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Marathon Details - Little Rock Marathon

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Little Rock Marathon

Little Rock Marathon & Half Marathon, 5K, 10K

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calendar icon March 2, 2025

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Race Details

Named as one of Runner's World 'Bucket List: 10 Great Marathons for First-Timers," come fill your bucket at the Little Rock Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, and Little Rockers Kids Marathon. A race with personality, loads of southern hospitality, tons of caring volunteers, a running or walking tour through the scenic streets of Arkansas' capital city and an impressive finisher's medal. We are a race for every pace. We love walkers, 8-hour time limit for Marathon race. Check out our website for more info: Like us on Facebook!

Contact Information

Name: Little Rock Marathon
Address: Little Rock Marathon
500 W. Markham, Room 108
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone Number:  501-371--4639
Email: Email the organizers

More Information

Number of Runners: 15,000
Number of Spectators: 30,000
Fees & Deadlines: various
Start Time: 8:00 a.m.
Course Refreshments: 14 Aid Stations (approx every 1 1/2 miles) serving water and Gatorade. Some aid stations also offer fruit and other snacks.
Certified? Certification: Yes, USATF
Race Day Registration: None
Online Registration:
Packet Pickup Info: Statehouse Convention Center (corner of Markham & Main Streets) #1 Statehouse Plaza Hall I and II Little Rock, AR
Marathon Ratings: Course Scenery/Beauty/Interest:
Good for First Timers:
Crowd Support:
Course Speed:

Runner Reviews (409)

Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 409 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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T. F. from Poteau, Oklahoma (4/7/2024)
"Fun race throughout" (about: 2024)

11-50 previous marathons

The race is very enjoyable from the course to the spectators to post-race celebration. I appreciate the huge finishers medal. The course isn't too difficult. The hills are moderate and appear between miles 14 and 18 and at mile 25. There are plenty of aid stations throughout the race. It's fun running across the big bridge twice in the early part of the race. I think I saw spectators in every mile of the marathon, which I can't say about every medium size marathon. The expo was good. Gear check is easy. Pretty sights are sprinkled into many miles of the course. I'll always remember turning past the state capitol and seeing guys playing fiddle and banjo in the second half of the race.


W. W. from Los Angeles (3/20/2024)
"Huge Medal for the Marathon Finishers" (about: 2024)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

The marathon route goes through most of the attractions in Little Rock. The road were all in good condition. It is hilly in the second half of the marathon.
The event is well organized. The start and finish rest area are in door in the convention center. There were plenty of food and drink after finish. The table and chair setup are very considerable. The restroom arrangement is an issue before the race. The lines are really long. Some extra restroom at the start would be very helpful.

For 2024 event, an unseasonal warm weather was in forecast. The organizers moved the event start from 8:00am to 6:00am. This well resolved the warm weather issue.

It is fun to see that many extra aid stations along the way. Those were provided by local citizens and local organizations.

The finish medal is impressive large. It weights more than 2lbs!


J. G. from Williamsburg VA (3/14/2023)
"Well organized like a major with a small town feel" (about: 2023)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This race was organized like a major, yet had a small town feel to it! Everything from registration, communication, expo and course was well planned. The marathon started on time, had plenty of water stops and was well supported with energenic volunteers!.

It should be noted the marathon course is hilly, especially from mile 13 to a little over mile 18. They also throw in two small hills at mile 25 for good measure! Most of the course is scenic, you get to run past historic Little Rock Central High School and the State Capital.

The expo had numerous vendors and even had free ice cream and chocolate milk! The shirt was nice and of course the medal was massive is size and weight! Finally, the town of Little Rock had many local restaurants and is very walkable. They even have a free trolley that takes you around with a historic narration. I would do this race again and is a fine way to get Arkansas off your list.


T. S. from Mountain Top, PA (3/6/2023)
"Well organized but hilly!" (about: 2023)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

The city really goes all out for this event. The host hotel the Marriott makes the runners feel so welcomed but there are other hotels nearby since it usually sells out. The Expo is in the convention center at the Marriott and so is the athletes' village. The race starts behind the hotel so there is minimal waiting outside. The weather this year was perfect and every year there is a different theme that some runners dress up for. The half marathon breaks off at 11 miles and until then the course is amazing. Tons of spectators, DJ's playing great music and pumping up the runners. After the full continues on, there are many uphill segments to deal with. I enjoyed the uphill going towards the Capitol but then the uphills continued for several more miles before flattening for the out and back along a paved trail. Mile 25 has another big uphill before a nice downhill/flat finish mile so do your hillwork. There were many people walking the hills and last portion of the race, which can be tough mentally if you want to keep running. After the finish, you are guided inside for food, drinks and photos. The medal is huge and a big draw for the race. The city feels very safe, and I was able to do some light sightseeing. Solid choice for Arkansas!


Race The Nation from North Carolina (12/29/2022)
"Best organized race!" (about: 2022)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

You simply will not find an event that is better managed and executed than Little Rock. Most events that offer all the races that Little Rock does; full, half, 10K, 5K, and Kids, will do well in one or two races and fall short in the others. Little Rock is the exception. Each race is well planned, well timed, well staffed, and well supported.

The organizers somehow manage to come up with a new great theme each year! And it's not just some flashy name on the website, but they decorate the expo, after party, and race with the theme! You truly have to be impressed by the thought, inspiration, and perspiration to make this event stand out.

The marathon course is a nice tour of Little Rock with a bit more challenging back half. Volunteers were enthusiastic and outstanding. Plenty of traditional aid stations and plenty of non-traditional; i.e. Beer stations, wine stations, BBQ stations, and lipstick station at Mile 26 for those wanting a glamour shot at the finish!

Lastly, this event caters to EVERYONE! Runners and/or walkers, young or old. Even folks who wish to walk the marathon can make arrangements to begin early. We've done marathons in 28 states and you simply won't find a better run event. And I haven't even mentioned the MEDALS!!!! You can get a good feel for the race and the place from our Little Rock Marathon video at Race The Nation.


Wayne Wright from Palmdale, California USA (4/21/2020)
"Little Rock, Big Medal, Totally Awesome" (about: 2020)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

INTRODUCTION: I am a race-walker with a median marathon completion time of 5:22:52. The Little Rock Marathon was my sixtieth 26.2-miler accomplished.

COURSE: It was a great day for a marathon: 57 degrees, mostly cloudy, wind from the south at 14 mph, and 69% relative humidity.

Starting just outside Statehouse Convention Center, the first mile took us around downtown Little Rock, replete with rolling hills, culminating with crossing the Arkansas River toward North Little Rock, which after two more miles, would take us back over the river back into downtown. We then headed eastward toward the airport, turning around before mile seven.

We then returned to south of downtown, travelling past the Governors Mansion (being greeted by none other than presumably Governor Asa Hutchinson) before mile 11 and Little Rock Central High School just past mile 12.

Passing by the State Capitol at mile 14, we headed west where we would encounter two miles of incline beginning at mile 15. Reaching the crest at mile 17, we traversed by a wooded holler toward the Arkansas River, where before mile 19, we went out on a flat two and a half mile trek parallel to the river, doubling back, partly on the paved Arkansas River Trail, until reaching mile 24. We returned toward Statehouse Convention Center for the final two miles on a course defined by rolling hills. Finally, for those who wanted to look pretty for their finish line photos, there was a lipstick station at mile 26.

Weather at the finish was 67 degrees, overcast, wind from the west south at 15 mph with gusts up to 28 mph, and 24% relative humidity.

ORGANIZATION: Let by the two outrageous self-titled Chicks in Charge, this is all about fun, starting with a different theme every year. In this case, from the website to the course to the eight and one half inch square medals, the event was punctuated with things from the 1980s, with images of Rubiks Cubes plastered on everything one could imagine.

The expo, pre-start, and post-finish activities all were inside the Statehouse Convention Center, sheltering us from whatever nature offered us on the race course.

SPECTATORS: Supportive and enthusiastic crowd. Two first for this marathoner was receiving a high five from a police officer and being greeted by a state governor. Also, two Great American Beer Festival medal winners, Diamond Bear on mile 2 and Vinos on mile 14, were on hand to offer samples. The local Episcopalian church offered Holy Communion on mile 10, and the world champion barbecue Whole Hog Cafe offered food and drink to weary participants at mile 24.

Keeping in theme, most of the music was from the eighties, bringing back some memories for those who were young during that era.

CONCLUSION: This is the ultimate gimmick marathon. The organizers have gone all out to set themselves apart from other marathons and have very much succeeded. Exceptionally done, Little Rock.


D. L. from Pensacola, FL (3/5/2019)
"Very Nice Race" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

Little Rock was my 46th marathon, 30th state. I was very happy with this race. The pre-race communication left a bit to be desired (twice e-mails were sent out, immediately followed by 'oops! we meant to say...' messages), but once in Little Rock everything was very well organized. The Expo wasn't huge, but was sufficient and worth a look around. Pre-race we could wait inside until the very last minute, so avoided the bad weather, and post race came back inside the expo hall immediately after crossing the finish line. Bag check was excellent, well-staffed and inside. Plenty of aid stations on the course, and tons of un-official support as well, complete with everything from grilled pineapple to homemade cookies to a variety of adult beverages to even Holy Communion (Methodist church) and Holy Water (Episcopalians). Amazing number of porto-potties. Lipstick station at mile 26.1?! First 11 miles are through the historic/downtown area, then after the half marathoners split off is the long uphill, then a never-ending out and back through a park along the river. Shirts are given out pre-race but are very nice, and printed on the front only (no beer ads on the back!) Be prepared for the medal -- take it in your hands as they put it around your neck, it weighs a ton. Post-race food was sufficient, loved the hot pasta from the Knights of Columbus. This is not an amazing race, but it's such a good one that I had to review it.


E. B. from St. Louis (3/5/2019)
"Wonderful small-city event" (about: 2019)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

Yes, the course is hilly and, yes, the finish medal is ridiculously huge. If either of those are turn-offs, this isn't your race. That out of the way, this is a really well organized event. The course, while tough, has a nice variety to it, hitting most of Little Rock's landmarks. I'm giving the fans 5 stars, not because they rivaled Boston or New York, but because the fact that ANYBODY came out to watch in the cold sleet was pretty amazing to me. I was really surprised by the support in such conditions. Aid station volunteers were particularly cheery. I usually don't like mixing the marathon and half on a single finish line, but the half doesn't merge back in until the very end and the field is small enough that it wasn't a problem to get through them, even at 3-hour pace.


S. B. from Waco, TX (3/4/2019)
"Tough Run in Little Rock" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This was by far my toughest and worst marathon but none of the reasons had anything to do with the event itself. I ran this race just 2 weeks after being diagnosed with the flu and really felt like I didn't have enough time to recover properly. And then the weather didn't do any of the runners any favors!

The city of Little Rock absolutely goes all out for runners the weekend of the marathon. There are tons of signs around downtown and in front of restaurants and bars welcoming runners to the city. That's always a great thing to see when you're away from home.

The expo was well done although a little smaller than I expected. I think the race organizers do such a good job of hyping up the race that it's easy to forget that the actual race itself is pretty small in terms of number of runners. But, they had plenty of merchandise and good vendors to visit with so no complaints.

The day of the race the weather did exactly what was forecast, very cold with off and on rain for the first 2 hours which shifted over to sleet and snow for about another hour and then came the north wind blowing from 10 to 20mph. Since this was according to forecast, most of the runners were dressed appropriately, but there is no way to not be cold when you're wet and the wind chill drops into the 20's. None of this is the fault of the race directors, of course, and there was actually fairly good crowd support in spite of the weather.

The course itself hits a lot of Little Rock highlights. It goes directly in front of Little Rock Central High School, the state capitol building, and the governor's mansion. The back half of the marathon goes through some sketchy areas and there is a long out and back along a bike path that is a little boring but there's no way the entire course could be perfect.

I will say this course is the toughest that I have done so far. The hills are steep and long and come one after the other. In the early sections there is usually a nice downhill to get some recovery but the later hills don't go back down much at all. As noted by other reviewers there is a rough hill between 24 and 25 that is not a welcome sight at that point in the race.


Big Al Navidi from Washington, DC Metro (3/15/2017)
"Big Al's comments on LR" (about: 2016)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Little Rock Marathon

This was my 56 marathon and my 36th Sate in my quest to complete all 50 States. Overall, the race was a very well-organized race. There was plenty of drinks and nutrition on the course and plenty of volunteers to hand them out. The course has a few hills, almost all past the 1/2 way point, but nothing too bad. There is an out and back section towards the end that just messes with your mind, since it does not seem to end. Plus, you get to see who is in front of you, which could be discouraging. The last couple of miles have 2-3 hills that can make you walk, especially since they're almost near the end, but once you go over them, you're almost home. The finishers' medal is HUGE and I think that's the main reason why most people run this particular race. The expo was nothing to write home about, especiallysince there was really no official race merchandise ! For some odd reason, this race also attracts the most number of morbidly obese people, but good for them. I highly recommend this race, especially if you need one in AR!


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