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Callaway Gardens Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.3 
Number of comments: 77 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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T. E. from Columbus, GA (1/30/2008)
"Beautiful but lonely course!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

Pros: Beautiful course, all within Callway Gardens; it was very scenic along the golf course, lake and woods. Having no traffic is a plus. Well organized, and the course was well marked. Only ~120 runners ran the full, makes running the 2nd loop very lonely. Good rolling hills can set you back, so be prepared. Cons: No port-o-lets on the whole course. Given you run the loop twice, one or two strategically placed port-o-lets would make a world of difference. No chip timing. No post-race event to speak of. This is well run, with a beautiful, scenic course, but some room for improvement. Needs more publicity as well.


Lynda Webber from Chattanooga, Tennessee (1/30/2008)
"Everything Great - Except the Medal!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

Even though this was a pretty lonely marathon once the 1/2 marathoners peeled off towards their finish, the course was lovely and well marked (I imagine it would be beautiful in the spring or autumn), the hills were a great test of pacing strategy, the organization was super, and the "pasta" dinner the night before (which included much more than just pasta) was FABULOUS (albeit a bit expensive at about $20 a pop). The only thing I was really disappointed with was the medal (I would rate it a "1," but simply because it was better than no medal at all). Heck, if you've just sweated, strained and slogged your way through 26.2 miles of hilly terrain, you should NEVER get a medal that says, "...Marathon and Half Marathon" - especially as plain and lackluster as that one was. When you pay to suffer twice as much, the medal should always simply say, "MARATHON." Give the halfers their own!!! HA! ...And absolutely no disrespect to the half runners intended here - they are also tough folks with a love of the great outdoors, and I'm sure they'd like their own accomplishment memorialized properly as well. Anyway, that aside, I thought the race was very well done and I will definitely do it again - when they upgrade their medal. ;-)


D. M. from Mid West (1/29/2008)
"Pleasant Surprise" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

Nice, simple, straight-forward, no-fuss, well-run marathon. Scenic, rolling course in park setting. Second loop easier mentally than expected. Well worth the trip.


A. B. from Newnan, GA (1/28/2008)
"Awesome First-Timer Marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

This was my first marathon. I had a very pleasant experience. The course was beautiful but definitely not a cupcake. I was able to mentally focus on running and achieve my personal goals. I liked no spectators, as this was my first and it didn't add any pressure.


T. G. from marietta, Ga (1/28/2008)
"Thanks for the words of encouragment" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Callaway Gardens Marathons

This a a gorgeous course (I did the half). I wanted to give a shout out to the gentleman runner in the red shirt who shouted words of encouragement for me around about mile 8; it meant a great deal, and I came in 1st in my age group.

Thanks a million!


K. S. from Roy, UT (1/27/2008)
"A well marked/organized but TOUGH course" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

The organization and marking were great, but 26 miles of rolling hills was REALLY, REALLY tough. Don't come thinking you'll get a PR unless this course is a repeat for you or it's your FIRST marathon. Overall, I really enjoyed the whole thing but I'll be feelin' it for a few days more than my last. Thanks, organizers.


Chris Trawick from Cataula, GA (2/9/2007)
"A good LOCAL marathon" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

I have been running a few times per week at Callaway Gardens for a long, long time now, so consider me partially biased in favor of them.

This was my first marathon, and I think it went off very, very well.

This is NOT Chicago, or LA, or NYC, so the marathon is not even close to the standards those venues set, but it's not intended to. I completely agree with some of the reviewers that the race simply does NOT get pushed, marketed, highlighted whatsoever. However, for the effort that is put forth, I think they turn out a very good product.

I wouldn't drive from across the country to run it, but I'll certainly make the 14-mile drive from my house every year it's offered.


M. M. from Arlington, VA (2/4/2007)
"Why not run this race?" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

Why do people rate hotel staff or lack of fans as a ding against a marathon? I look for the basics: a well marked course, easy packet pick-up, clear directions to the race start and amenities on the course. This marathon had it all. This race very much reminds me of how the Japanese treat marathons - no thrills/frills, just the basics without all the glamour. If you want the glamour, go run a race with 1,000+ people.

What gives a course 5 stars? Not sure but I think the Marine Marathon is a 5 so it will be tough to give this one a '5'. Organization - it takes a lot to put on a marathon and this is a small race and really depends on volunteers and they all did a great job. Award ceremony - who needs it? If you got an award, they gave it to you right away when you finished.

Nice t-shirts, decent medal, great staff, great course (if you don't like the double loop, look for things you didn't see the first time - like the runway, hanging lights from the trees, the golf courses, etc).


W. G. from upstate So. Carolina (2/1/2007)
"Beautiful, peaceful course w/ few people" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

I went into this race having heard only 2 things: 1) Callaway Gardens is beautiful and 2) there are minimal runners and very few fans on this course.

I was VERY pleasantly suprised! This marathon runs throughout Callaway Gardens along a 13.1-mile loop. The first 5 miles are fairly fast; then you start encountering some nice rollers with one memorable significant climb, followed by another moderate hill. This lasts for about miles 5-10, then leads into the remaining 3 miles being similar to the first 5 of the loop.

The marathon was what I would call a spiritual race, during which it's mostly you and maybe a few others winding and rolling down manicured bike trails and roads, but through the wooded gardens and fresh air.

I would also recommend this because it's a Boston qualifier that has similar terrain to the actual Boston Marathon.

Lastly, the ONLY complaint I would have would be that the aid stations were a little far apart and weakly manned. One at least every 2 miles with at least 2 people would have been nice, but that was the only issue I had.

Great course! Give it a shot!


D. K. from USA (1/31/2007)
"Pretty course, but not worth the trip" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Callaway Gardens Marathon

The course itself it beautiful and rolling. The organization of the event left something to be desired. We arrived at the lodge and no one there could answer any questions about the marathon, and didn't even appear to know it was taking place. A little effort to recognize and support the participants would be nice. The race itself was underwhelming, and at times confusing; cones placed in the middle of a fork in the path were confusing! The water stops were well manned and friendly, but the feeling of the overall experience was that they didn't make it enough of an event and there are better races out there. I wouldn't come back again.


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