calendar icon Oct 1, 2024

Casper Wyoming Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 133 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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L. L. from Casper, WY (6/5/2006)
"Slight change in the course made the race better" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 2 Casper Wyoming Marathons

I ran the half marathon in this race, and I had a great time! I loved the new starting point - it made a huge difference! I hope this race will continue to have the participation and enthusiasm that it does!


Bob Metzler from Casper,Wyoming (11/17/2005)
"IT WAS TIGHT" (about: 2005)

First Marathon

This was my fist marathon ever. I love to run to run but I never thought I could run a half-marathon. Because of this marathon, I'm about to do my 2nd in Houston, TX - working towards the Boston qualifyer as I get older. Thank you.

P.S. Work on the course.


L. B. from Wyoming (6/17/2005)
"Excellent--I will be back." (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This is my first time to run the Casper Marathon. I signed up last year but couldn't run it because of an injury. I live in Wyoming, so it's wonderful to have a marathon that is relatively close to home. This is a very well run race, and you can tell that people care about you. All of the volunteers on the course were friendly and had encouraging things to say. The course is lovely, and I got to see parts of Casper that I didn't even know were there. The host hotel is absolutely great. After the race our car was still at the start up on the hill, so the race director himself dropped everything and gave us a ride up there. Now that's service! Thanks to everyone in Casper for making this race available and for making it such a great experience. The food after the race was fabulous!!!


D. D. from Ohio (6/14/2005)
"What a great time,,,, HOSPITALITY PLUS" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

I concur with comments made by runners from Austin and South Dakota.
What differentiates this event from the others was the personal attention provided to all that participated in this marathon. Dawn and Eric, the Holiday Inn staff, and the volunteers personally made you feel like you were an ELITE athelete. Oh yeah, for those that go for the food, I have never seen a better offering; you won't experience a better pasta feed, more GU offered during a race or food following the race - and if that wasn't enough, more food at a post-race party.

This is a must-do race for the area.


J. K. from a recliner in my family room (6/10/2005)
"Thank you for a well organized experience" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

Many thanks to the race organizers, volunteers, host hotel and everyone in the greater Casper area who helped out. I agree with the other posts; this is a very well organized event. The pre-race pasta dinner was the best ever. The bus to the start line, where the event center was open for use, was great. Indoor plumbing was a surprising treat. The water stops, support and spectators were first-rate. Thanks to everyone who yelled at me to turn left at mile 14 or so, when I was running off course. The post-race grub was excellent. I was looking forward to the beer and pizza, but - go figure - the strawberries, rasberries, and melons were refreshing. Ah! Strawberries and beer; now that's carbo loading. Casper: stand up and take a bow! The marathon was an excellent experience & I highly recommend it!


P. N. from Austin, Texas (6/10/2005)
"Thank you, Casper" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This may be the best organized race I've ever run anywhere. The race has a friendly, small-town feel and big-city, first-class organization. The race t-shirt is CoolMax, and it's not white. :-) They opened the Casper Events Center (which is near the starting line) at 5AM on race morning for us so we could have a warm place to wait before the race, with real plumbing (no porta-potties required!).

The course is scenic and rolling. The average altitude is about 5200 feet. The first six miles are on asphalt roads on the bluff north of town, and the rest is on the Platte River Trail, which is mostly asphalt with some concrete paved sections.

The half had 107 finishers and the full marathon had 140, so it never felt crowded to me. The finish line was right at the host hotel (Holiday Inn on the river). Even the weather was perfect (clear, 40F, 70% humid and calm at the start, 70F and 20% humid with a 10 mph south wind at the finish.) Since I'm a 'back of the pack' runner, and with so few runners, I was a bit concerned about taking a wrong turn and getting off the course, but the course was well marked and staffed with volunteers to direct us. There was water and Powerade about every 2 miles. At the finish, one person handed me my medal and another handed me a bottle of water. They had sandwiches, pizza, and beer for those that were hungry, and lots of bagels, fruit, Coca-Cola, juice and water for the rest of us. They even had fresh raspberries!

Casper has good air service and the Holiday Inn treated us like royalty. While we were walking and running around Casper before and during the race, we saw antelope, deer, and lots of cottontail bunnies. If you like wildlife viewing and wide open spaces, Casper is the race to run. Congratulations to the race committee, the Windy City Striders running club, and the city of Casper for a first-class event.


J. H. from Crest Hill iI. (6/8/2005)
"Great marathon in a great location" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This is one race I will be back for. From the host hotel shuttle driver who went out of her way to show us some antelopes to the post-race party, you felt like you were part of the family. Great course put on by caring and knowing people. Casper is now part of my yearly vacation plans.


M. R. from Los Angeles, CA (6/6/2005)
"Great Small Marathon" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

I must say... thank you for doing such a GREAT JOB!!!

It was one of the smallest marathons I have run... and one of the nicest ones. Well organized and well supported.... how much more can a runner ask for???


A. Y. from South Dakota (6/6/2005)
"TLC in Casper" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This is a race that is made special by the race organizers and the volunteers. Details matter, and you feel well cared for from the moment you step into the host hotel. Easy packet pick-up, excellent pasta dinner and fantastic post-race food, plenty of aid stations and people at any possible place you might make a wrong turn, well-organized post-race area, on-time and quick awards. The website is way above average; check it out. The people putting on this race really care about putting on a first-rate event, and it shows. I recommend it highly, and it would be especially good for 1st-timers - there aren't a lot of runners, but with the half marathoners and the couple of double-backs, you get to see other runners more often than in other runs. Fairly flat, pretty course for the most part, but if you aren't used to altitude, you probably will not PR. I ran Laramie, WY the week before, at @8500 feet (this race is 5000 feet) and live at @3500 feet, but still noticed an effect. The course is not as breathtakingly scenic as Laramie, but it is also not nearly as rigorous. (And this week, there were about eight inches of snow in Laramie, closing part of I-80). I didn't see any antelope at the race, but plenty were out and about to and from Casper. You do see some interesting birds all along the course, which crosses over the river enough times that I lost count - that is another lovely feature of this race.

It is too bad it is on the same day as the Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon - it would be nice if they could do a Sat-Sun, as it might attract some more 50-staters looking for a double (they're about 4-5 hours apart).


J. A. from Denver (6/5/2005)
"A great small marathon" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

A very pretty couse, mostly asphalt. There was also a delicious pasta dinner the night before, tons of water stops manned by enthusiastic volunteers, and a very accommodating host hotel. All in all, a wonderful experience!


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