2002 Chicago Marathon
MarathonGuide Staff
Jan 14, 2025
Christian Mendenhall
My First Chicago Marathon
Sunday, October 13, 2002
As I began studying manifestation principles, I decided that I wanted a new project to try them out on, something I’d never done before. Doing something I’d never done before could prove the principles to myself. First step was to find something I hadn’t done. I’d recently started a new job and when they mentioned Cgase Corporate Challenge 3.5 mile race they’d be in as a company group, it occurred to me that would be something new and a good way to bond with them. Since the most I’d run continuouisly was 2 miles, completing it would be a new achievement. I set a time goal for the race, scheduled gradually longer runs and completed it in a somewhat slower time than aimed for. Then I thought “How can I build on this?” Noticing a Chicago Marathon coming up in a couple months (this was before you signed up a year in advance), that seemed like a good way to build on what I’d learnd of the principles and practices, not really thinking I could finish. Knowing Chicago, I could stop anywhere and take public transportation home.
Continuing to applying what I’d proven, I found from print and online resources – there were actually a variety of philosophies and approaches to running. To my surprise, they sometimes almost violently disagreed with each other. Taking some from each, I made progress, even while misunderstanding some of the advice I was finding, like misinterpreting “senior” as old rather than as experienced 🙂 Using a mix of running and walking, I gradually got up to 20 miles in 3.5 hrs 2 weeks before the event.
As the day approached, I was surprised by a cold snap in Chicago – a drastic change from the heat in which I’d trained. Pulling together extra layers, I made new preparations, not really having an idea how to run in 30-40 degree days rather than 80. I ran/walked 16 miles and walked the rest, finishing in just under 6 hrs.
Epilogue: Continuing to build on this over the years, I completed 26 marathons and 5 50K ultramarathons and while somewhat slower, continue applying the principles and practices to running, health and other life areas.
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