Wayne Wright
April 30, 2024
Boss Marathon
INTRODUCTION: I am a racewalker with a median marathon completion time of 5:26:59. The Modesto Marathon was my seventy-third 26.2-miler accomplished.
COURSE: It was an excellent day for a marathon: 48 degrees, 93 percent relative humidity, overcast, and no wind.
Starting downtown, the first four miles of the marathon stayed in Modesto, initially in residential neighborhoods and then moving on to the industrial district roughly 2 1/2 miles into the race. The only detectable incline was a 30 foot climb up and down what was called by organizers as Mount Modesto, otherwise a Southern Pacific railroad track overpass.
From mile 5 to the middle of mile 24, our course took us west of Modesto into farm land, mostly orchards, but also two easily detectable dairy farms. This part of the course could be considered pancake flat.
Ascending and descending Mount Modesto once again on the return segment at mile 24, we returned to our finish just one block away from where we started. Weather at completion was 61 degrees, 55 percent relative humidity, partly cloudy, and west-northwest wind with speed of 12 mph with gusts up to 18 mph.
Apart from Princeton Avenue between miles 1 1/2 and 2 1/2, the remainder of the course was straight, enabling the runner to easily identify the shortest course.
There were discrepancies between the USATF certified course map and the directions we received during the event. Most of these differences were minor, having little effect on the course distance. However, between miles 4 and 5, travelling northbound on Brink Avenue, we were directed to the left, southbound lane. A sane automobile driver would then take advantage of the empty northbound lane to travel in. Unfortunately, a race official took it upon himself to travel in the runner occupied lane, from behind, forcing half and full marathoners off the road. To add insult to injury, he turned around and did the same thing travelling southbound!
ORGANIZATION: Unusual for a marathon of this size, the entire race was on a closed course. Apart from the previously mentioned race official, traffic control managed by volunteers, Modesto Police, and California Highway Patrol was excellent. Excellent water stop support as well.
Spartan but efficient packet pickup; apart from the technical tee shirt and marathon medal hangar that came as part of the registration premium, no other race merchandise was available for sale.
SPECTATORS: The locals came out to support the runners in fine fashion: lots of cowbells ringing to urge us on. Also, there were two beer stops, one with home brew, to tempt us to delay or abandon the race in favor of suds. No live bands present, but there were a couple of boom boxes in operation during the event.
CONCLUSION: Modesto was forever enshrined in pop culture with the 1973 George Lucas film, American Graffiti. The organizers took advantage of that by hosting the packet pickup in the unfinished Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum, which provided some insight into the cruising culture of the early 1960s and how it tied into the motion picture. Also, the technical tee shirt and finisher medal incorporated the classic automobile theme. As for the race, the course was easy, the weather was great. Well done, Modesto.
Santos Candelario
March 27, 2024
Decent Northern CA Course
As a Modesto Native, I have seen the progression of the organization of this race in recent years. The past two years the organization has seemed to go downhill. This year the bib-pickup was inconvenient, and with very little vendors at the 'expo'. Then, the day of the race we did not get started until 10 min after the race -- with a less than decent MC. The course itself was fine with some locals cheering runners on with treats and signs. There were also water stations every other mile -- and restrooms. Overall, decent race and course, but I would not run it again.
Dayle Wallien
March 12, 2018
Well organized w/ great community involvement
I love events that are all about community and the Modesto Marathon definitely fits that bill, from the charity it supports, to the sponsors, to the participants, to the law enforcement personnel, helpful well-trained volunteers and friendly community members who are cheering on the runners.
The event was well organized with attention paid to details. The organizers have put lots of thought into SWAG, finish area offerings for both participants and spectators, etc. Nice jacket, nice shirt, crazy medal (I swear the thing weighs three pounds, it is like a title weight belt), free photos. Love that you don't have to bus to the start, that there is plenty of easy nearby parking for start/finish.
The course is a little congested at the beginning due to full and half combined start, but since I tend to run small races, I'm probably overly sensitive to this issue. But seriously participants, line up with your pace group, and/or line up at the back if you are a walker - love that you are out there, but let's make it a good experience for everyone!
The course is flat and fast, if a little boring -but I'm not a fan of long straight stretches, and this course had plenty of those. But the water station (super well trained - thank you!) and intersection volunteers and community members do a great job of cheering people on. Depending on the direction of the breeze, you definitely become aware that there are plenty of cows in the area from the aroma (I have agricultural roots, not a criticism, just a fact).
Overall, a great event and I recommend it! Thanks to everyone involved!