calendar icon Jan 12, 2025

Chicago Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 950 [displaying comments 481 to 491]
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p. h. from Eastern Seaboard (5/29/2007)
"Fabulous Race" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Chicago Marathon

I was so impressed with this race.

From the shuttles to the expo - which was loaded with all kinds of good shopping and plenty of giveaways - to the doormen at the host hotel dressed in marathon gear, to the terrific flat course, it was a great experience.

Sure the race is crowded. But we knew that going in, didn't we? I ran from the open corral and had no problem hitting my very average time. The spectators were incredible and so supportive of everyone running.

The only thing I would improve is the shirt. A cotton long-sleeved shirt seems wrong for a race of that caliber - and cost.

Everyone should try this race at least once. It's a fun event in a terrific city.


Steve Janowski from Chicago IL (5/15/2007)
"Time to change things" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Chicago Marathons

Being that it is my hometown marathon, I have nothing but glowing comments regarding the race itself. 2007 was my 5th Chicago. Being that it is now considered a 'Marathon Major' for the pros makes it even more special for us serious amateur runners. However, PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS!!! 45,000 NEXT YEAR!!! I was fortunate enough to have run a great half marathon last summer and received a prferred corral start. (Which I will use for this year as well. And thank God I signed up early. It sold out just after Easter.) I can't imagine being stuck in the middle of the pack. You could tell by the difference in chip time/clock time, that it took some 'runners' a half an hour to get to the start line. Is it time Chicago considered a lottery or qualifying times? I say yes! We need not be elitist like Boston, but perhaps a 5 hour qualifying time. That to me is reasonable while still allowing Chicago to be one of the most open marathons. The fact that it sold out so early would also indicate they should have no problem finding 40 - 45,000 who can meet the 5 hour time. You can bet there are plenty of disappointed people right now who were hoping to qualify for Boston by running Chicago, who got shut out. That is just not right. It is time for a change.


Debbie Racey from Marion, Illinois (4/22/2007)
"Can't we all play nice?" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Chicago Marathons

I've run several Chicago Marathons, and a bunch of others, big and small. I understand the pros and cons of such a crowded marathon and have come to prefer the smaller ones myself. I would be able, however, to comment on what I find appealing and what I find not so appealing without sinking to insulting others. For instance, I could say: this is a marathon where walkers and first-time marathoners are plentiful, and of course it is congested. I would not have to call people names like waddlers and wannabes to get my point across. For those of you who can't seem to communicate without insults, trust me. Nobody wants-ta-be you. And by the way, without first-timers, eventually there wouldn't even be small races.


c. r. from Chicago (3/21/2007)
"Organized, yes, but far too crowded to run" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 3 Chicago Marathons

Sure, it is organized. There are 40,000 people, a whole suburb, running - plus 1.5 million spectators, so it better be organized. But it is too darned crowded for runners. It is choked with first-timers, wannabes, walkers, and the untrained. A real runner, even if a bit slower, must run (shuffle) in the pack and constantly dodge footfalls. Yeah, the fastest will be seeded in the front corral, but they are a fraction of any population of real runners. The runners I know are boycotting and going to Milwaukee. Imagine: 45,000 next year! Greed.


Mark Solomon from Pella, Iowa (3/14/2007)
"My kind of town...." (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Chicago Marathon

It was cold and a bit drizzly at the start, and the temperature only went down as the day went on! This race was excellent. Unbelievable support and organization in Grant Park and at all the aid stations along the way.

I didn't think some of the areas of the course selection were quite as scenic as they could've been, but it did a great job taking the participants through a colorful tour of the many sides of Chicago - from the North Side, through the ethnic neighborhoods, all the way through the South Side and back to the lake. I highly recommend this one. It's crowded, but well worth it.


j. s. from Toronto (3/2/2007)
"fantastic" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Chicago Marathon

Best marathon ever. Fans were incredibly supportive and very numerous, especially through Chinatown. Corral system is great. Already signed up for next year.


S. P. from North Carolina (1/30/2007)
"Great Race!!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Chicago Marathons

I love this race. The course is flat and fast and interesting. There are neighborhoods and things to see. I have had my best marathon finishes here.


m. s. from Washington, DC (1/25/2007)
"Great Time!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Chicago Marathon

Ok, everything you hear about Chicago is true. The spectators are great, the course is flat, and depending on weather conditions, it can be fast. 2006's marathon was late in October, windy and cold. 2007's moves back to its traditional early October date and better weather.

You run through great neighborhoods lined with spectators. The start is very crowded, but you start on a four-lane highway, so it spreads out quickly. Plenty of water at the water stops, and no problems with porta-potties at the start, though they did seem thin on the course (although I didn't use them). My one complaint: the food at the finish. "Horrible" about sums it up. But who's complaining! They had these cardboard English muffins that were inedible and the standard bananas and apples. If there was anything else I never saw it because they didn't move people through the finish area very well. Anyone finishing in over four hours should expect the finish area to be pretty crowded.

Would I run it again? Definitely. But not yet. There are several others I have my sights on first.


Paul Reader from Cambridge, ENGLAND (1/25/2007)
"A MUST-DO, Top-Class Race!!!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 2 Chicago Marathons

The Chicago marathon is a great all round experience. The Organization is great from the on-line entry to the personal race DVD. The start/finish line in the fabulous Millennium Park. The spectators keep you going all the way. Even the after-race party was well run. I can recommend this race to everybody. We stayed and enjoyed the river tours, shops, etc. Thank you, Chicago....


Pascal Renault from Omaha, Ne - USA (1/18/2007)
"I choose Chicago over London, Paris, NY..." (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Chicago Marathons

Huge organization: course, crowd, water stations, and pacers. Too bad the weather wasn't great, but I always enjoy running it. If I would change something, it would be to get a cap on the paper cups. I wasted time by slowing down to drink. It spills and make the ground slippery. Very dangerous - I even heard some runners got injured. My city of heart is Paris but I pick Chicago for the marathon. Can't wait for the next one.


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