Marathon in India
MarathonGuide Staff
Jan 14, 2025
Daniel Vaz
First Marathon: Goa, 2002
I am 40 years old and ran my first marathon on Jan 27th 2002 in Goa, India. I began running seriously 3 years back [1999] and although I did participate in 3 or 4 Marathons earlier, I never managed to complete them due to fatigue and lack of proper training.
Six months ago [July 2001], armed with training schedules from the Web, I began my training in right earnest. I was determined to complete it this time, primarily because of pressure and jibes from friends and colleagues commenting that I always” went flat like a beer left standing” after 30 km. In the final two months before the Marathon I was eating, drinking and sleeping Marathons, imbibing anything I could on the net in terms of Forums, Websites etc.
Marathons are not popular in India and the one I ran recently had only 27 (yes 27) runners, 12 of whom completed the race. I was the 12th and last runner with a time of 3:58:35. The winner completed it in 2:29:25. I must inform you that all of the other runners have either been former athletes or personnel from the defense services.
The Marathon itself was a tough one with 18 km uphill, starting temperature of 18 deg C and finishing temperature of 32 deg C, 85% humidity and only plain water to drink at every 5km station.
I am happy and have been bitten sufficiently by the Marathon bug. I am now training for a Marathon in July and have an ambitious target time of 3:20:00. I am married, with
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