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Callaway Gardens Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.3 
Number of comments: 77 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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A. G. from Atlanta (2/5/2009)
"One of my favorite courses" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

The course is great. It's hilly, but sometimes a challenge is good if the scenery is pretty. Really great runners and friendly volunteers. Few spectators, but thanks to the few for the cheering. This is my first time on the full, as I have done the half two years in a row. Doing 2 loops was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. For the runners who give the marathon 1 star, I hope you don't come back again, as I appreciate the small number of runners with good attitudes. Perhaps some hill training would help!


B. C. from Marietta, GA (2/2/2009)
"nice, small race" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

I enjoyed the half-marathon; it had a nice course with a laid-back atmosphere. There were lots of fun people to run with, which also helped. Now on to Nashville.


James Mahurin from Fort Benning, GA (1/31/2009)
"A scenic race - great for ultra training." (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

This was a well run race for the small size (355 people doing the half and just over 100 doing both laps to make the marathon distance around the scenic, beautiful woods of Callaway Gardens, GA). Lakes, streams and Georgia pines were everywhere, and the gently rolling hills were easy to navigate. I personally liked the "trail" run feel of the marathon, with multiple twists and turns. Dave and Dave Johnson ran a good race, which had more organization than I thought it would, kept me informed with my email questions, and briefed the route well. People were friendly, especially the lady at the end of the finisher's chute who let me know that I could stop running. Spectators were very limited, and once the half-marathoners were done, it got very lonely out on the course. The course had easy-to-see signs at all mile markers and turns, with road cones set up to aid in making the right turns. Plenty of fruit and cookies at the end of the race. The low score reflects the number of fans on the course, and not the reactions of the fans, who all were quick to motivate and gave out kind words to the runners.

I plan on doing this race again next year, as it's a great way to get in a winter race without the snow.


Hayley Odom from Destin, FL (1/29/2009)
"An absolutely beautiful half-marathon!" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons

This was my first half at Callaway. I was caught up in the splendor of all the falling leaves and beautiful nature as I ran. It made the course quick for me. Mile number 5 was a memorable one!! Straight up... everyone was really nice and extremely helpful. I look forward to running it again next year!


T. G. from Georgia, USA (1/27/2009)
"For a first-time half-marathoner, I LOVED IT!" (about: 2009)

First Marathon

This was a great experience, and I would recommend it to anyone. The course was scenic, beautiful, and winding with lakes and streams all along the way. The hills were a perfect challenge too.

The only downside I noticed was that there weren't enough restrooms along the course. Some strategically located port-o-potties might have been helpful.


s. p. from Suwanee, GA (1/26/2009)
"Beautiful course with a few rolling hills" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

I love this run! This was the smallest race I have done to date and I loved it. I thought the course was just perfect. I only did the 1/2 so I didn't have to worry about looping twice. I thought there were plenty of water and Gatorade stations and everyone involved with this race was top-notch. I love the race day registration, as I only decided to run it at 4:00 the day before. When I arrived at 7 to register, there was no line and plenty of people to answer any of my questions. I thought the course was well marked and I thoroughly enjoyed the morning. This will definitely be one I come back to. I did think the medals were a bit lame, but the wind jacket was awesome!


C. S. from Atlanta (1/26/2009)
"Disappointing race, even though potential is great" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

Callaway Gardens has the potential to put on a really great, small-town marathon. The course runs through the gardens and has plenty of lodging in and around the gardens to put on a first-class event. That being said, as the previous reviews have elucidated, this race leaves a lot to be desired.

First, the course is tremendously difficult. The other reviews didn't really do the hills the justice they deserve. Yes, you do run the loop twice, so you encounter hills between 5-10 and 16-20, but the hills in mile 6 and 8, and again in 17 and 19 are huge. Both last close to 3/4 of a mile and you are climbing the entire time. These hills are much tougher than anything you experience in ING Georgia or Boston. The other hills in the race are rollers: they are tough, but you get a decent recovery from them. The main 4, however, do not allow such recovery. The declines going back down these hills are so steep that you cannot gain any momentum to attempt to get your lost time back. In fact, I think you lose time trying not to fall down the hill. Plus, none of this even takes into consideration the beating that the downhills do to your body. I've run Boston, the old Austin course, and ING Georgia, and my legs didn't take the beating like they did at Callaway.

The second issue with the course are the turns. Clearly the person who designed the course was not a runner. There are at least 10 turns on the course that are sharp, right- or left-hand turns where you almost have to stop completely. There is no hope of finding an angle or a tangent to make the turn. You just have to stop and deal with it.

So, the other issues with the course has mainly to do with the organization. First, the water stations are really inconsistent. The first water station didn't come until 3 1/2 miles in, but there were a few spots where there were water stations less than a 1/2-mile apart. Also, when you came up to the water station, if you were lucky enough to have a volunteer there, they would just stare at you as you ran by. No mention of what was water and what was Gatorade - and forget about a volunteer handing the drink to you. The table would be off the road about 5 feet ,and with no assistance, you would have to run off the road, stop, and grab your own water. There was only one station where there was one high-schooler who was handing out the water (whoever that was, thank you). I don't think it's too much to ask to have volunteers at least telling you what is water and what is Gatorade. Additionally, if you aren't going to have your volunteers hand out water, at least put the tables on the road so the runners can grab them.

Finally, here's the biggest issue: Markings and organization. Three times on this course I was sent in the wrong direction. First, at the halfway point, they sent me to finish with the half marathoners even when I asked where the full runners go. Finally, 1/10th of a mile from the finish, someone ran over and turned me around (after my pleas as to where the full runners go). Again, I was sent in the wrong direction somewhere around the 7-mile mark. This happened because there wasn't a volunteer at the course split. The second time around a volunteer was there and the issue was averted. Finally, at the end (same place where I had the issue at the half), the guy who sent me in the wrong direction to begin with tried to send me through the course a third time, yelling at me not to go to the finish but to repeat the course instead. Thankfully, I didn't listen and kept going... going to a finish where there was complete chaos, as there was no split to where the half and full runners go and only one race director yelling at everyone. My wife was furious as to how he was screaming at people at the finish. If only they would have put some cones up with an arrow for the half runners to go one direction and the full runners to go another direction. Additionally, a lot of the confusion could have been diverted if the half and full runners would have different color bibs. There was no distinction in the bibs (marking or color) between half and full, so it's no wonder the volunteers kept sending runners the wrong direction.

All in all, I would not recommend this race unless a lot of things are corrected and resolved. There are many other races around this time of the year that are much better in terms of course, organization and treatment of the runners. If they bring Tybee back next year, do this one instead and stay away from Callaway.


n. s. from USA (1/25/2009)
"Beautiful Course... LOTS of hills!" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

I did the 1/2, as I couldn't mentally see doing two loops on the exact same course. I wish they would have taken it out to the main street where we could have run straight - lots of twists and turns and ups and downs. I LOVE the fact that it was a small marathon. If they change the course for the full, I would have signed up for that one. Also, there is no "fitness series" rate for marathoners. The prices were the same as just going online and booking a room as a "normal" person. The Mountain Creek Inn was scary. We would stay at The Lodge if we did it again. Bananas, oranges, apples, granola bars, cookies, water and Gatorade - that was good! There was only one vendor at the expo, but it was a small race and that didn't bother me.

I really enjoyed it!


Joe Olson from Georgia, US (2/14/2008)
"Good, small-time race" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

This race is good for a first marathon, but the race is better if you do the half marathon. The mass start of marathoners and halfers is confusing, so you don't even know who you're racing against. The two-lap format for the marathon is also tough to swallow when you see others going to the finish line.


bob melcher from Dallastown PA (1/31/2008)
"Run for my heart" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

It was a beautiful course on a nice day - a little chilly in the morning but the last four or five miles it warmed up. Living on my second pacemaker, this was my thirteenth marathon in seven states as I'm going for the 50-50 club. Hopefully I can inspire other people with disabilities to reach for their goals. Working for York Waste, which involves picking up trash for 10 to 12 hour days, keeps me in shape. I was glad to keep this marathon under four hours, which I am hoping to do for the remainder of the 50 states while living on a pacemaker. And again, a truly beautiful course.

- Pacing again Bob


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