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Marathon Details - Escalante Canyons Marathon

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Escalante Canyons Marathon

Escalante Canyons Marathon & Half Marathon, 5K

location icon Escalante, UT USA

calendar icon October 11, 2025

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Race Details

Point-to-point race in southern Utah. This highly scenic course runs between the rustic towns of Boulder and Escalante.

Contact Information

Name: Mary Parkin
Address: P.O. Box 28
Escalante, UT 84726
Phone Number:  617-417-3331
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (11)

Course Rating Course 5.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 11 [displaying comments 1 to 10]
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Lindsay Carl from Layton UT (10/9/2021)
"Incredible scenery, fantastic community!!" (about: 2021)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

As a 50-Stater, I try to go for beauty or uniqueness in my marathons and Escalante Canyons did not disappoint! I know St Georges is a popular one but Escalante is a really cool destination run in and of itself. The course is beautiful & well supported, the organization was seamless, the town has so much to offer for any family/friends that may come to support you (or make a long weekend of it & get in some trails & NPs!), the folks are engaging & friendly and the weather could not have been better. Absolutely perfect! Oh, and the massages at the end were AMAZING! Thank you SO MUCH for having those!!

I put a 4/5 for organization because I felt there could have been maybe one more e-mail close to race day (just a personal preference - all needed info was communicated in previous e-mails ) and a 4/5 for fans only bc there were not many - but those that were there were fantastic!! Great pick for a UT marathon!!! Highly recommend!


M. S. from Greensboro, NC (10/23/2018)
"Fantastic small race" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

I highly recommend this race! In general, I'll just refer you to Scott Campbell's review below - he has totally captured everything I experienced in the race.

If I have to emphasize anything in particular, it's an affirmation that the race organizers do an absolutely fantastic job with the event. They are really passionate about it and obviously know what runners need/want in a race. Even though there were only about 50 people running the full in 2018, they didn't take any shortcuts and treated us incredibly well. I honestly don't think I ever ran for more than 10 minutes without a support vehicle (ATV) driving by to check that I was OK. The aid stations were staffed with the friendliest folks! Take some time to talk to the race organizer, Mary. She is awesome!

And be sure to save some time to spend in the surrounding area. We especially liked Lower Calf Creek Falls and Willis Creek Slot Canyon.


Scott Campbell from El Cajon, CA (10/17/2017)
"Amazing in all Areas" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

I will organize my remarks using the same criteria MG (marathon guide) uses.

Quality - excellent! Yes, you share the road with cars, but 95% of the cars are very runner-friendly, and the organizers do a good job of putting up cones and a really cool sign at the start to alert cars that runners are on the road. In fact, I was more worried about two 1/2 marathoners I was trying to that were running side by side not yielding much room as a big motor home was passing us too. The road has recently been paved, so no surprises (pot holes, etc.). Okay, the real question, the hills. Yes, this is a very hilly course, and don't let the fact that its a net drop of about 600 feet fool you. By the time I hit the flat part towards the end it felt like up hill (and the head wind didn't help at all). If I have one bit of advice, train as much as you can on hills. However, with that said, you can't train enough so respect them and don't plan to run up the entire time or I'm sure it'll catch up with you. Prior to the race someone suggested that I don't run too hard down hill either as it'll catch up on the uphills. I'm not sure this helped much, but it seemed like sage advice. My tip, don't push it too hard either way, especially if your a new marathoner and don't know your limitations. I saw one runner - her first marathon - start really strong only to fall apart late in the race. Oh, and I can't forget about the view. AMAAAAAZING!!! You'd be hard pressed to find a more scenic course......but I've always been partial to Utah. Oh, the altitude. This may have been more of an issue for me than the hills. I'm a flatlander (San Diego) with limited access to higher altitudes. If you live at low elevation but can reasonably train at higher alts, I highly (pun intended) recommended it. I can't honestly say the altitude slowed me down any, but it certainly made the grueling parts much more grueling. I was sucking wind big time!

P. S. I forgot to mention that my family was with me and able to drive the length of course to cheer me on (more on cheering below) and pulled over several times to get some great photos of me with Escalante Canyon in the background. So I'll have many pics on the course...and it's free!! :0

As great as the course is, and that's a lot of the reason why we pick our races, the organization and overall vibe of this race was my best in 13 previous marathons (and I've run large races like San Diego RnR and Boston). Mary, the director, was amazing. So warm and accommodating. She let me switch my shirt from med to small without hassle and answered all my emails in a very friendly manner. The other organizers/volunteers were amazing too. The folks at the carb load dinner (I highly recommend by the way) and in particular the people manning the aid stations, were equally as engaging. Given the small pool of runners, I got the feeling that each aid station was only for me.

I don't need a pep rally the entire time, so the great support albeit very small - at each aid station, and the great support (quality not quantity) at the finish line was, well.....great! Another neat thing about a small race to me is that the finish line is more memorable. All eyes were on me and the announcer called my name out. It was really cool!

If I could give a higher rating I would. This is such a gem of a race. I wish there were more races and organizers like this one.


S. H. from Calgary Alberta (10/29/2014)
"Amazing views, support and community" (about: 2014)

1 previous marathon | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

What a great experience running this race. The course is tough but the views are breathtaking. From the pre race dinner to the post race snacks I felt like a family member. The organizers are passionate about their community and it shows in all they do. I felt fully supported with aid stations, out houses and support vehicles up and down the road. The men, women and children at the aid stations were encouraging and friendly. The local people came out and supported the racers. Highly recommend if you want a small, friendly tough course.


S. V. from Illinois, USA (10/21/2014)
"Spectacular views; great community" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

I found this race through a nation-wide search of marathons on a certain weekend; my family and I decided to use the race as a starting point for planning our vacation, as we have a break from school during October.

Having researched the race course and elevation, I knew it would not be one of my best times and planned to just run it for the experience. The course is amazingly beautiful, especially the hogs back section and descent into the canyon. The uphill sections were as brutal as promised, reducing some runners to walking over some parts. I made it up without walking, but did walk some of the last couple miles, feeling spent from the uphills and probably the elevation.

Overall, this race was a great experience and a highlight of our trip to Utah. The area is amazing with lots of natural sights to explore, the people are great, and the course is challenging. My wife and kids were able to follow me along the race course, even handing me Gatorade from the car window as they drove by. This is the first time I actually attended the prerace dinner, meeting some of the other runners and talking at length with the race director's husband.

I would highly recommend this race to anyone who enjoys a challenging course with great views and a small, supportive community.


Chuck in Cincinnati from Milford, OH (10/16/2014)
"Beauty and the Beast" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

Or should I say ? Incredibly stunning, and insane in spots !
Number 32 marathon for me. Im still a green marathoner to many, but have a pretty good idea of how to describe a marathon for the masses.
First off, I am a marathon finisher, not a marathon racer. I run them how I feel the day of the race.

This is the most beautiful marathon I have done, AND the smallest& (51 finishers, for 2014)
This is a Boston Qualifier course, but dont count on it ! You can expect to add 25 to 30 minutes to your normal time if all goes well ?
My case ? add 47 minutes. I cramped out (normal for me, every few marathons), and walked the last 4 1/2 miles.

I would best describe and reccommend this (for out of town people)
for a group of marathon friends who want to do something different. This marathon is so beautiful, laid back, and well done, and fun to explore as many trails and canyons as you can.

Now for the nuts and bolts:

Travel: (out of town folks) this is a drive from major airports. Closest 3-1/2 hours (St. George) 5 hours (Vegas) 8-1/2 (Phoenix) BUT the drive is so beautiful, you dont realize the time !
First reason for group effort (in my eyes) Perfect to fly to Vegas play a little while, hop into a rented vehicle, and drive to Escalante.

Accommodation: This should be first on the list. Rooms are hard to come-by if you wait ?, because these are small towns, with small hotels or none at all.
Its camper or RV country after all.
This is another reason why I say this should be a group effort. Two to four runners per room or cabin.
We stayed at a place called the Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch. Main lodge has 5 rooms, there are 2 cabins for four, one cabin for 6, two teepees with queen beds, and one tent.
We loved the place.
Ive been told Escalante, has approx. 100 rooms scattered around town.
The other option is a campsite, for the hard core people.
BTW& cell phones are about useless everywhere in the area. You can get a few bars, but its scattered.

Restaurants: scattered and few. There is a small grocery store in town, our ranch has a restaurant and outdoor grills for that route.

Packet pick-up : Is exactly that, all under a shelter. A bag with your bib, shirt, a gel, a protein bar, and a few other little goodies. So be prepared to bring all of your supplies.

The marathon: Great entry fee, Race director Mary & Stew are wonderful folks. Ask a question by contact, you have an answer by the next day.
The start: A flag a chalk line, and Stew with a starter pistol (.357 or 44 Mag ? That thing was loud !) Hey big elk, you need a big gun !!!
Food and drink table at the start too.
Race time is 7:30 AM, but if there is a line at the port-o-lets, theyll wait.
Aid stations: the right amount of water/Gatorade stops, 2 with gels, super friendly volunteers, just enough port-o-pots, but spaced by miles.
The course : All I can say is: STUNNING !!!!
First 1.5 miles is down, then you get a wake-up call with an up 8% grade for another 1.5 miles.
From there till to the 12 mile mark is mostly down with some small rollers. And this area is jaw dropping gorgeous !
All the fun begins at 12.75 miles. The beast starts !!!! WOW&. This is where all of the time starts to add.
At mile 17 you can look way, way, way down to see where youve been, happy and relieved you made it, whether walking or running ?
Mile 18 the uphill is over, and down you go to the finish !

Finish area: nice little spread of food and drink, very relaxed.
There is also a pizza and beer place down the street too.

All in all. A fantastic little marathon, and I will be back, I really enjoyed my time there, even with the drive. You just need to be prepared for this one.
Thank You Mary, Stew, and the town of Escalante !!!! Hope to see you next year ?


K. L. from Denver, CO (10/14/2014)
"most beautiful & challenging race you'll ever run" (about: 2014)

3 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

This race is weaved in the Escalante Canyons between Boulder & Escalante. The scenery can't be beat. The inclines are tough. This race has only been around for a couple years - I am impressed by the organization and loyal community involvement. There aren't many pull offs for spectators! But the community support of the volunteers is enough to keep you going strong! Great area if you plan on camping for the weekend, also many nice quaint lodges/ranches in the area. Definitely poke around the two towns and take advantage of the National Parks in the area! What a PERFECT race weekend! I will definitely run this again!


J. H. from Farmington, UT (10/12/2014)
"Amazing views, amazing challenge!" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

This race is advertised as a beautiful and challenging race, and it lived up to this description. The route and organization were incredible. There were few spectators, but the people along the route, mostly volunteers at the aid stations, were incredible. They did run out of finisher medals, but that was due to the growing popularity of the race. I found great, cheap camping within 5 miles of the bus pick-up in Escalante and the finish line. If you like a challenge, don't need lots of spectators, love beautiful views, and like a good destination marathon, this race is the one for you.


G. K. from Southeast US (10/17/2013)
"You've got to work to get here, but it's worth it" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

This is not an easy race to get to. I stayed 100 miles from the start line and there was not a single fast food restauarant or even an open gas station before the 7:30 AM start. If you need caffeine like I do, you'd better buy a Red Bull the night before.


It is so worth the effort. This is what running a marathon was like before it became popular. A few hearty, cheerful souls, a lonely stretch of road, and a friendly and accessible race director.

The scenery is unlike any other. I must have taken 100 photos. The hills, both up and down, are INTENSE.

But even better than the stunning scenery was the encouraging, friendly, gracious race volunteers.


R. M. from SLC - Utah (10/15/2012)
"Spectacular Canyon Country Course" (about: 2012)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Escalante Canyons Marathon

This must be among be the most beautiful marathon courses in the US, certainly one of the most spectacular in Utah - that's saying a lot. The organizers did a fine job on their inaugural event. And though there weren't a lot of spectators (Escalante is a very small town), their enthusiasm and hospitality was splendid.

If you're thinking about ONE Utah run, consider Escalante. And local/regional runners, add this to your list.


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