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117th Boston Marathon - Complete Coverage

More Coverage Links:
Coverage Homepage

Post Race:
Men's Race and Commentary
Women's Race and Commentary
Complete Searchable Results

Race Day: As It Happens - Live Coverage

Pre-Race: Race Preview & Starter Lists | Elite Athlete Past Matchups | Press Releases | News
Athlete Bios: The Men | The Women
Weekend Experience: Pace Calculator/Spectator Guide | Course Experience As a Runner
Extras: Athlete/Course Videos | Boston Marathon Books Most Popular Boston Qualifiers

The Champs
photo credit: Victah Sailer

Everything that was written before or will be written after the 117th Boston Marathon road race will be overshadowed by the recounting of the explosions near the end of the course approximately 4hrs50min into the race. Three died and more than one hundred were injured - nearly all spectators on the sidewalk near where the incendiary devices were placed.

It might seem trivial to report on a race when it is surrounded by a tragedy - but most popular media has decided to cover the bombing and forget that there was a race and human effort; and to ignore the goodness of the day and the race simply gives the "crazies" who could plan an explosion their victory and take the victory away from those who ran and came to Boston. We want and expect and hope for the Boston Marathon to continue unfazed in 2014 and beyond and we choose to celebrate the running unmarred - to give the proper due and respect to those who participated and to not give the victory to those who would choose to squash a great event or the spirit of those who participate and put it on. There will be plenty of other places to read about the bombing - and perhaps we will add our experience and perspective later - but for now, we choose to celebrate the running.

Final Writeups Being Completed - Will Be Posted this Morning
 The Elite Race

As It Happens:
Visit the "As It Happens" page to view real-time coverage of the marathon!

Post-Race/Race Writeups
Strong competition, Breakaways, Beautiful Weather, American Success and Failure, East African Dominance... The 2013 Boston Marathon told a number of stories and we recount them here.
Post Race Articles:
The Men's Race
The Women's Race

If you want to experience the mile-by-mile excitement, read our during-the-race coverage:
Live Coverage - As It Happens

And, for those not among the leaders, we have the full results:
Complete Searchable Results

Below, all of the pre-race coverage - still as interesting as when we wrote it.

Race Preview / Starter List
The Boston Marathon always tells a story. In some years, we know what that will be in advance: the Nor'Easter, the hot weather, the hope for America... For 2013, we know that the women's race will feature America's two strongest female marathoners trying to win the marathon in Boston for the first time since 1985. For the men...well, we just don't know. There will be four returning champions each trying to add to their champion count and some notable debutantes... But the one thing we do know is that year after year, the Boston Marathon does not disappoint.
The 2013 Boston Marathon Preview / Starter List / Prize Money

Previous Head-To-Head Performances/Meetings
See how top runners on the 2013 roster have matched up before at various marathons. Analyze these repeat rivalries and make your decisions on who will be first to the finish.
Previous Elite Head-To-Head Performances

Athlete Bios
Learn more about some top contenders at this year's Boston Marathon - who they are, where they came from, how they have been doing.
The Men | The Women

 The Boston Marathon Course
Want to experience the Boston Marathon firsthand? One intrepid marathoner ran the 2006 Boston Marathon with camera and digital recorder at the ready. Over 200 photographs and a dozen interviews will let you feel what running a 2:48 Boston Marathon is like, without all the winter training and muscle soreness.

Boston Marathon Course - From the Inside

 Read All About It...
Boston may have written the book on the modern-day marathon, but here are some books written about the Boston Marathon.

Boston Marathon Books

 Video Features
Hungry for more information about the Boston Marathon? Check out a collection of video coverage we have sorted through for your reference. You will find interviews, recaps of past races, inspirational stories, historical footage, even a course tour.
  • Video Introduction
  • Athletes
  • History
  • The Course
  • Interviews
  • Inspiration

     Boston Marathon Interactive Pace Calculator
    & Spectator Viewing Guide
    Our interactive Pace Calculator provides split points and times based on even pace or pace adjusted for the hills. It also provides time-of-day information so spectators can find and watch their favorite runner on the course. Print this, use it for yourself and give it to your friends/family who want to find you.

    The Boston Marathon Pace Calculator/Spectator Viewing Guide

     What Others Are Writing...
    We're not the only ones covering this prestigious race. Check out links to press releases and news articles not written by the staff, but hand-delivered to you anyway.

    Boston Marathon Press Releases
    Boston Marathon News

     Current Boston Qualifying Criteria
    So You Want to Run Boston...
    Eveyone wants to run Boston - it's the only major marathon with a qualifying time and requirements - meaning that if you say "I ran Boston" everyone immediately knows that you are a serious runner. You trained, you worked hard at it, you ran fast... You want a fast time - where do people go to qualify for Boston. Here is the answer:

    The Top Boston Qualifying Races

     Past Years...
    It's not quite 117 years, but has been covering the Boston Marathon since 2001. Our past coverage can tell you at which mile runners make their moves and who has been successful - and who has failed - in past races.

    Boston Marathon 2012
    Boston Marathon 2011
    Boston Marathon 2010
    Boston Marathon 2009
    Boston Marathon 2008
    Boston Marathon 2007
    Boston Marathon 2006
    Boston Marathon 2005
    Boston Marathon 2004
    Boston Marathon 2003
    Boston Marathon 2002
    Boston Marathon 2001


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