calendar icon Jan 12, 2025

California International Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.4 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 233 [displaying comments 231 to 233]
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A Runner from Nashville, Tennessee (12/5/2000)
"Fastest course I've ever run!" (about: 2000)


If you are looking for a PR, this is your race. I traveled from Nashville just to run in this race(12/3/2000) and it was worth it! They have a nice expo and the organization is superb. Buses take you right near the starting line from the expo hotel. All streets are completely blocked, so that there is no traffic in either direction on the entire course. It is a very gradual downhill almost the entire way. The few 'hills' are of short duration and make a nice change to the downhill (net 325 ft drop). The finish line was also very well organized, with lots of food and medical support. This was my 14th marathon and it was relatively easy to PR by 1 1/2 minutes!


A Runner from Sacramento California (5/27/2000)
"Almost Like Boston Without The Newton Hills!" (General Comments)


I've run this race the last two years. Then I ran The Boston Marathon this year. (2000) CIM is very similar to the Boston course in that it is predominatly down hill to rolling hills for the first 17 to 18 miles. Then unlike Boston it flattens out. In both races you don't want to get sucked into going out too fast... and it's very easy to. I paid the price the first year I ran it and it wasn't pretty or comfortable!! Try to hold back on the early miles and you'll be rewarded with very fast time. It is a very fast course. Some people prefer flat courses to try to PR on, I feel the rolling hills and the net elevation loss works better. It allows you to use and rest muscle groups through out the race instead of stressing the same muscles for an entire 26.2 mile flat race.
One thing to keep in mind is the weather can be a bit unpredictable in Northern California in December. It can be cold, (32 degree two years ago) or it can be raining (very hard down pour three years ago) or it can be perfect like last year (1999, upper 40's and a slight tail wind)


A Runner from Northern California (5/17/2000)
"A great marathon!" (about: 1999)


This marathon is a net downhill run with few rolling hills. The aid stations are well-manned and all volunteers are helpful. The time of year usually makes it a cool run, sometimes with rain.


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