight in this course that others saw... The expo was nice, the organizers were great, I just didn't care for the course or the lack of amenities.

I just read a comment that the course was 1/2 mile over - any validity to this?


M. R. from Rochester, NY (10/18/2007)
"Great organization, hills not so bad either" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I chose Steamtown for my first marathon after reading numerous glowing reviews of its fast course and top-notch organization. The first indication that the high praise was well deserved was when I started receiving the marathon newsletter emails. Jim Cummings sent out a plethora of emails packed with very useful information and witty banter. Leading up to race day, these emails proved extremely helpful, both in providing crucial informations as well comic relief.

The expo was well-run, although I really don't think I've ever seen a truly horribly run expo, so this expo seemed par for the course, rather than head and shoulders above all else. But it was nice and they gave me two sports bags and four posters so that's a plus.

The marathon itself was surprisingly well-run and obviously a focal point for the cities (excuse me, 'burroughs') involved. I had heard that it was great, but I still did not expect to see cheerleaders jumping about and screaming for each runner that exited the shuttle bus to the start, or the multitude of 'pesky teenagers' (as Jim Cummings dubbed them) at the school to help. My only complaint would be that I was the only one under the sign for my informal pace group, but that's hardly a direction issue.

The course was well staffed, with many volunteers and at least as many unofficial volunteers handing out water and Gatorade that they had bought. The greatest moment for me was at mile 24, ascending 'The Hill' (which really wasn't all that bad, but still unpleasant so far into the race), where I was experiencing a dark moment, and a little girl of 8 or 10 rushed to get me a cup of Gatorade. Words cannot express how much I appreciated that small token, but it was apparent that was not a single isolated incident. The population really came out and helped the runners and made the race so much better than it was already was. Kudos to the directors, the volunteers and the townsfolk for making my first marathon a delightful (if ultimately painful and humbling) experience.


R. M. from NYC (10/16/2007)
"Great race, tough hills!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Yep, should have trained for the hills. But even at my slow pace, and with the heat, the spectators were amazing. At the end, there were unofficial aid stations every couple of blocks or so.
Well organized, easy to get through the finish area and find other runners. People along the course deliver great support and they seem truly grateful to have this event run through there.


S. P. from Richmond, VA (10/14/2007)
"Very well-organized, but not a PR course" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This was a great marathon! It was well-organized and everything ran very smoothly. The race director sends out numerous silly e-mails prior to race day, which sets a good tone for the weekend. There were an amazing number of volunteers at this race - I heard a rumor that there were more volunteers then runners! The expo was small, but had what you needed. The buses to the start were convenient, no waiting in line. You got to wait in a nice warm high school prior to the start (as if we needed it this year, but nice nonetheless!) At the start they even had seperate Port-o-Pots for the men and women (the women's had the shorter line too!!) I didn't think the course was as fast as advertised - Yes, there are downhills, but there are a lot of uphills thrown in too. I would classify it more as rolling. The two hills at mile 24 and mile 25.5 felt like mountains and slowed me down a lot. I did PR here, but the quads were hurting! I really enjoyed the rails-to-trails section of the course. There were 3 sections of trail, 2 of which were dirt/gravel. The third section was woodchips- but it was only about 0.5 mile long. Yes, it slows you down some, but it was a nice break for the joints! The scenery on the course was nice, taking you through many small towns and lots of views of the changing leaves! The spectators were plentiful for such a small race and since names and race numbers were posted in the local newspaper the day before, people would look up your number and cheer for you!! The finish area was a bit tight and kind of a mess, but presumably only because construction was occuring on the nearby courthouse, compressing the amount of available space. This should be fixed next year when construction is complete. I stayed at the Radisson in Scranton (blocks from the finish line), which was very nice, but DID NOT allow late check-out. Overall, a great marathon experience that I would definitely recommend to anyone!


P. E. from US (10/13/2007)
"Scranton is the best!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

This is only my fifth marathon and the second time I have run Steamtown! I love this marathon - it's a lot like the area I train in. Both times I've qualified for Boston here and I can thank that great family just after mile 13 that played the Rocky theme song on their front yard both years! I'll see you guys next year!!


Bill Reynolds from San Antonio, TX (10/11/2007)
"I did get a PR and I will be back in '08" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

This was a great experience. The Expo Mass, the volunteers (fine young folks!), the crowd (even granny on the porch), the scenery, the variety, the food, the towns, good (fast) declines, and I could go on (oh, humorous emails).... I trained all summer in San Antonio (mid-70s is not "hot" to me). Congrats to everyone involved...y ou made it great for me and I will be back.


J. A. from Connecticut, USA (10/11/2007)
"Tough Race, Great People" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

The organization and volunteers were excellent. Every aspect of the race was well thought out and executed. It is a challenging, hilly route, and the weather was hot and humid. I prepared my quads well for the declines, but was caught off guard by the inclines, which are significant. The trails in the middle were a great change of scenery and footing. I did BQ, but I did not PR.


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