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Casper Wyoming Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.4 
Number of comments: 133 [displaying comments 81 to 91]
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J. F. from Beatrice, Nebraska (4/6/2008)
"great small marathon" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons

All my comments are good EXCEPT one, which will be good advice to anyone running this marathon. I had run 10 marathons and wanted to run one in Wyoming. It was nice to be able to stay right by the start and registration. My family loved being able to find me along the way and the start was great too. The trail by the river was awesome. Everyone was so friendly at the aid stations - and spectators also. It was perfect running weather, and I was on track to run my one of my best marathon times, when another runner and I approached ~20-mile area, and there was NO volunteer or NO markings to tell us to go right around the golf course. We missed that whole area, and by the time we figured this out, it was too late; we were at the 24-mile mark (approximately 3 miles missed). It was hard knowing I couldn't say I ran the whole 26.2 miles and had trained for all those months. The race director was apologetic, and I hope in 2008 this course is marked more clearly. You should never have to worry about getting lost at a marathon; your focus should be on finishing. Besides this factor, I would recommend this race to everyone. The course never was boring and Casper was a great place to run!!


C. L. from Coral Springs, Florida (7/2/2007)
"Best Food Ever!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

I absolutely LOVED this race. I only did the half. The organization was excellent. The waiting area before the race starts is indoors and they had plenty of food available, as well as "real restrooms," GU, and even sunscreen. The course was nice, but a little lonely at times... not too many spectators but very enthusiastic volunteers. There were plenty of aid stations throughout the course with water, sports drinks and food. A few more porta-potties would have been nice. The food post-race was INCREDIBLE. I loved the fact that there was plenty of food available for ALL the runners. They had pizza, subs, veggies with blue cheese, trailmix, soft drinks, and even ice cold beer. Everyone was really friendly and helpful. It was a wonderful experience and I would highly recommend this race.


Art Jacobson (50 State'r & Marathon Maniac) from Bloomington, MN (6/18/2007)
"Superb!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

All of the comments below are 100% accurate; this is a wonderful "runners" race and not to be missed. A couple of things I would like to add to the comments. (1) After the race, wading into the cold waters of the North Platte River (right next to the finish line) is a great way to relax your tired muscles. (2) If you are a history buff like me, in addition to the Historic Trails Interpretive Center already mentioned (which is fabulous), go see the Wyoming Veterans' Memorial Museum out near the airport. It's a wonderful place in a historic building that has been preserved from its WWII days as part of the Casper Army Air Base. Look for the "Historical Marker" sign about a half-mile before the airport entrance and follow the signs. You won't be disappointed! And finally, (3) If you're in the mood for a wonderful breakfast on a free morning, head to Eggington's in downtown Casper on 2nd Street; wonderful food, smoke-free and easy on the wallet!


M. D. from South Dakota (6/9/2007)
"Gotta do Casper" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

For a small marathon, the race directors put everything together.

The course was good, though the beginning was a little boring, and running along the river was excellent - except for that hill at the golf course and a stretch of cement trail for about 2 miles. Aid stations at every 2 miles, sometimes shorter with plenty of Gu, water, PowerAde, etc. More than anyone could ask.

The location of the hotel and starting line (1/2 mile away) was super, and the finish line also at the hotel was especially beneficial for family members who wanted to sleep in and still catch the race. And the finisher medal was very unique, plus the after-race food spread consisting of sub sandwiches, pizza, beer, fruit, etc. was second to none.

Despite this being only my 4th marathon, this was by far the best. The size was smaller, but it felt like you received one-on-one treatment and all my expectations were exceeded.

The one thing I would like to see would be an expo at registration.

Hopefully see you next year.


Tracy Stewart from Golden, CO (6/8/2007)
"A little gem" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

Casper was an add-on to my marathon schedule this year and I'm happy I did it. This race tops many of the larger races in terms of organization and runner amenities. Here are just a few comments:

- Host hotel offered a low rate for the weekend and was willing to let us stay in the room until 2:00, allowing my mother a chance to shower after the race. It's also so relaxing to have the start and finish right by the hotel.
- Plenty of food and water at the start venue. There was Gu, all kinds of fruit, bagels and assorted topping. It was also nice not to have to wait outside in the cold for the race to start.
- High quality Brooks technical shirts to all marathoners. I know others have mentioned the hand towels at the end and the unique medals - nicer then many other races.
- Well laid-out course. There are some hills in the opening loop, as well as short, steep shockers around some of the overpasses. It's not flat, but it's not hilly enough to throw off the pace. It's a small marathon, but the out-and-back at the end makes it so you're never really running alone. The relay also fills up the field.
- There were more volunteers then I had expected. All the water stations were well staffed and everyone seemed happy to be helping with the race. They also made it clear what they were giving you - no "PowerAde instead of water" surprises.
- While the water stations were spaced a little far near the end (it started getting hot), they provided a veritable smorgasbord for eating and drinking. A different kind of fruit at each one, Gu at almost everyone and PowerAde.
- I liked the towels as the awards. I've gotten enough trophies and plaques, etc., that to get something useful is really classy. (That and the variety of colors offered.)
- Not so much an issue for me, but they held the majority of the food until the bulk of the marathoners finished. I've done a lot of larger races where there is plenty for me and none for my mom.
- The only downside of the course was the amount of concrete on the bike path. That's nothing that race directors can change. Concrete is more durable then blacktop, but it's also a harder running surface.

I will be back next year. This was one of my favorite marathons of the 43 I've run.


dennis fahrenbruch from NE (6/7/2007)
"GREAT!!!!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Casper Wyoming Marathons

You've got to do this one. You won't find a better one than this. Course and organization are tops! I'm not for fanfare, so few spectators is what I want. Water stops were perfect... just can't say enough good things about this marathon.


Jerry Greenwald from Boulder, CO (6/7/2007)
"First-Class Race!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

This was my first Casper Marathon but hopefully it won't be my last! In a nutshell this is an extremly fun and well organized event. The race directors have thought of just about everything! The host hotel was great and it's also right at the finish line. No checking a gear bag as there's a warm place to wait inside for the start. The shirts were great long-sleeve technical shirts with a great logo. Great course as well part loop and part out-and-back that runs along the Platte River Trail. Very scenic, and great, supportive, fully-stocked aid stations as well. Not a huge number of spectators but the ones that are out there are hugely supportive and enthusiastic! The finish line was more like a big picnic with friends, as there were pizza, subs, beer, soda and the usual marathon fare. The age group awards were memorable and unique as well. You can't go wrong in Casper!


Kami K. from Corpus Christi, TX (6/7/2007)
"A very fine running experience!" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

Casper Marathon
Sunday, June 3, 2007
6:30 a.m.
Casper, WY

This was a very nice and friendly marathon, organized by Casper Windy City Striders. Race day temperature ranged from mid 40s to mid 70s, sunny, and there was hardly any wind. Elevation at start: 5,270 feet; at finish: 5,100. The race started at Casper Events Center and ended at the race hotel, Holiday Inn on the river (about half a mile and 120 vertical feet below the Center). At 5:00 a.m., we were bused to the Center, which kept us warm and comfortable until the starting time. I wouldn't describe the course as hilly; however, there were several hills which deserved plenty of respect. From the start to mile 3 was a loop, from mile 3 to approximately mile 9 was point-to-point, and from there to the finish was out and back. At mile 6 we entered the North Platte River trail and ran most of the remaining 20 miles there. I must say that I was quite impressed by Casper's trail system. There were water/sports drink/Gu Gel stations every two miles. The course was well marked and mile markers were easily visible. As expected, there was hardly any crowd support, but race volunteers/course monitors were quite cheerful. Like any other small marathon, mental toughness was required. The high-tech long-sleeved race shirt and finisher's medallion were quite nice. There were all kinds of food items and drinks (fresh fruits, Subway sandwiches, pizzas, soft and sports drinks, beer, etc.) at the finish and we enjoyed a picnic-like atmosphere. In short, we were treated very well by race co-directors and their staff.

I am a 50-stater and this was #29.


Frank Hobbs from Salt Lake City, Utah (6/7/2007)
"Almost perfect; one costly issue" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

All of the comments submitted so far have been positive, and I agree with them. There was a nice course, good organization, and a well done finish at the Holiday Inn. This was my 27th marathon, but my first Casper Marathon. The race went well for me, and I came very close to my goal of 3:50. But I do need to cover one issue. I crossed mile 26 with 3:48:00 on the clock, and was well on the way to my goal of 3:50. But when I came up past the 26 mile marker off of the parkway, I got LOST. I didn't get direction from a volunteer, or didn't see it, or something. Soon I found myself standing in a dirt field out behind a building, with no idea where to go. I just stopped. I couldn't believe this was happening. I turned around and went back, and asked the volunteers where I needed to go. I went where I thought they told me to go, then found myself running back down the course the wrong way. When I passed the 26-mile marker for the second time going the other way, I knew that was wrong too. I ended with a time that was a minute and a half above the goal I had worked for and would have achieved if I hadn't have gotten lost. There was also another place earlier around mile 24 or 25 where there were two ways I could have gone and there was no volunteer there or markings. Fortunately I was able to turn around and ask a runner behind me which way to go, and he helped me find the right way. Apparently no one else had this problem, but when you're putting all your efforts and concentration into running for a certain time on a course you've never seen before, it's very frustrating to have to worry about where to go. I've never gotten lost in a marathon before, and would submit this as an item to work on as the only glitch in an otherwise very well done marathon. I would like to try this one again, but being from Utah, I found it being on Sunday instead of Saturday to be a little problematic. Other then getting lost, it was a very positive experience.


D. N. from Eastern Iowa (6/6/2007)
"Awesome small marathon!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Casper Wyoming Marathon

Who needs the larger marathons when you can find gems like these! Everything was thought of, and the finish line was in the parking lot of the host hotel. What a great opportunity to be able to shower and then return for post-race food and to cheer on the later runners. The post-race food was totally unexpected but greatly appreciated - what a spread! The race organizers should be congratulated on a job well done. Would definitely recommend for a 50-stater, as many were present.


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