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Marathon Details - WhistleStop Marathon

North America Marathons > USA > WI > Ashland > WhistleStop Marathon

WhistleStop Marathon

Tamarack Health WhistleStop Marathon & Half Marathon, 10K, 5K

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calendar icon October 12, 2024

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Race Details

This race is a point to point course run on the Tri-County Corridor, a rail-trail paved with limestone gravel.

Contact Information

Name: Mary McPhetridge
Address: WhistleStop Marathon
1716 West Lake Shore Dr
PO Box 746
Ashland, WI 54806
Phone Number:  800-284-9484 or 715-682-2500
Fax Number: 715-682-9404
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (77)

Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 77 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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P. W. from MI (11/7/2017)
"Fast course, great people, well organized" (about: 2017)

3 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

About 90% of my running is on asphalt so I was a bit apprehensive after reading the reviews of the trail but I had no problems with it. I had to be a little careful to find the ideal footing in some spots but no different than dodging potholes or other runners in a big city marathon. The course feels flat but is actually a steady decline which helped me PR and BQ.

The race was well organized with buses taking us to the start where there were ample portajohns and the local bar let us in to hang out and keep warm. There were aid stations every few miles and the finish was well stocked with food and volunteers checking on your condition as you recovered, something you won't find in a big marathon.

I really enjoyed this marathon and hope to do it again sometime.


D. W. from Guangzhou, China (10/27/2017)
"flat trail, good for PR plan" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

Trail is very flat, but remember to wear a pair of thick sole shoe cause many small stones and on the trail and the surface is not smooth. I got my PR after Chicago (that is 6 days before).

The organization could be improved. I talked with race director and believe she will make changes in the future.

Spectators are few, the reason I can understand. But the after race party is great, good city with good people.

I booked Airbnb in the city, then make the race more convenient.


J. S. from Minnesota (1/13/2017)
"Train on gravel" (about: 2016)

1 previous marathon | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

Flat scenic course, very well organized, very helpful and friendly community. I would highly highly recommend doing a good portion of your training on gravel or trail because this gravel trail will wreck you if you are not prepared for it. It was very hard to find a good hard packed line to run....mix in some very soft and sandy sections and gravel and it can be tough on your body. It's a great race if you are prepared for the instability of the running surface...

I learned the hard way that this course is no joke.


Rob Klein from Paradise, MI (12/29/2015)
"Flat and Fast" (about: 2015)

50+ previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

This was a well organized event. The night before there was a pasta dinner and check-in - at the general location of the start and finish line. Hotels in Ashland were kind of expensive so I stayed at the Lodge on the Reservation - about 10 miles away.

We were bused to Iron River for the start. There was a lodge there, and they were polite and friendly to let runners hang out there until the race started. It was slightly below 50 degrees at the start time, and it warmed to a comfortable temperature for running an autumn marathon.

The first mile or so was on a paved path/road that joined us to the old railroad bed. I thought the running surface was great. Early on it was a bit loose, but overall it was a great running surface. The grade seemed to be slightly downhill heading to Ashland, and that helped.

There were not a lot of spectators, but there were crossroads every mile or so, and I would keep seeing the same folks cheering as they moved along with the runners they were cheering on. Being in the right place at the right time helped.

I crossed the finish line and received my medal and T-shirt, but I had a medical emergency right after finishing the course. So the medical staff had to jump into action on my behalf. They were in the right place at the right time, and performed flawlessly (I am still alive!) but I was admitted to the hospital in Duluth by the end of the day.

I highly recommend this race. The organizers did a great job!


J. P. from Madison, WI (10/13/2015)
"Not the fast track I expected" (about: 2015)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

I went to Ashland looking for a new PR based on the elevation map of the course and the description which says 'The course offers a flat and fast running trail surface that is excellent PR course'. I trained on crushed limestone trails near Madison to prepare for the surface, but it was nothing like I expected. Very soft dirt for most of the first 6 miles and then a combination of dirt and gravel until the final 2 miles on asphalt. It is used for ATVs so it takes a beating. It had been freshly graded to smooth it out in places, leaving a smooth but very soft surface. Beautiful scenery and a very supportive community made for a nice day, but not a fast one. Lodging is scarce and expensive so plan early. All the decent lodging was sold out before registration for the race opened.


B. S. from Illinois (10/20/2014)
"A fun slower course with great bang for your buck!" (about: 2014)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

Pertaining to 2014 full marathon

Friendly staff, volunteers, and residents: lodge at the start line was not big enough to hold everyone in the cold, brisk weather but staff there was amazing; more than enough hands at aid stations and finish line.
Well organized and small enough for future growth: everything seems well thought out with start times, mile markers, emergency responders, etc.
Inexpensive race with lots of amenities / support: simple spaghetti / broiled catfish dinner included night prior; 15 well supported aid stations; plenty of food at the finish line and a nice jacket for finishers.
Beautiful and relatively flat course. Never too many runners.
If I wasn't working on trying to qualify for Boston -expecting to use this as a stepping stone, it would be a race I would return to again.
Course had 'recently' been grated due to erosion from rainfall. For a technical trail runner or an adventure racer, I would imagine this course to be almost too easy, but for someone who runs 100% on cement, asphalt, or packed dirt/gravel it was more of a challenge than it was worth for my goals. Imagine running in 3-4 inches of loose sand on a packed ground every 10 feet for 10 feet. Throw some ankle-rolling-sized rocks in there every so often and that's how it felt for the first 11-12 miles. The overworked calves and small stabilizing muscles didnt have a chance which made for a rough finish. Very pretty trail but I spent all but a few glances scanning the trail for ATV tracks, erosion, rocks, and for a better footing. Much zig-zagging. Best time on course was 30-40min slower than any best course time of previously completed race. Should have been an indication before I signed up for my slowest race yet.

Great race and I am glad to have experienced it but it was not what I expected.


A. S. from Twin Cities, MN (10/16/2014)
"Loved this marathon!" (about: 2014)

3 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

If you love nature, you'll love this course. I heard great things about this race but was hesitant to run another full marathon after taking an 8-year break. I followed an awesome training plan so that I would be better prepared for this race than I had been for my previous fulls. It only makes sense that if you're going to run a trail race, you will want to train at least some of your miles on similar terrain. That's easy to do even in an urban setting. For example, if you're running the Mpls chain of lakes, just run on the dirt path next to the paved trail as much as possible. Also, get out on some of the regional trails for your long runs.

I don't understand the previous reviews from runners complaining about the trail. What were they expecting? Smooth, packed dirt 4 feet wide with no rocks for 26.2 miles? This really IS a fast course because it's so flat.

The starting area is great because you can huddle in the warm lodge until it gets close to starting time (huge bonus for this freeze-baby!).

We had GORGEOUS weather this year (2014) which helped to make the miles just fly by. The sun was pouring down on the tall birch trees with their bright yellow leaves which lined the entire course. The many bridges we crossed over in the second half were a lot of fun and added nice variety. I brought an iPod shuffle with me in case I felt the need for a little extra motivation in the last miles, but I never turned it on. I was just soaking up the peacefulness of the day and soaking it all in... and it never got old.

Whistlestop is a relatively quite marathon because of the setting, and that was refreshing. The aid stations were plentiful and nicely spaced with fantastic volunteers.

Regarding the last person's comment about wooden train whistles, I don't know what they did in past years, but we did get high-quality jackets this year and a nice medal. The overall and age class winners DID get wooden train whistles too. And they're cool.

A PR on this course is entirely achievable, and it happened for me. I absolutely loved this race and would recommend it to anyone.


A. D. from Central Illinois (10/15/2014)
"Beautiful country, Good people, Brutal course" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

Pros: Very pretty course. Great weather. Frequent and well supplied aid stations. Friendly volunteers. Runner pasta dinner cost included in price of marathon. Very cool tech jackets for finishers.

Cons: I had heard the course was smooth firm crushed limestone. But instead it was very beat up sandy dirt with rock, ATV tracks, and very little smoothness. Red loose gravel for several pockets around bridges and road crossings. Had to keep my eyes on the trail and dart back and forth to try to find firm footing for most of the course. Very mentally fatiguing and rough on calves and shin muscles. Feet were exhausted by mile 13 due to course. I think these conditions were exceptional compared to what I have heard from years past. However, I would strongly recommend avoiding this course if you haven't trained on similar conditions or if you are hoping for a fast time.


D. J. from Minnetonka Beach, MN (10/14/2014)
"Big race ammenities with small town feel." (about: 2014)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

All the amenities of a big city race with the ease and friendliness of a small local race. Unique and fun.

- Organizers promptly answer stupid email questions with friendly humor.
- Great course. Scenery is fantastic. I BQ-PR'd, and would go back for another PR attempt.
- Trail surface. You should practice a bit on gravel so you know what to expect. Some areas were washed out this summer and had to be repaired. Not perfect, but organizers did a great job of prepping the course. Wimbledon is grass, Whistlestop is gravel; it's a good thing.
- Spectators. Not a great race for ego boosting, but if trees are your favorite spectators you'll be happy. If your ego needs boosting, there's a big race in Chicago on the same weekend.
- Organizer and events. Very well run and professional with all the usual amenities, but in a manageable size where you're not just a number.
- Misc. Lot's of food and water, nice post race tent with music, showers, they return your cast off clothing. Organizers really put their best effort out.

Big Disappointment
- They gave out medals. Friends told me I'd get a train whistle. It's amazing how much this bummed me out. I'm still bummed.

If you live near WI this is a 'bucket list' race.


J. R. from Eagan, MN (1/26/2014)
"Whistle-stop -Big Small Town Marathon" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 WhistleStop Marathon

Great race for a marathon. The spectators are great, but you do long stretches without seeing many if them. It's run in an old railroad bed of crushed limestone. That surface isn't my favorite, but I do think the course in conducive to getting you a BQ time. Great organization, great Saturday Night Beer Tent, and very welcoming town. Highly recommend.


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