calendar icon Jan 16, 2025

Niagara Falls International Marathon Runner Comments

Back to Niagara Falls International Marathon Information & Reviews

Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.2 
Number of comments: 172 [displaying comments 171 to 172]
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A Runner from New Kensington, PA (11/7/2000)
"flat course if yor are looking for PR." (about: 2000)


This marathon is good for a first timer. The starting line is inconveniently located in Buffalo which cause too much waiting around for the runners. On the other hand the course is flat and is fun to cross the bridge from the US to Canada. The view is nice....but after that you are on a paved trail around Niagara lake. The finish line is just behind the spetacular horseshoe fall (at that point you are too tired for the touristic tour).
Race goodies bag is poor but the long sleeve shirt has a nice colorful logo. The pasta party price is excellently 'free' but the food is not too good.


A Runner from Burlington, Ontario, Canada (5/1/2000)
"Flat, scenic course." (about: 1998)


The course is quite scenicand flat, starting in Buffalo, NY, crossing the Peace Bridge, along the Niagara Parkway beside the Niagara River and ending up at Niagara Falls, Ontario. There isn't much of a Runner's Expo, there isn't much to eat at the end and the awards ceremony isn't held until the evening. But on the up side, you can stay warm inside, quite close to the start line, the number of entrants is small so there isn't a huge crush of people at the start line and there is a different group of people staffing each of the hydration stations, eg. guy's hockey team, cheer leaders, Scottish band, etc.


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