Oak Ridge to Kingston Express Marathon & Half Marathon
O2K Marathon - MARCH
O2K Half Marathon- MARCH
O2K Marathon - MARCH
Race Details
This race will cap at 50 total participants, first entered first allowed.
This race is primarily targeted to those seeking a Boston Marathon Qualifying time or Half Marathon performance indicator on a course where qualifications are consistently met. This race course boasts having more BQ performances than not and we hope to attract runners who are trying to hit their age group standards for Boston or other major races.
PLEASE DO NOT JOIN THIS RACE IF YOU DO NOT ANTICIPATE BEING ABLE TO RUN YOUR AGE GROUP TIME STANDARD. Please see link below to note what your specific time goals are: https://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/qualify.
Cut-off times for events will be <2:00 Half Marathon and <4:00 for Full Marathon.
This race will be low key and no frills- No Shirts, No Awards, No Amenities. Runners will be expected to compete among light traffic as the turnpike outside lane will not be closed off, be prepared to share the road with other forms of traffic (no headphones allowed). The first 30-minutes will be lit by street light but will be dark- please prepare to wear bright clothing/ strobe light for safety until the sun rises later during the race.
Water/ Aid stops on the course can be found at Miles 5 & 10 out bound, Miles 16 & 21 For Marathon. Participants should expect to bring any form of support (food, assistance, etc) they may need during competition. Both courses will be CERTIFIED for Age group, National, Regional or Qualifying standards. The Marathon has been confirmed as a USATF Certified course: certifying code TN21010MS.
Course is an Out-and-Back on the Oak Ridge Turnpike with Bike Lane/ Shoulder with less than 600ft total Elevation gain. A half-way split time will be provided.
Half Marathon
Course is a Point-to-Point on a Highway with Bike Lane/ Shoulder with less than 400ft total Elevation gain. Race organizers will provide transportation shuttles from Finish back to start area.
*Some exceptions are possible for those who want to enter after the cap has been met, please email race directors to see if exceptions are possible.
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