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Press Release - NYC Marathon/USA Women's Marathon Championship - 11/7/10


       Flanagan Places 2nd in NYC, Wins USA Title in Marathon Debut 

NEW YORK - In her highly anticipated debut over 26.2 miles, Shalane 
Flanagan on Sunday turned in the highest place finish by an American woman 
at the ING New York City Marathon in 20 years, placing second in 2:28:40 
and winning the 2010 USA Women's Marathon Championship.

In a race in which competition took precedence over time trials, Flanagan 
found a race that suited her. The Olympic 10,000m bronze medalist and 
American record holder at that distance ran with a huge women's lead pack 
through most of the race, as the average mile pace hovered close to 6:00 
for the first 5 km (18:40).

The size of the lead pack, no fewer than 18 women strong when the half 
marathon was passed in 1:15:52, reflected the wide-open nature of the 
field. Without the long shadow of world record holder Paula Radcliffe 
looming over the starting line, athletes such as Flanagan, world half 
marathon champion Mary Keitany of Kenya, 2010 road racing "it" girl Edna 
Kiplagat of Kenya, defending champion Derartu Tulu of Ethiopia and '09 
runner-up Ludmila Petrova of Russia all were ready to take their shot at 
the winner's podium.
The race started to shape up at around the 30k mark as the pace began to 
quicken, with a split of 1:14:12. Approximately 2 hours into the race, 13 
women still remained in the lead pack, but Flanagan and Keitany at that 
point assumed positions at the front of the group.

Shortly past the 35km marker, at a water stop approximately 2:07 into the 
race, Flanagan, Keitany and Kiplagat separated themselves from the pack, 
and at that point the race was on. Flanagan led the three women into 
Central Park, with Keitany and Kiplagat both looking great on her heels. A 
23rd mile passed in 4:58 proved this was no longer a tactical race.

As they approached mile 25, Kiplagat, the 2010 Honda Los Angeles Marathon 
winner, pulled away with long strides. By the 25th mile she had a 5-second 
lead over Keitany as Flanagan fell back to third. The American moved into 
second along Central Park South but Kiplagat extended her lead, crossing 
the finish line in 2:28:20, 20 seconds up on Flanagan. Keitany, who like 
Flanagan was making her marathon debut, finished third in 2:29:01, with 
Inga Abitova of Russia fourth in 2:29:17 and New Zealand's Kim Smith fifth 
in 2:29:28.

Kiplagat took home $135,000 for the win and $5,000 for breaking 2:29, while 
Flanagan won $110,000 in prize money: $65,000 as overall runner-up, an 
additional $40,000 for winning the USA women's title and a $5,000 time 
bonus for breaking 2:29. Flanagan's performance was the best placing by an 
American at this race since Kim Jones finished second in 1990 in 2:30:50.

"My team really prepared me for this moment and this stage to seize and 
opportunity that was out there," Flanagan said. "I stayed calm and 
collected. I tried to stay with the women for as long as I could. It came 
down to who had the legs and the heart.  I couldn't be more pleased in my 
first marathon, really. 

"Having a win is the ultimate goal. As soon as I finished second, I thought 
about what I could have done to finish first...My passion for the marathon 
is very strong after today."

American Katie McGregor was with the women's lead pack until almost 25 km. 
The 2010 USA 10-mile and 15 mile champion, she crossed the finish line as 
the second American, 11th overall in 2:31:01 to place second in the USA 
Championships and set a personal record. Kathy Newberry was third American 
and 17th overall in 2:35:23.  With her performance, McGregor finished off 
the 2010 USARC winning the women's overall standings.  Antonio Vega won the 
men's overall standings. 

For more information on the USA Running Circuit, visit

Gebrmariam makes it look easy; Haile bows out  
The men's field featured perhaps some of the deepest talent of any ever to 
toe the line in New York and like the women's race featured a tactical, 
cautious beginning. World record holder Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia was 
the man to watch, making his first appearance in New York despite a 
bothersome right knee. 

Running as a group, it seemed every runner kept an eye on Haile. A pack of 
15 men led the field through the half-way point in 1:05:19 as defending 
champion Meb Keflezighi led the wear in his USA jersey.  The lead pack also 
contained Americans Dathan Ritzenhein, Jorge Torres and Tim Nelson along 
with world cross country champion Gebre Gebrmariam in his marathon debut; 
2010 Virgin London Marathon runner-up Emmanuel Mutai of Kenya; and two-time 
NYC champion Marilson Gomes dos Santos of Brazil.

At roughly 16 miles, Gebrselassie abruptly stopped, limping markedly on the 
Queensboro Bridge. The sudden change in the field's dynamics made for a 
more intriguing than usual sprint up 1st Avenue. 

Normally a time when adrenaline-prone runners surge and patient champions 
wait, the 1st Avenue stretch in 2010 proved the decisive moment in the 
race. Mutai, Kwambai and Gebrmariam seized the moment, dropping a 4:26 
miles to immediately leave the rest of the field behind, including 
Keflezighi and Ritzenhein. 

Kwambai took over leading duties with Gebrmariam, Mutai and Abderrahim 
Goumri of Morocco in tow, hitting 17 miles in 1:24:08. By 20 miles, it was 
Mutai and Gebrmariam clocking 1:38:06, and a two-man race was on. Although 
both had been striding easily throughout the race, the tall and lanky 
Ethiopian looked as though he were on a leisurely Sunday stroll through 
Central Park. When he broke away from Mutai, it was no surprise.

Gebremariam kept on striding to the finish in 2:08:14, followed by Mutai in 
2:09:17 and Moses Kipkosgei in 2:10:39. Goumri finished fourth in 2:10:51, 
while Kwambai fell to fifth in 2:11:31. Keflezighi was top American in 
2:11:38, with Ritzenhein eighth in 2:12:33 and Torres 11th in 2:14:57.

"The make-or-break decision was on 1st Avenue," Keflezighi said, "but the 
gap was so big, that was it for me. I ran a lot of people down. I gave it a 

"For the first 15 miles, it (the race) was fine. I felt very comfortable. 
When Haile, we didn't see him, some guys made a huge move. That was the 
difference - they wanted to get away from Haile."

In his post-race press conference, Gebrselassie said he was retiring from 
running. "I never think about retiring," he said. "But for the first time, 
this is the day. Let me stop and do other work after this. Let me stop and 
give a chance for the youngsters." For more on the ING New York City 
Marathon, visit  

About USA Track & Field
USA Track & Field (USATF) is the National Governing Body for Track & Field, 
long-distance running and race walking in the United States. USATF 
encompasses the world's oldest organized sports, the World's #1 Track & 
Field Team, the most-watched events at the Olympics, the #1 high school and 
junior high school participatory sport, and more than 30 million adult 
runners in the United States: 



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