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Marathon Details - Leadville Trail Marathon

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Leadville Trail Marathon

Leadville Trail Marathon & Half Marathon

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calendar icon June 28, 2025

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Race Details

26.2 miles of breathtaking, Leadville Rocky Mountain trails, summiting notorious 13,188 ft. Mosquito Pass. Seven well-supplied aid stations.

Contact Information

Name: Merilee O'Neal
Address: Merilee O'Neal, Race Director
P.O. Box 487
Leadville, CO 80461
Phone Number:  (719) 486-3502
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (29)

Course Rating Course 4.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 29 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. B. from Tupelo, MS (7/7/2015)
"A real challenge" (about: 2015)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

In some ways this marathon is tougher than Pikes Peak. You start at a higher elevation, you have to climb three peaks, there is very little shade and there was more snow. The trail varies from asphalt, to hard-packed dirt, mud, small rocks, large rocks, etc. A real challenge and but well organized.


J. H. from western MA (6/24/2015)
"All I expected and more...." (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

It's usually in hindsight that you can fully assess an event like this one. If you're from the East Coast and want a marathon/ trail experience that will test you...this fits the bill. This surpassed my expectations as far as how difficult it was. I knew the altitude would be a factor, but I didn't think about heat or the full energy of the sun that high up. The last major climb through the parched woodlands was just brutal. I also expected the course to be mostly packed dirt. The loose cobblestone climbs and descents were legit and took me by surprise. If money and travel were not a factor I would do this one again and train COMPLETELY differently for it. If you're from the East Coast aim for doing as many multi hour runs on technical terrain as possible. I did most of my hill training on dirt roads and thought I was strong. I knew by mile 2 that it was going to be a long day...and it was. It was also an incredible experience.


K. K. from Flatlands of Oklahoma (10/2/2013)
"Tough as heck, but epic!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

This race is freaking amazing all the way around. The course, the organization, the volunteers, all of it. No they didn't give medals at the finish (though they decided to mail them our later). Really? Who cares? I can't believe someone would actually suggest these folks are 'unethical' for not giving out a medal. These folks put on a great race and I appreciate the effort!! Will be back for sure.


w. m. from Atlanta, GA (7/18/2013)
"Spectacular views, tough course!" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

I LOVED this marathon!It was #64 for me & one of the toughest (I've done Pikes Peak twice). The gorgeous views can help take your mind off the quad killing climb you just did.It was a very well supported race with 'real food' at the support stations. I loved the volunteers that were at the entrance to each station with pitchers of water ready to help you fill your water bottle. There really aren't many spectators on the course but I still gave it 4 stars for spectators because the ones that were out were very enthusiastic - especially the ones at the last aid station before you started the climb to Mosquito Pass!
And btw, I LOVE the finishers mug we got!! I very proudly drink my coffee from it every morning! Medals are nice but it is also nice to get something I will actually use. I would very highly (pun intended!) recommend this race to anyone that is not afraid of one mother of a tough trail race. The feeling of accomplishment at the finish line is incredible.


D. M. from Seattle, WA (7/2/2013)
"Great race but no medal as promised" (about: 2013)

3 previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

I loved everything about this event with one exception. At registration thru race day, their website promised finisher medals, but they decided to hand out coffee mugs to finishers instead.

They refuse to provide what we paid for, trained for, and spent a lot of money in travel expenses to attain. A coffee mug will break, a medal lasts forever.

It is a shame to have this clouding the reputation and memory of an otherwise great race.

I am not likely to do any more of their events based on this unethical behavior. Too bad.


B. B. from North America (7/1/2013)
"WHEW!" (about: 2013)

2 previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

This refers to the 'Heavy Half Marathon,' above 15 miles. Best way to train for this? Crank your treadmill to 15 and then run as fast as you can while breathing through a cocktail straw. No, really. By the first mile, a large number of people were walking, and by the ascent to Mosquito Pass at over 13,000 feet, almost everyone except the super-elite were struggling to put one foot in front of the other. It's not easy!

Wonderful, supportive aid stations, great little town with genuine relics of the Old West in its very DNA, and utterly stunning Sound of Music-style scenery of true alpine beauty. Understated and still honest and true, without any fake corporate-sponsored Boston-qualifier posing - just good people and a substantial challenge.


t. r. from Kell,IL. (3/28/2012)
"a challenge" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

At about 12,000 feet i looked down on a valley that was proably 2,000-3,000 acres of the greenest grass i have ever seen ..the view was magnificent...the trail is difficult at certain sections because of softball size rocks..the aid stations are excellent..this race takes care of the runners far as spectators there just isn`t to many places for them to watch you from..


patricia Terry from Green Bay, WI (7/29/2009)
"great event, incredible organization" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Leadville Trail Marathons

I am the nutcase from 2009, who fell 3.5 miles from the end and finished before going off to the emergency room for 9 stitches in my knee. Disclaimer: To anyone considering this race, don't be deterred by the above. I have been coordination challenged my entire life.

At the finish line, the first aid volunteer assessed me rapidly, then threw me, bleeding knee and all, into his truck and drove me to the emergency room. In the meantime, another race organizer had already called the emergency room and told them I was coming, such that the hospital staff met me at the door for immediate care that was absolutely first rate.

I compare this to a previous race, in which I had minor road rash, and the first aid folks watched me clean my own scrapes at the unmanned first aid station from a distance and never came over to see if they were bad or not.

So, if you by chance, manage to fall off the mountain in Leadville, know that the organizers will absolutely make sure you are taken care of immediately. I plan to do this race again, only upright the whole way (if only for the awesome peanut butter cookies at the aid stations).


K. S. from Las Vegas, New Mexico (7/14/2009)
"runner's high - literally" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Leadville Trail Marathon

I ran this marathon for the first time in 2009, lured by the interesting waiver I had to sign beforehand. It said something like: "This year's course is littered with the bleached bones of last year's less fortunate runners. Probable causes for not surviving this race include, but are not limited to, freezing, heatstroke, avalanches, fractured skulls from falling off the side of the trail, disorientation and hallucinations due to lack of oxygen, lightning strikes, grizzly bear attacks, snakebites.... Your grieving spouse, orphaned children and other surviving relatives should understand that no non-suicidal person in his/her right mind would attempt to run this race and that, therefore, lawsuits are pointless."

Of course, my husband and I signed up immediately. And both of us survived it. Yes, this marathon is grueling. Near Mosquito Pass, putting one foot of the other while still breathing is not as easy as it sounds. There was some lightning, I did fall on a steep downhill, and I did take a wrong turn and ran three additional miles. This why I gave organization only 4 stars instead of 5 - the aid station with the three trails leading away from it made things a bit confusing for someone unfamiliar with the course.

Apart from these minor mishaps (and it's not like we were not warned), this is an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. The views are gorgeous, the post-run food is great, the volunteers are cheerful (they get the 5 spectator stars), and the other runners are supportive. Leadville is all a trail marathon should be, and more. We'll be back.


Monica Miller from Copper Mountain, Colorado (12/16/2008)
"Lord, give me stength to complete this race...." (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Leadville Trail Marathons

Holy smokes, this is by far the hardest course I've ever tackled, but it was totally worth it. I've done the heavy half twice, once in 2007 and the second in 2008. I was able to complete the 2007 in 7.5 hours (how sad is that?) and unfortunately I did not make it up the top of Mosquito Pass in 2008. I made the mistake of walking the Slacker Half the week before and did not allow myself enough recovery time for Leadville. Call me crazy, but I'm signing up for 2009 and hope to finish in 6.5 hours. I'm a plump, middle-aged, cute walker who loves to get out there and try to participate with the best of them - and Leadville is definitely the BEST! If you're looking for a challenge, a personal goal, and a day of incredible beauty and vistas, then Leadville is the race for you. It's a hard, blood-sweat-and-tears course, but the people who are in charge of the race do an awesome job and you cannot beat the scenery.

Come on out to God's country and enjoy the fun! See you in July.


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