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Marathon Details - Toulouse Metropole Marathon

International Marathons > France > Toulouse > Toulouse Metropole Marathon

Toulouse Metropole Marathon

Toulouse Metropole Marathon & Half Marathon, 10K, Marathon Relay

location icon Toulouse, France

calendar icon November 10, 2024

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Marathon Results

Top 3 Finishers by Year

Contact Information

Phone Number:  05 81 91 72 72
Fax Number: 05 62 27 46 47
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (2)

Course Rating Course 5.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 5.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.5 
Number of comments: 2


R. A. from France (8/21/2015)
"Absolutely Fantastic Marathon" (about: 2012)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Toulouse Metropole Marathon

Toulouse was my first marathon when I ran it. Now that I have run several others, I can say it was the best.

The course is great. If you want to set a PR, Toulouse offers a great opportunity. There aren't too many runners, so crowding isn't a problem and the course is very flat. You go out and back from the city. The middle section isn't very interesting, but Toulouse is beautiful.

Organization was great. Pre-race and post-race stuff as you would expect. Pace setters were the best I've ever seen. They hit the half point within a couple seconds of the target time. They even tried to help some people who bonked - going back and helping them get back into the group.

We were unlucky in 2012 with 0 C (32 F) at the start and a very windy day, but sunny. Yet, people were all along the route and the ambiance was excellent. There must have been 20 bands along the course playing all kinds of music. Some speed metal at the halfway mark, the usual drummers, some blues when I was hitting the wall. It was awesome.

Finally, the year I ran the race, there was a deal on the race site for a room at the Crowne Plaza at the town square in 2012 I think it was 120 Euro/night. The hotel is right across from the finish. After I had refueled a bit, I went to my room and took one of the longest, hottest showers I've ever taken. Great restaurants and walking streets right outside the door.


Dan Gritton from London (10/30/2014)
"Great race in a great city!" (about: 2014)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Toulouse Metropole Marathon

I can highly recommend the Toulouse Metropole Marathon. Travelling to Toulouse is easy, fly with either BA or Easyjet and then a 5eur bus ride to the city centre. The expo is at the Capitole Square and stays on throughout the weekend, which is great. Getting to the start is simple just take the metro A or B line. The route itself is mostly scenic and goes few some nice little towns, is basically flat with only a few slight inclines and offers very good pb potential! There are plenty of hotels to choose from plus there are loads of good places to eat too I recommend 'De Danu' for a post race beer! I stayed for 2 nights (Sat & Sun) and had a great time. The weather was beautiful but some may say that it was a little hot for running a marathon. If you enter you won't be disappointed.

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