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2012 Women’s Olympic Marathon – Complete Coverage

MarathonGuide Staff

Jan 28, 2025


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Photo: Victah Sailer/PhotoRun

2012 London Olympic’s Women’s Marathon
Complete Coverage

Women’s Marathon: 11AM GMT, August 5, 2012

The Olympics happen just once every four years and represent some of the best sport in the world. For the marathon, the Olympics holds a special place – as the origin of the event. And while winning medals at other events is a crowning achievement, the Olympic Marathon remains the pinnacle of marathoning – there is no higher achievement than earning a medal or even competing at the Olympics – the birthplace of the marathon.

The race has taken place – with a new Olympic Record… All of the pre-race materials below continue to be of interest – but here is the direct link to the post-race writeup:
The Women’s Olympic Marathon – Post Race Coverage

 The Rosters/The Lineups
The Women – All of the FactsUp-To-Date Starters Lists
Oddly, it’s hard to find the starting lists for the Olympic Marathons and the starting list remains in flux as athletes may be replaced where “urgent medical problems arise, or in other exceptional cases” up until the time of the technical meeting for the race. Here, the best list of announced starters, together with the best marathon finishers for the top athletes.
2012 Women’s Olympic Marathon – Announced Runners

Past Races
As we’ve done in the past, we’ve searched out past performances for the women who will be running in the Olympics Marathon and have compiled a list of races where these women have run against each other. We’ll add the disclaimer that past performances are not necessarily an indicator of future results; although we think it’s really intesting and might provide insight into what to expect on race day.
Women’s Past Competitions
 The History
The Olympic Marathon
On these pages we’ll prepare you for the watching and reading about and appreciating the 2012 Olympics. But for those who want to review the history of the event, we’ll encourage you to read the chapters on our site describing
– The Origin of the Marathon,
– The First Marathon,
– The Fight to Establish the Women’s Olympic Marathon and
– The First Women’s Olympic Marathon.
Previews/Profiles – Preview
The quick overview of the race – what you’ll see. If your time is short and you can read just one thing – start here…
2012 Women’s Olympic Marathon Preview

The Favorites In Depth
Here we’ve provided more detailed information about each of the women to watch. Who are they, where did they come from, why do we expect them to contend in London? These women are the proven winners – some of the ones we’ll expect to stand on the podium – anything can happen on a hot, humid, hazy marathon – but expect these women to factor in the mix – why?
The Women To Watch


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