2008 Cleveland Marathon
MarathonGuide Staff
Jan 14, 2025
Dave Guimond
My First Marathon Story
The Cleveland Marathon
Sunday, May 18, 2008
My first marathon was the 2008 Cleveland Marathon. This race was chosen so that my wife and I could also visit my two young grandchildren that live nearby, and help them run their first races ever, the day before. I have been running competitively since 1982, with PRs of 16:52 for 5K, 35:06 for 10K and 1:18:58 for 13.1 (all in 1984), but had never attempted the ultimate distance.
Despite what all the guide books say, I decided to try and qualify for Boston in my first marathon. At age 52, I needed a time of 3:35:59. I had run the Martian half marathon in 1:41:41 a few weeks earlier, so the pace projections said I could do it. My wife and I were following the Hal Higdon intermediate 1 program. My training had maxed out with two 20-mile training runs three and five weeks before tapering for the big event. I must admit that, despite having run a couple hundred road races over the previous 25 years, I was extremely nervous at the starting line.
We started in near-perfect conditions for most runners (48 degrees with a light drizzle), but I prefer it a bit warmer, so had to run with long sleeves, a hat, and gloves. I somehow maintained an even 8:15 pace for the first 10 miles, thanks to the clocks posted at each mile marker (I’d forgotten to wear my watch), passing the 1/2 marathon in 1:48:10 on my way to a 20-mile time of 2:45. All I had to do was run the last 10k in less than 51 minutes!
At this point the course runs west along Lake Erie, and a fairly strong headwind was blowing in to greet the tired runners. My next three splits were 9, 9:30, and 10. I had hit the wall. I had tired and slowed in races before, but never anything like this. Mile 24 featured a nice climb back up into downtown Cleveland, and I was tempted to walk up that hill, but I told myself “despite missing your goal, you are NOT going to walk.” I recovered somewhat for the last two miles and finished the race in 3:44:24, which, I’m told, is not a bad debut marathon time for a man my age, but I was disappointed with it. Looking back, two marathons later, I’m happy with that time.
Thanks for reading, and happy marathoning,
Dave Guimond
South Lyon, MI
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