Common Mistakes in Running Form - Excessive Heel-strike
Running with your natural form may not be quite so natural on your musculo-skeletal system. Sedentary jobs, past injuries, non-running activities (biking, rowing, skiing, ballet, etc), and fallen arches in your feet are all possible causes of muscle tightness or weakness (and/or spinal and hip misalignment) that may negatively impact the efficiency of your running form. One common result is an excessive heel-strike.
Excessive Heel-strike
Note the forward leg (the leg depicted with the more solid line) is landing quite severely on the heel of the foot and well in front of the hips. Both of these factors result in sudden, sharp forces on the hips, knees, and lower back. They also contribute to a loss of efficiency and speed, as forward momentum is slightly halted with each landing. The dotted leg, and more correct version, shows a landing on the heel that is at less of an angle and more closely underneath the hips.
Possible causes:
Possible corrective actions: