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127th Boston Marathon - Complete Coverage

Post Race:
Men's Race and Commentary
Women's Race and Commentary

Complete Searchable Results

Race Day: As It Happens - Live Coverage (the real-time notes/mile-by-mile)

Pre-Race: Race Preview & Starter Lists | Elite Athlete Past Matchups | Prize Money
Weekend Experience: Pace Calculator/Spectator Guide | Course Experience As a Runner
Extras: Athlete/Course Videos | Artificial Intelligence | Boston Marathon Books
More News: Press Releases | News

127 years is a long time for anything, and to have something represent the pinnacle of achievement for that many years is remarkable. And the Boston Marathon is remarkable.

To run the Boston Marathon is a goal for many marathoners, but at the front are men and women who know that winning the Boston Marathon may be the highlight of their career and provide a level of notoriety for the rest of their life.

With our coverage, we try to provide something for everyone. Here, the avid follower of the elite athletes and competition junkies can learn about the runners who will make up the field, their past achievements and how they might challenge each other.

For those who are running or wish to watch their friends participating on the course, we have an interactive mile/time calculator to assist in knowing when EVERY runner will pass their specific mile marks. For those interested in learning about the history of this American institution, there are articles and videos talking about the history and significance of the Boston Marathon. Whatever you are looking for, find it here...
 The Elite Race

As It Happens:
Visit the "As It Happens" page to view real-time coverage of the marathon!

Post-Race/Race Writeups
Strong competition, Amazing debut performances, great showing by American athletes and much more...
Post Race Articles:
The Men's Race
The Women's Race

If you want to experience the mile-by-mile excitement, read our during-the-race coverage:
Live Coverage - As It Happens

And, for those not among the leaders, we have the full results:
Complete Searchable Results

Below, all of the pre-race coverage - still as interesting as when we wrote it.

Race Preview / Starter List
The 2023 races feature a return of the previous year's champions, 9 men and women who had participated in the 2016 Olympics Marathon in Rio de Janeiro, a well-balanced group of Kenyan and Ethiopian athletes, other top Americans and literally the fastest fields ever assembled for the Boston Marathon. The 2023 field is one of the best in many years and will set the stage for a strong and competitive race.
The 2023 Boston Marathon Preview / Starter List

Previous Head-To-Head Performances/Meetings
See how top runners on the 2023 roster have matched up before at various marathons. Analyze these repeat rivalries and make your decisions on who will be first to the finish.
Previous Elite Head-To-Head Performances

 The Boston Marathon Course
Want to experience the Boston Marathon firsthand? One intrepid marathoner ran the 2006 Boston Marathon with camera and digital recorder at the ready. Over 200 photographs and a dozen interviews will let you feel what running a 2:48 Boston Marathon is like, without all the winter training and muscle soreness.

Boston Marathon Course - From the Inside

 Read All About It...
Boston may have written the book on the modern-day marathon, but here are some books written about the Boston Marathon.

Boston Marathon Books

 Current Boston Qualifying Criteria
So You Want to Run Boston...
Eveyone wants to run Boston - it's the only major marathon with a qualifying time and requirements - meaning that if you say "I ran Boston" everyone immediately knows that you are a serious runner. You trained, you worked hard at it, you ran fast... You want a fast time - where do people go to qualify for Boston. Here is the answer:

The Top Boston Qualifying Races

 Video Features
Hungry for more information about the Boston Marathon? Check out a collection of video coverage we have sorted through for your reference. You will find interviews, recaps of past races, inspirational stories, historical footage, even a course tour.
  • Video Introduction
  • Athletes
  • History
  • The Course
  • Interviews
  • Inspiration

     Boston Marathon Interactive Pace Calculator
    & Spectator Viewing Guide
    Our interactive Pace Calculator provides split points and times based on even pace or pace adjusted for the hills. It also provides time-of-day information so spectators can find and watch their favorite runner on the course. Print this, use it for yourself and give it to your friends/family who want to find you.

    The Boston Marathon Pace Calculator/Spectator Viewing Guide

     Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content
    New for 2023! It's all the rage these days (and scary too). Artificial Intelligence has gotten smarter and is now able to do some of our work. We decided to give it a try and asked Chat GPT to write some articles for us - and also to craft a poem to inspire those who will be running the Boston Marathon. How well did Artifical Intelligence do in completing its tasks? Check it out yourself and let us and your friends know if you think the computer is ready to take over for the humans.

    Computer-Generated Articles

     What Others Are Writing...
    We're not the only ones covering this prestigious race. Check out links to press releases and news articles not written by the staff, but hand-delivered to you anyway.

    Boston Marathon Press Releases
    Boston Marathon News

     Past Years...
    It's not quite 126 years, but has been covering the Boston Marathon since 2001. Our past coverage can tell you at which mile runners make their moves and who has been successful - and who has failed - in past races.

    Boston Marathon 2019
    Boston Marathon 2018
    Boston Marathon 2017
    Boston Marathon 2016
    Boston Marathon 2015
    Boston Marathon 2014
    Boston Marathon 2013
    Boston Marathon 2012
    Boston Marathon 2011
    Boston Marathon 2010
    Boston Marathon 2009
    Boston Marathon 2008
    Boston Marathon 2007
    Boston Marathon 2006
    Boston Marathon 2005
    Boston Marathon 2004
    Boston Marathon 2003
    Boston Marathon 2002
    Boston Marathon 2001


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