Great marathon since course change in 2014
I ran this course in 2012 (old course that looped twice) and again this year in 2015. the new course is significantly better than the old one as it no longer loops (although does double back on itself for a short distance a few times).
Undulating hills and was slightly hillier than I expected. Still managed a PB which was great. Excellent organization. Bit chilly at the start line (6 degrees C) but great weather and scenic start outside Old Parliament House. Scenic course the whole way. Spectators were not really there at all, except at the finish. Good pacers and excellent aid stations. A great race, and a massive improvement over the old course.
Janice Barts
April 15, 2012
Boring course: at least it's flat
- Flat course
- Water, sports drink and sponges every 2.5km
- Really great volunteers - every station was well stocked and friendly
- Pretty small marathon field so it was easy to find a pacer and stick to them
- Generous selection of energy gels at 15 and 28km
- Relatively cool weather (hard to find in Australia!)
- Lots of accommodation near the start/finish line
- The course is really boring. The first 10km loop around the parliamentary triangle is ok, then the marathoners do two laps of a highway. Sure there's some pretty water views between the trees but most of the time it's just bitumen. The turn around point goes past a few national buildings but they're not spectacular and definitely not the third time you go past.
- There's very little ambiance unless you BYO supporters or know other people in the race. Even the winner of the men's marathon had to ask the crowd 1km from the finish to show a little more excitement. There were maybe two spots on the course playing music.
- The first part of the race shared with the half marathoners is a bit too crowded going through the narrow streets around parliament.
- No finisher shirt. Also overseas visitors will be very disappointed with the 'expo' to pick up your bib. This year there was a grand total of two stalls and the only freebie in your race kit was a sample few pages from a new women's running magazine. In previous years (before a change in ownership of the race) there were high quality plastic pace bands and more stalls.
I think it's a good race to do if you're local and if you want to shoot for a fast time.
Flat but Boring Course
For such a beautiful city, they sure picked a bland course. It looks like you'll be running by the lake. Well, you are, but on a FREEWAY. And out and back on the same stretch of freeway TWICE. And you get the noise from the other side since it is still open. Not pleasant at all.
And NO SHIRT? HUH? Why no shirt? Basically no restrooms... sorry, ladies; guys used the bushes. And hardly anything at the finish line. Nice people, but they have a way to go in making this a good marathon.