Fuel Like an Elite
Joe McConkey
Oct 22, 2024

Runners burn on average anywhere from 70-200 grams of carbohydrate per hour during a marathon. Trying to match this output with your intake is nearly impossible, as most folks feel uncomfortable taking in that many calories while running, but getting to at least 60 grams per hour is a healthy/attainable goal that can make a huge difference on race day. What form of fuel should you take? How often? For these details look no further than the elites.
Elite marathoners do three key things with their race day fueling that many amateurs do not:
- They take everything in liquid form.
- They drink their carb replacement every 15-18 minutes.
- They do not carry their bottles.
For non-elites two key steps need to be taken to simulate this approach and thus maximize your fueling strategy:
- Go through the trial-and-error process to find a liquid form for carb/electrolyte replacement (as a liquid form of intake will be more easily and quickly digested, absorbed, and metabolized) and then calculate how many carbs there are per ounce, how many ounces/sips you need to have per intake, etc.
- Find enough support so there is someone on the course every 2-4 miles to hand you your bottle. This involves mapping out exactly where they need to be, how they are going to get from point A to B, and ideally having them run with you for 30-60 seconds so you can hand the bottle back to them. Note for those in the upper elite, or looking to place or even place in their age group, you will need to get authorization from the race director for your support team so you won’t be disqualified!
Just two steps, and though they are hard to pull off, and maybe not something you can do every marathon, by doing it at least once you might find out you indeed can run a negative split!
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